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Hello my sock monkeys! I am #597 in Paranormal FanFiction! haha yay! It makes me happy (: Thank you to everyone who commented, and thanks to the few who saw this on twitter! It might take a while to upload between school, field hockey, and piano and theatre lessons but i'll try. So here is Chapter Two, I hope you like it.x

Oh! And follow me on twitter~ @socks_stripes <-------- I made it for my fans <3

Onto the story!


"Hello?" Honestly Naomi hopes she sees nothing and that it was just her overactive imagination, but when she turns the corner she bumps into a girl with bright brown eyes filed with surprise that morph into excitement. The girl gives her a hug and Naomi laughs a bit and hugs back. The girl finally lets go smiling.

"Hi! You're Naomi right?" Naomi simply nods still smiling, "Well, I'm Danielle but you can call me Dani. You're sharing this place with me along with three other girls. You'll get to meet them later tonight, have you had a chance to check out the house yet?"

"I've walked around this floor a bit but haven't really gone anywhere else."

"Well, I can show you around after we unpack your stuff, sound good?"

"Great," they smile to each other and Naomi walks towards the bottom of the stairs towards te boxes of her stuff.

"This your stuff?" Danielle asks. Naomi gives her a look that says 'who else's?', "Right, lets get these upstairs then." Danielle rolls up her sleeves and picks up the box nearest to her and Naomi does the same, and they start their way up the narrow stairway.

"Which room is mine?" Naomi asks when they get to the top.

"the one all the way at the end to your right," she replies, they walked in silence until they reached the door, when Naomi pushed it open she let out a small gasp. The room was medium sized with a tall ceiling and light blue walls, a desk like the one in the living room, an armoir, and a door on the other side of the room. 

"How come no one lives in here now? It's brilliant!" Naomi asks turning back to Dani who was setting the box by the door way and dusting off her hands. 

"Well, all four of us tried it but we didn't feel comfortable in here, and with the door tithe attic and everything, well I don't know, it just didn't seem right," Danielle replies with a small frown on her face but shakes it off, Naomi sees it though, Danielle changes the topic, "so we should get the rest of the stuff ya?"  

Naomi just nods her head and follows her downstairs. 


In two hours, both girls brought up the rest of her stuff and put the bed together. By the time they finished it was a little after one. Danielle put the last pillow on the bed and flopped down on the freshly made bed, her stomach grumbled and she turned so she faced Naomi, "Do you want to get a bite? We didn't have lunch yet..." 

"Sounds good," both girls get up and straighten themselves out before heading down the hallway and back down the creaky stairs. Before Naomi leaves she makes sure she has her car keys and phone, when she's sure she has everything she goes out the door and shuts it, Danielle locks it behind them.

As they climb into Naomi's car, they blast the radio and sing along, laughing the whole time as Danielle was trying to give directions. Thankfully they made it in one piece. The place Dani directed them to was a quaint, little coffee shop on the opposite side of campus.

"Do you want to get us a table while I order?"

"Sure," Naomi tells her what she wants and sits down at a table by the window, as she stares out the window as she does she notices something go behind a tree directly infront of the cafe but it was slightly covered by a tree so she couldn't see exactlt what or who it was. she starts drumming her fingers on the table and starts to drift off into her mind.

Why did Dani react the way she did when I asked her about the room?

What's wrong with the bedroom?

What's in the attic?

Did Harry now about what was going on? I will have to ask him tonight.\

What should I wear tonight?

Is Harry going to text me?

She was awoken from her thoughts by a bvibrating coming from her pocket. Her phone. She checks and sees its from Harry. Think of the devil and he shall...text?

From: Harry(;

hey love, the shows @ 7 @ the pub down the street from uni. hope to see you there.xx

She smiled at the text and quicley sent a reply.

To: Harry(;

hello there(: I'll be there don't worry your curly little head haha.x

"ooh, who you texting?" Danielle said setting down the tray with their coffee and muffins, taking a seat accross from Naomi. Naomi blushed a bit.

"I met one of the neighbors, Harry, today. He helped me move things inside and we switched numbers, no biggy."

"Harry, curly haired Harry?" Naomi nods, "he's in a band with my boyfriend, Liam. They are preforming tonight, you coming?"

"I think so."

"You can meet the rest of the girls there tonight I suppose. So, Harry s quite attractive eh?" Dani says waggling her eyebrows suggestively. Nami quickley changes the subject, taking a sip of her coffee.

"So tell me about this Liam of yours."


***Unedited Chapter****

That's all for today folks! Like it, dislike it? Let me know! Anyway more importantly! Do any of you guys want to be or make a character in my story? If so...



Eye/hair color:


Fave member of band besides Louis and Liam:


I only need three so I will choose the first three that inbox me! lot of love.xxx

Vote, Fan, Comment!



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