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I stood there awkwardly with Pha's mother who was very awkward too. I cleared my throat and invited her to take a seat whilst I fixed her a cup of tea.

"I hope tea is OK?" I stammered out. Ms Sik nodded her head and said thank you. I sat down near her and we just sat like that for a couple of mins.

"I am sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier. It wasn't right of me." She started. I looked at her, wondering how this was gonna go.

"I love my son, just want the best for him. I don't believe in same sex relationships so that is something I don't know how to deal with but it doesn't mean I should be rude to you. My husband loves me dearly and for him to step up and react like that; I must have misplaced my anger on you. "

I was stunned. I didn't expect her to be this sensible. She sounded like Pha sometimes, just honest to goodness people who clearly acted on their feelings but didn't necessarily mean harm.

"I, I cannot say I accept you and Pha completely. But give me time. I need time to adjust to it. But I am sorry for scolding you so terribly."

I accepted her apology graciously and realized her tea was untouched. I looked at her questioningly and she gave me a tiny sheepish smile, stating that she doesn't like tea and prefers coffee. I chuckled. I told her I make her a fresh cup of coffee. She waved her hands away, stating she will drink but I disagreed. Just then, both Pha and his dad came back. I told her that Pha loves tea so he can have that whilst I fixed her coffee. I took the opportunity to go to the kitchen and left the family alone to chat. About a min later, Pha's father joined me.

"Thank you for listening to her. She is a good person like I said. But she will need time to adjust to the fact that Pha likes a boy. I hope you be patient."
I smiled at his father, this man was so sweet. It was hard for me to disagree.

I went out with him and we joined Pha and his mother. I invited them for dinner too, holding my breath to see if she accepted it. Thankfully, she did. We had dinner together. Surprisingly, Pha's father stepped up, made easy conversation and we all settled into a positive easy going camaraderie.

They left around 9pm and Pha went to send them to the lobby. I cleaned up and sat on the bed, playing a game. Pha came back, took off his shirt and slipped into the bed with me. He snuggled into me, thanking me softly for playing nice with his family. I looked over at this cutie, our very first meeting flashing in my mind.

I chuckled then, remembering how silly I had been, rushing off, spilling his drink, offering to wash clothes when I don't know how to, the weekend after that, the beach trip, our first night together. It has been a long journey. Its only been a few months but I felt like we have just gone through alot.

I msut have zoned out for I found Pha trying to get my attention. I snapped back to reality and smiled at my sweet boyfriend who responded by kissing me. Well if Mister Nice wants to play hooky, who am I to say no?

The night was a well spent one, just like the other night at Pha's. Only difference this time, we swapped roles. Damn that boy.

Take My Heart, will you? (PHAXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now