4. Saviour

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Cain's POV

I was left standing there, just as she pushed past me and walked away. I was at a loss of words and certainly at a loss of explanation for her weird behaviour. Mates weren't supposed to react that way. She was completely oblivious to all this and pushed me away like I was just some other guy . On the other hand , I was completely smitten by her . She was sassy , beautiful , smart and hot . My poor heart jumped out of my chest the moment I saw her , but only to be missed by her and fall onto the ground and break into a hundred pieces.

" Daniel is awake . " Cyd came and told me . So we both went to meet him . He was lying on the bed with all those IVs and machines attached to him . But his wounds certainly looked better .

" How are you feeling man ?" I asked him while sitting on the chair beside his bed .

" I was good you know but now I am even better especially after seeing that hot nurse . " He said grinning . I rolled my eyes at him . If he is back to girls that means he is definitely better .

" Now that you are back in your senses . We need to discuss a few matters . " I said and turned my attention to Cyd . " That bloke who supplied us the information , he was your informant , wasn't he ?" I asked Cyd .

" Yes , he was ." Was all he said . " But that idiot fed us false information and the result is in front of your eyes . " I said in extra calm voice , while gesturing towards Daniel. " He was a trusted source . I don't know what turned him against us . " Cyd said .
" Our enemy's power is increasing. We need to take action and quick . " Daniel said .
" I think we should check the place where we were attacked . Maybe they left some clues , some scent anything . Actually I will check it myself tonight. " I said desperately. Our enemy is already two steps ahead . They had the audacity to bribe our informant and then attack us in open daylight. The mere thought angered me to no limits . I knew that in this game one wrong move from our side and the game is over .
" Why wait for the night ?" Daniel asked .
" You know those sedatives are doing a good job on you. Your mind isn't working on even its average turtle speed .He can't go in broad daylight and give a performance in his wolf form to all the onlookers on the street , now can he ?" Cyd supplied the answer . He is the smartest in the group . That's why he is my advisor and second in command.
" This reminds me when are we going home ? This bed is really tiny and even though those sedatives are doing a good job on me , I still can't sleep . " Daniel said while air quoting Cyd's words.
" Really Dany ? This is what is on your mind in such a situation?" Cyd said using the name that Daniel hated . He hates that name because his so-called ex-girlfriend used to call him that and later we got to know that she was only after his money.
" Don't call me Dany . I know you are being so daring only because of my condition. If I weren't on bed I would have ripped you to shreds . " Daniel said , pretending to be angry.
" Yeah yeah " Cyd mocked and walked out .

After getting Daniel discharged from the hospital , we took him home . Our house was far away from the hustle and bustle of the city . It was both to get some natural air and to avoid unwanted attention. We reached home sometime in the evening and after having dinner , we all departed to our respective rooms . Anne , my little sister wasn't home . So I called her but it went to voicemail. That happens alot . She is home sometime and then out , without even telling anyone . But I don't interrupt her as she is a full grown girl , not to mention a werewolf , who can take care of herself . And she helps us in finding information in her own way , from her own sources . So maybe after hearing about today's incident she went out to gather whatever she can .

It was almost midnight when I reached the place where we were attacked.The streets were eerily quiet and it felt like the whole world was resting at the same time . Not knowing that this was the time when demons come out and take away all those who aren't awake enough in their sleep to fight them . I parked my car a street away as that alley was not big enough. I took off my clothes and turned into my grey wolf . Then I looked around the area . We have heightened senses in our animal form but still I wasn't able to locate anything out of the box . I looked closely until I found some blood spots littering the floor. These must be of those bastards. I smelled them with my muzzle
but to my surprise all of them had the same scent . We can hide the scent on our body but not in the blood . So all the blood having same scent meant two things either it was of the same person, which was very unlikely , or they somehow covered the scent of their blood , which was equally unlikely. I was just thinking about all the other explanations for this bizarre observation when I heard a scream . It was instantly muffled and it sounded far . Any human ear would not have been able to detect it but werewolves have sharp hearing. I knew that someone screamed , actually a girl screamed. Then I ran to the source of the sound. It was a street apart from where I was .

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