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As you slept, you could feel shuffling and shifting beside you. You slightly opened your eye,

Camilo? You thought. You could only see a figure through the darkness.

You didn't think much of it, Camilo probably just wanted to use the bathroom. You closed your eyes once more.

You were about to fall asleep again until you felt as if someone picked you up.

You opened your eyes, widening them. "Camilo!" You whisper-yelled. He looked back at you, "Oh, you're awake?" he quietly said.

"Are you kidnapping me?" You asked. The boy quietly chuckled, "Of course not, Cariño!" he gave you a smile.

"I just wanted to sneak out with you.." He admitted. "And you thought you could do that so easily while carrying me on your back?" You asked.

Camilo chuckled again, "You don't know what I'm capable of." He somehow climbed out of the window, with his hands still holding onto your legs.

"Hey! I didn't agree to this!" You whisper-yelled. "Too late." The shapeshifter smirked.

"What if Dolores heard us?" You asked. Camilo hummed, "Who cares?" he replied.

You nodded, "I do.." you mumbled.

"Wait- How are you gonna get down from up here?" You asked. "Simple, I jump." He nonchalantly said. "How are you gonna do that?!" You exclaimed.

He chuckled, "You ask too many questions, Hermoso/Hermosa." he then jumped off the roof, and Casita somehow caught him by raising a slide from the ground.

"Thanks Casita!" Camilo grinned. Casita move some tiles and went back to bed.

"You can let me down now." You announced. Camilo hummed, "Nah.." you grumbled.

Camilo suddenly flipped you around him, now so he can carry you bridal style.

You gave him a glared, earning a wink from him in return. "Vamos, mi Príncipe/Princesa.. (Let's go, my Prince/Princess..)" He grinned at you.

You sighed.


"Here we are.." You tiredly opened your eyes, seeing a beautiful river with multiple colors.

Your eyes widened, "Are we.. outside of the Encanto?" you asked. Camilo hummed, "I came here ever since the boarder divided." he sat you down by a tree, sitting beside you.

"How did you walk all the way here?" You asked, turning your head to look at the shapeshifter. "I didn't, I used a horse."

"Huh.. best friends for ten years and I never knew you took on horse riding." You nudged the boy's shoulder.

Camilo snorted, "I didn't." he laid his head on your shoulder.

You hummed.

"The river looks lovely.." You smiled. "Not as lovely as you.." Camilo whispered. You raised an eyebrow, "What was that?" you asked. "Oh nothing.." He replied.

He then rested his head on your lap. "Can we stay here till morning?" Camilo asked. You chuckled, shaking your head, "Course we can't, Cami.."

The boy pouted, "Why not?" he asked in a baby voice. "The others will get worried if they noticed we're gone." You said, silently counting his freckles by poking each freckle he has. He seems to like it as he has pleased smile on his face.

"We can stay here for ten more minutes." You smiled.


"Hey Lovebirds! Wake up!" Mirabel yelled. You shot up with bags under your eyes. "Woah- Did you even get any sleep?" Catalina snorted.

𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 - 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗼 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now