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Chapter Thirteen

The moment I woke up, I decided that I needed to get that locket. I know that that could have been some bullshit dream, tricking myself into believing things that really aren't real. I mean for Godrick's sake, Louis Tomlinson? According to Niall and Josh, he was dead. There was no way that he could really be here or, at least in my dreams. Unless, he was some sort of spirit?

My gut was telling me that I had to figure this out and the only way I could do that was by finding out more about Louis Tomlinson and finding that locket that seemed to be haunting me. 

I climb out of bed and head over to the bathroom. As I do so, I pull my hair out of the french braid I had placed my hair in the previous night. When I reach the bathroom, I take a quick intake of my appearance. My dark hair was in waves from the braid I had just taken out, my face seemed dull and tired, dark bags extremely evident under my eyes. 

I sigh before turning on the tap and splashing my face with some cool water, hoping that the action will either wake me up or at least make me more focused. 

I decide that the best way to get as much done as possible today regarding the locket and the whole Louis Tomlinson ordeal in general is to miss classes today and maximize my time for my search. 

I walk back into my bedroom and head straight to the armoir where I find a pair of old, worn jeans and a faded, purple Green Day t-shirt. I put the articles on as well as lacing up my white converse. I grab my phone from my iHome and the satchel which I had lazily tossed onto the floor the day before which contained my wallet, keys and anything else I'd need for a normal day.

I walk out of the room, sparing it one last glance before shutting the door behind me and heading down the aged hallway. 

I go down the stairs, each step earning me a creek. I maneuver myself to the kitchen to where I see Belle sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. 

"Hi," I say almost unsure, at the sound of my voice, she jumps up and looks dead at me. She doesn't look any better than I do, the same dark circles I had acquired had invaded her face as well, her skin had a pale, sickly tinge to it.

"Oh, it's only you." she says meekly. That statement confused me slightly but I brush it off.

"What's your schedule like today?" I say nonchalontly as I go to the fridge and grab a water bottle, unscrewing the cap and taking a sip as I take a long look at her, examining her as if she were some sort of specimen. I noticed this right away, she was wearing the locket. 

"Um, I have a free morning so I might just hang around here and then in the afternoon I have swim." she replies, stuttering slightly as she spoke. 

"Maybe we could meet for lunch?" I say quickly, I needed to find a way to get to that necklace. 

"Um yeah, just text me whenever. I got to go." she says as she gets up quickly and practically runs out of the room and up the stairs, leaving her unfinised tea and book, open on the table. That was strange. 

I grab an apple and put it into my bag to eat later before heading out the door, switching the water bottle in my hand for my car keys which were located in my sack. 

I get into my car and find myself going to the library which was located on the northern part of campus. The five minute drive consisted of me trying to think of ways to swipe that locket from Belle without her noticing, which is going to be extremely difficult seeing as she never took it off. 

But, wait a second.

Belle was a swimmer.

And swimmers can't wear jewelry in water.

I smile to myself and mentally pat myself on my back, I know where I'm going this afternoon. 

I get to the establishment and once I'm parked I can't help but look up at the building in awe. It was beautiful. The architecture was old and grand, gargoyles located at each corner of the building, green ivy climbing up the stone walls around the large, wood doors with huge, brass handles. 

The inside was almost as exquisite, the library was large and smelled of books, red carpet led throughout the building and you could see the impressive collection of books that must have accumulated over many years, the shelves seemed massive and towered over my small frame. I feel as if I could get lost in here.

I walk over to the imformation desk where a small, mouse-like woman sits in front of a computer, she looks up as I approach and sends a warm smile my way.

"Hello! What can I help you with today?" She says cheerily.

"I'm looking for a book that would include information on one of the dorm houses on campus?"

"Those would be in Section 17 to your left, dear," she gestures to the one side of the library, "let me know if you need help with anything else!" 

"Thank you!" I give her a genuine smile before turning and walking to the section of books. 

I run my hands over the bindings of each and every book until I find just what I'm looking for. 

The book has a rust-colored binding with dusty gold letters spelling out my house name with the years 1908-1987 on it. 

I take the book in my grasp and slide down to the floor where I take a seat and begin skimming through the pages, bits of words and statements catch my eye. 

"...killed all seven of his children including newborn daughter..."


"...hung himself in the kitchen..."

Those were only some of the horrid things included in the books description of the home's awful history. I keep looking until I find just what I'm looking for. 


I quickly go through the page, soaking in all the information as if I were a sponge in water. The pages simply restate everything Niall and Josh told me, how it was so strange that he died the way he did. 

"The boy seemed to have no sign of mental illness which is what confused people the most about his untimely death."

It was more than just some case of mental illness. Naomi knew that. She just needed to find out what that "more" is or, was. 

The next page she turned onto made her breath hitch in her throat. 

Oh my god.

It was him. The boy from her dream.

There was no way of knowing until now.

The boy that visited her in her dream last night had to have been Louis Tomlinson.

For that same face stared back at her through the picture on the page.




It's been a year since I updated and you have no idea how mad I am at myself for allowing that to happen. But, hey, I updated!

I hope you all don't hate me too much!

Let me know what you think in the comments!

socksandstripes x



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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