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The long awaited chapter four!

Chapter Four

Danielle fixed my hair and make up in silence after that but awhile later she was finished. She looked me up and down and squealed.

"You look fantastic!" She dragged me to a mirror in the corner of her room and pushed me in front of it. She straightened my naturally wavy hair, but curled it slightly at the bottom making it bounce when I walk. My eyes have darker make up on making my eyes look smokey and my lips are a light pink, matching my shirt. 

I squeal, "Oh my gosh Dani! I look amazing thannk you!" I turn and hug her she laughs a bit and hugs back when I let go I turn back to the mirror and admire my new friend's skills.

After a minute something in the mirror catches my eye, it looked like someone just walked past Danielle's bedroom door and down the hall way.

I whip around and run to the door way. I look to the left. Nothing. Right, nothing. I'm about to walk insode Dani's room when


This causes me to jump up about five feet in the air, I look back to my right and see that the window that was once open slammed shut.

The wind, I tell myself, just the wind. 

I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder, I turn and see Danielle looking at me concerned.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I give her my best fake smile, "Just a bit jumpy, the window just scared me when it was blown shut."

She gives me a reasurring smile, "You sure?"

"Positive," I link arms with her and drag her to her closet, "Now come on, let's find you something to wear." 

.*.*.*.Unknown POV.*.*.*.

I have to let her know I'm here. I have to keep her safe.


Girl In The Nightmare (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now