2. You have a problem ?

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A/N - not edited

Cain's POV

We barged straight into the city hospital . Where I asked the receptionist, who looked pretty scared , for Dr. Stanley. But adding fuel to my already growing anger , she said that Dr. Stanley wasn't available today. What actually happened was that me , Cyd - my beta and Daniel - my gamma , were looking for some information from the leads that we got . But then we were ambushed by some twelve or thirteen werewolves . Those bastards had used wolfsbane coated bullets and three of them were currently inside Daniel . And we needed to get them out in order for him to heal using his werewolf abilities.

I was going to speak again but then the lady asked me to follow her . We were taken in a room where oxygen was immediately attached to Daniel , who was lying on the stretcher and groaning in pain . When I asked for the doctor, they said that they were arranging one . What the hell did they mean by arranging  one ? 
" I want Dr. Stanley here in 2 minutes." I shouted with power and authority evident in my voice. The lady cowered and scrambled out of the room . Cyd placed a hand on my shoulder and I visibly calmed . I don't lose my temper often but Daniel was important to me and I already knew how it felt to lose a loved one . I looked at Daniel , a nurse was cleaning the excess blood from his wounds . Then the lady from earlier entered the room again .
" Gentlemen , Dr. Mia Chrismen would be treating this patient and she would be here in a minute . Please keep patience." She said .
" I don't want my friend here to be treated by some pathetic assistant. We are ready to pay double or triple the fees , just get Dr. Stanley . You people have already wasted 5 minutes ." I said each and every word clearly and loudly. The thing was that Dr. Stanley was the best in the city and I only wanted the best for Daniel.
" Sir we didn't waste any time , we were preparing for the surgery. And Mr. Stanley himself appointed Dr. Mia . " She said and left the room . Cyd went behind her , maybe in order to negotiate or something.
" Who the hell is this doctor ?" I said in frustration , to no one in particular.
" I am the doctor here . You have a problem with that ?" asked a sweet yet strong feminine voice from behind me .
I turned around only to be met by the most gorgeous creature I have ever laid my eyes on .
She took two deep breaths and then smiled .
" Sorry for the wait ."she said masking her agitation .
Her eyes were dark , darker than the night. Her velvet black hairs flowed to her waist. Her smile though fake lighted the whole room . And I at once knew that she was my mate. The first word that came to my mind was mate . The second was beautiful...hell breathtakingly beautiful. But the word that came out of my mouth was - sexy .
" Did you say something ?" She asked while looking at Daniel carefully .
I shook my head vigorously . Oh moon goddess what's wrong with my words . And worse what's wrong with my brain , it's playing all of my wildest dreams in front of my eyes . I took in deep breaths and shut my wolf off . It was a sin to even think this way when my friend was suffering so much.
I looked up to find that Daniel was being taken out of the room and she was walking beside him . I walked up to her and said in a futile attempt to make conversation " He has got three bullets , one in left side and one in shoul-"
She elegantly raised her right hand and said " I know my work." With this she moved out .
Darn it
That girl just shutted me . The prince of werewolves. Oh moon goddess I am sure you picked this one from millions. 
I followed them to the operation theatre as Cyd joined me on the way . I was just about to step inside, when she came at the door and said " You can't come in ."
" And why can't I come in ?" I retorted in my prince tone .
She looked at me like if it wasn't for the hospital's protocols she would have punched me , if she had that much strength . I found it amusing .
" Are you a six year old ? Do I need to explain you that people are not allowed inside the surgery room ." She said in a polite tone .
Well , people might not be allowed . But I am no people , I am me.  I was about to retort but then the nurse shouted from inside . "Madam the patient's heartbeat is slowing down ." Oh shit .
" Don't blame me if your friend dies." She said and closed the door on my face .
Cyd came up to me and said " let's wait here dude ." Seems like the only option left.  We waited there for almost four hours. 
" That doctor. Something is up with her . Her aura was...." Cyd siad while we were waiting.
" Different" I completed for him . I noticed that her presence felt different from werewolves or humans . He just nodded .
" The news is that she is my mate ." I informed him . His face earlier reflected shock but then he grinned and said
" Congratulations dude ! She is fantastic but she is gonna be a tough one ."
I know man , I know .

A/N :- Hey lovely people ! How was this chapter ? Please let me know about your opinions on my characters in the comments !

Q- What's the matter with Mia' s aura ?

Btw I heard a nice joke today , so I am gonna share it with you guys
" I want to die peacefully in my sleep , like my grandfather....not screaming and yelling like the passenger in his car ."

15 votes for the next chapter ! ( P.S - I will post it anyways. ;) )

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