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Lam and I went on our first proper date to a fancy restaurant over-the-weekend. He pulled out all the stops and though I was very much appreciative, I couldn't help but feel like Lam was coerced into this. Its not his style at all. So just before we went back to the dorm, I managed to coerce it out of him and found out that Beam had suggested this.

I rolled my eyes at this; "Lam, it doesn't matter where we go for our dates. What's important is both of us are comfortable and happy in it. Tell me honestly, what would you like to do?"

Lam hemmed and hawed before he confessed that he always wanted to go on long bike rides and camping. That set the tone for our 2nd date and we had so much of fun!

This became our routine, working our butts off in school Monday to Friday and going on the occasional date over the weekend or sleeping over at each other's dorms. Lam was a very sweet guy, all pure teddy bear kindness underneath that tough exterior.

Soon, I had to go off for an out of town Medic Camp as part of our practicum experience. Our boyfriends saw us off and Lam promised to go visit my parents  whilst I was away. That was sweet of him, given that Mother still hasn't warmed up to him yet.

Over the Medic camp, I received a text from my dad that Moher was ill and had collapsed at home. Since he had been away at work too, by the time he received the news, she was already admitted in the hospital. I freaked out and wanted to rush back but he assured me she was in very good hands, was also told firmly by him that she said i had to compete my camp then come back.

I was worried but I also knew that if I went back mid way, I would just earn her ire even more so I completed my practicum to the best of my efforts and then I made my way back home, to see her. I was told to go home as she was already resting at home. When I reached, I found Lam's shoes outside along with his bike. I went in, calling for them.

I saw my dad in the TV room, watching his favorite show. I was puzzled then I went to ask where was mom.

He mentioned she was in the garden. I made my way there, stunned completely in my tracks by what I saw; mother enjoying her scones and coffee whilst Lam was peacefully puffing away next to her. Most importantly, they were chatting and I even saw Lam break out in a smile or two, whereas my mother was looking at Lam completely besotted!

What the heck was going on?

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