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Chapter Seven: Part Two

After Josh set everything up, Zayn hesitantly stood up and I watch as he walks over to where Liam is with Danielle. They share a look before looking back towards the group, Zayn notices me looking and smiles attempting to reassure me. This whole situation is making me feel uneasy, I turn back around slowly and see that everyone has one finger from each hand on the wooden planchet. I do the same and Niall looks around at everyone in the group.

"We all remember how this works, right?" Niall says, slurring his words a bit probably still a bit tipsy from before. Everyone nods including me. 

"Alright, let's get started then." Brianna says and we push the planchet over to the top of the board and onto the word 'hello'. As we do this, I feel a slight breeze on my back, I turn around slightly twards the window. It's closed. I turn back around and everyone has their eyes closed, I close my eyes tightly.

This is all a game, I tell myself, just a silly game. The minute I think this, I hear Belle say, "Is there anyone here with us?"

Seconds. Minutes. Nothing. I let out a breathe I didn't realize I was holding and as I'm about to open my eyes, the wooden piece moves. My eyes now snap open, as I watch it slide to 'yes'. Everyone else is watching with wide eyes. We move the planchet back to the center of the wooden board.

"Erm, do you live here?" Harry asks acting bold, but when I look closely at him, I can tell he's shaken up. 

Yet again, the planchet moves to 'yes'. Everyone is looking at each other to see who would ask next. Josh speaks up, "Are you Louis?"

The planchet moves to 'no'. It suddenly felt very cold in the room, I look behind me again to see Danielle whisper something to Liam and walk towards the door. When she is about to walk out the door slams shut. We all jump a bit and Dani shrieks, running into Liam's arms and he holds her close.

"Maybe we should stop..." Mollie says trailling off a bit, before anyone can take their fingers off the piece of wood, I find the courage to ask one last thing.

"If you're not Louis, who are you?" The planchet begins to move. We all watch as it moves to the the different letters.








We all look at each other, fear went through me as I saw this developing in front of my eyes. The hair was standing at the back of my neck. I take my hands off and soon everone else follows, when the last person takes their hand off, you'd think it would stop. It didn't.


When we finally put the letters togather it made sense.

 His killer.

We look up and stare at the board. Holy shit, the planchet moved by itself. We just did ouaji and it actually happened. I'm about to scream or shriek or something but then I hear,


And with that the candle went out. 

Let me know what you thought, just started getting paranormal eh?

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*Not Edited*

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