1. Morning sunshine

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Mia's POV

Beep - Beep - Beep

I woke with the sound of my annoying alarm , which was yelling at me to get up . I looked at the cloak - 4:00 am . Yeah that's my usual time to get up . I quickly went through my bathroom schedule , which included a long shower . Then I sat in my reading corner  with a warm mug of coffee and my favourite book in hand , it was already 5:00am . I read for an hour and then picked up some pending reports of some patients and went through them . At 7:30 am I finally got up and got dressed in my usual two piece - pencil skirt and shirt . I then went to the little shrine that I had made in my home and looked at the picture of my beautiful mom who was smiling at me through her portrait. " Dear mom ,  I still miss you and I still love you . I hope wherever you are, you are happy and smiling. I also hope that you still love me and I am making you proud just like I promised . Today is an important day for me . So , bless me with your love ." I said , wiping a single tear , I talked to her everyday as if she was listening cause I believed that she was . And then I rushed  straight to the hospital.

The morning sun was shining lazily in the sky and anyone who had an eye for beauty could see the fresh dewdrops on the grass . The road was starting to get busy with people and cars rushing here and there . Everyone was up for work . Well , I enjoyed seeing this , everyone is busy with their own piece of work in their own little world . No matter what is going on in their personal life , they are all playing their part professionally . Then my phone vibrated , breaking my train of thoughts. So I took it out to check it .

Morning sunshine ! The sun is up , the sky is blue. Today is beautiful, so are you . 
- Ryan

I rolled my eyes reading the cheesy text sent by my best friend . Ryan was my best friend since we were sixteen . He was the only man in my life whom I was close to . He was a Playboy and flirt by nature. But still the level was increasing day by day . So I texted back .

How do you even come up with so much cheesiness , so early in the morning ?

To this he replied
I only state the truth sweetheart . It's just you who find it cheesy . Anyways I just wanted to wish you luck . Everything will be alright . - Ryan

I smiled reading this . He always finds a way to say that he cares . I texted a thank you and then parked my car in the hospital parking lot.

I am an undertraining neurosurgeon by profession. It was my dream to work with Mr. Stanley , the head surgeon of our team and today I am going to work with him . With all these thoughts swirling in my head I walked inside the hospital , only to be met by utter chaos . People were running here and there and someone was shouting . Well that isn't normal . I thought about checking it out but then decided the better of it . I won't let anything trouble myself today . I will just focus on the surgery ahead , it's an opportunity of a lifetime . And I definitely won't let it slip .

Just as I walked a few more steps Emilia came running to me . With files in one hand and a blood bag in another.
" Whoa ! What's the hurry girl ?" I asked her . Emilia is my closest friend after Ryan . We work together and she is pretty cool .
" Dr. Stanley he...he wants you...to attend to a patient." She said panting.
" I know we have a major surgery today , that's where I am going but we still have time . " I said as someone runned past us.
" No , not that silly . He wants you to attend to an emergency case . They just came five minutes back .You will have to miss that surgery " She said .
" What?! Is this some silly joke ? I have been waiting for this day for so long . They can't do this to me . Tell any other doctor to see that patient." I said in an angry tone .
" I know girl , I know how important this is for your career but those people are quite important and Dr.Stanley wants the best to treat them . As he is busy himself , so he asked you ." She explained me .
Then I heard a male voice shouting , well the same voice has been yelling throughout our conversation but this time it was close .
" See , those guys are very impatient. They are going haywire . So quickly go and do your job . Save lives ." She said again . She knew I was still angry .
" Fine , let's see who these people are ." I said taking the files from her and marching towards the emergency ward .

A/N :- Hey! So what do you guys think about Mia and who are these people who shattered her dreams ? And is it only her dream project that is shattered or is life going to be the same ?
Lemme know in the comments !

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