5. Kidnapped

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Mia's POV

I was surrounded by utter darkness. Though my mind was working but my body was another story . I wasn't even sure if my limbs were still attached to my body . It felt like I was caged in this darkness , I couldn't move , I couldn't speak. Nothing was in my control. This was the same situation I found myself in a few years ago. My hands were tied by the almighty and I was left in a dark room . Thrown there to witness, helplessly , as everything I loved was dragged away from me and burnt to ashes. I just existed in that darkness , grieving and lamenting but when the pain became too much to bear , my soul became numb . That's when fear crept its way to my heart , fear from this brutal world, fear from the darkness that I knew had become an inseparable part of my life . But then my mom's words found their way from my ear to my soul .

" Don't fear the darkness , my child. Instead be wary of the light. Light has a source, that can be extinguished . And when it is extinguished it gives us all sorts of pains and fears . But darkness has no source , it just exists . And that's why it never leaves us alone . So befriend it . "

I woke with a start . The first thing I felt was something soft beneath me . I tried feeling my limbs and fortunately I was able to move them slightly. Thank God, those were just some sad memories from the past . I haven't thought about them in years but as they say painful things in life always have odd timings. I slowly and cautiously opened my eyes. Once my vision was clear , I noticed that I was in a dimly lit room . My body was lying on a huge king sized bed, with silk covers drawn over it . I relaxed in the comfort of the soft cushions. But then it hit me , I wasn't in my room ! Memories from last night came rushing back .
Oh good lord ! That wolf in the disguise of a sheep ...curse him . He kidnapped me ! I shouldn't have trusted him . But I was so exhausted last night that my mind was hardly working and not to mention I was a little scared ...a little. What do I do now ? I am not tied . But the door is locked. I can escape from the balcony. But I won't survive the fall . Damn it .

Calm down Mia . Breathe . One more time. Very good. Once again. I saw a sealed potable water bottle on the bedside table. This couldn't possibly be poisoned . So , I chucked it down in two gulps .

Just as my heart rate became normal, the sound of the door opening made it faster once again. This way I will become a patient of hypertension in no time .
" Good to see you awake . I thought I would have to kiss you out of your sleep , just like the prince that I am ." Said a voice that I very well recognised by now .
" You jerk ." I shouted. It's not normal for me to shout , maybe the adrenaline is taking control.
" Yes darling , I am here ." He said while stepping in and shutting the door.
That's the problem that you are here , I thought. He turned on the lights and started moving towards the bed , that was in the centre of the beautiful but dark room . I instantly sat up and backed away from him , until my back hit the hardboard.
" Calm down , calm down." He said while rolling his eyes . He sat himself on the couch not far from the bed.
" You kidnapped me and now you are asking me to calm down?! Don't you think that's a little too much to ask . " I told him in a voice that was slower than before.
" Do you have a habit of always jumping to conclusions?" He asked with amusement in his eyes . Those blue eyes that were capable of trapping almost anyone inside them . But not me .
" I just have a habit of analysing the situation. And from what I can see here , last night you were at my house, trying to help me and then I find myself here with you and...." Just as I was speaking I looked at him to find a dreamy look in his eyes . He even had a smile on his face . Gosh! I am discussing business and he is thinking about god knows what .
" Why are you smiling?" I asked. If it was another situation, I would have even complemented his smile but right now my life is at stake and he could be a murderer for all I know.
" You are so beautiful . Won't you be mine?" He whispered as if it wasn't for me to hear . I stared at him with narrow eyes and then he cleared his throat.
" See , we need to talk . So sit back , relax and listen carefully." He said . I nodded for him to continue , which surprised him , maybe he was expecting an argument. But this habit comes with my job , when you are a doctor you know that it is important to listen as much as it is to speak.
" First things first, I didn't abduct you. You just passed out after the action scene you played last night. And I certainly couldn't leave you alone in that house, when more attackers might have been lingering around , seeking for an opportunity. So I brought you to my place and we are in my bedroom right now. Any questions?" He completed and paused for me .
" Everything makes sense but why take all this trouble in the first place?" I asked genuinely curious about his behaviour.
" Yeah , I will come to that but first I need you to tell me what exactly happened last night. Each and every detail that you remember. ." He said .
" Well , it was around seven in the evening when I got home from work . I took a long , warm shower using my strawberry flavoured body wash . Then I wrapped myself in a fluffy white towel and came out of the restroom. " He cleared his throat and I looked at him to find that dreamy look again . But then he closed his eyes and shook his head and said " I would love to see these scenarios some other time darling. For now , stop distracting me and tell me the relevant details." I narrowed my eyes at him . What did he mean by see ? And it was his fault that he got distracted, not mine . He is a jerk . But then I continued.
" Okay , so at around eight , I went on a dinner with Emilia , Ryan and two coworkers in the Italian restaurant downtown. After that I returned home and after some work , I went to bed . But later in the night, I was woken by a loud sound. I instantly went down with two knives in my hand and then I saw a man , a huge man . He had broken in from the window and was covered from head to toe . Just as he saw me he came towards me and asked me to come with him without making any trouble. But I threw a glass vase at him , which surprisingly didn't effect him much . He then told me that he didn't want to harm me. But I shouted back and told him that I won't come anywhere with him . He then lunged towards me but I side stepped, he tried again and this time I stabbed my knife in his right eye . He faltered for a moment but was ready to attack again. But then he went running to the window from where he came . That's when you barged in . " I told him everything honestly. His expression was deadly serious .
" Did he carry any weapon with him ?" He asked.
" Not that I am aware of." I replied.
" So that confirms my suspicions, that attacker was a werewolf. " He said while looking straight in my eyes.
" How are you so sure ?" I countered.
" It's simple any normal burglar won't come empty handed. If they intended to rob you then they would have carried a weapon. Maybe just for show or for using. But they definitely would have. " he explained.
" And also that person knew that you would be alone. That means they know a good deal about you." He added.
" What makes you say that?" I asked .
" Have you heard the story where a man in US took a banana in his pocket and robbed the bank? The employees gave him the money because they thought he had a gun . In reality it was just a trick ." He asked.
" What are you implying here ?" I asked .
" That man didn't even take the trouble to keep a trick up his sleeve . He was so sure of the situation that he was putting himself in that he didn't bother to take precautions. You don't fear something when you know something. So , he knew about you ." He concluded.
I just nodded my head too stunned to say anything. My life was completely normal just eighteen hours ago and now I am being told that some werewolf dude attacked me and has been spying on me . I felt so overwhelmed.
" I know this is too much to handle . " He said with an apologetic smile .
Instead of replying I just looked at him . I was so amazed by his reasoning. Just yesterday this guy was acting completely senseless and today he is speaking like Sherlock.
" You didn't answer my question. " I pointed out . I still needed to know why was he helping me and why it mattered to him .
" Oh yes , so about why I helped you last night . I was attending some business nearby , I heard a scream and I ran to help . Just my luck , the person came out to be the sassy doctor that I met that day ." He told with honesty shining in his eyes.
" What were you doing so late in the night?" I asked as it was still hard to believe that it was mere coincidence.
" Searching for someone or something ." He replied.
" Why at midnight?" I asked.
" You know I am a werewolf , so I was searching in my wolf form ." He explained.
" Fine . But why did that guy run away just as you came ? Because I am sure he was still in the condition to fight." I inquired.
" I am making a guess here , maybe he sensed my presence as he was a werewolf himself. " He guessed.
" Just for the record , you fought him quite well. But why hit the eye ? Gut would have been easier." He asked out of curiosity.
I just shrugged and replied " I was just trying to cut a nerve that was the nearest to the brain . It would have paralyzed him . One correct shot would have done the work . As for gut , I would have had to do it again and again, which didn't seem possible. But I missed the shot , he was quick. "
He seemed really impressed. I could see the pride that was swimming on the surface of his eyes.
" That's my girl ." He said with a huge smile. I just ignored his words of possession and focused on the matter at hand.
" So you are saying that you just helped me because I needed help and you would have done the same with anyone else ?" I confirmed.
" I would have helped them yes but I wouldn't have brought them to my place and least my room." He replied truthfully.
" So why do that for me ?" I asked with confusion .
" Because I care for you ." He answered instantly.
" Why ?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
" Well...umm... because... let's just say that you are special to me ." He said while struggling to find the suitable words.
" You are not making sense you know. I just met you yesterday. " I stated.
" What does that have to do with anything?" He questioned as if really not knowing.
" Let me try again, how can I be special to you, when we don't even know each other ? Or know each other for such a short time ? " I reasoned .
He just smiled and said with that dreamy look again." You don't need time to figure it out , when it's the right person. "
" Figure out what exactly?"
His smile just widened and he shook his head.
" Just know that you need my help right now . And I am more than willing to protect you ." He told .
" Why do you need to protect me ? I don't think that guy will try again." I don't know if I was assuring him or myself.
" Didn't you hear him ? He wanted you for some reason , unharmed. So that definitely means he will try again until his or his boss's work is done ." He said in a matter of fact voice.
" Even then , I don't need your help. I will go to the police. You are a complete stranger to me . " I stated.
" And you are in that stranger's bedroom from last nine hours , perfectly unharmed. And as for the police, they won't be able to help you when werewolves are involved." He countered.
Okay , maybe he has a point. He didn't harm me , at least till now . Actually he did quite the opposite. And cops won't be much help either.
" But I still don't know you ." I said .
" I am Cain Arker , the crown prince of the werewolf world. I am your king , so serve me well." He said while smirking.
" What?!! " I asked in disbelief.
How did my life get so messed up ? For almost my entire life I didn't had any contact with werewolves. I just knew that they existed . And now some werewolves are after me and some are trying to help me . If my mom knew all this she would have killed the guy sitting in front of me . She really hated werewolves, even I do .
" Yeah darling, I am the king. But now we will talk later. " He said while standing up .
" Okay , I will take my leave. " I said while standing up as well. He put a gentle hand on my shoulder and pushed me down on the bed .
" You are not going anywhere . Take your rest , you need it ." He said.
" I am going home ofcourse." I said standing up again.
" This is your new home darling." He said while walking out of the door and closing it behind him .
What the hell?!

A/N : Greetings everyone ! How are you people?
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