6. Right And Wrong

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Mia's POV

I just sat on that bed too stunned to even move. That man just left me locked in a room. And that man is no one else but the prince of werewolves. Oh good lord . I didn't know what was going on in my life. All this felt like some weird dream, I won't say a nightmare but certainly not a sweet dream either . After ten minutes of sitting like a statue the fact really sinked in . Werewolves were back in my life, just to make it a living hell . I was locked in the room of their king himself. I have to escape, I need to escape. I don't know what they want from me but I certainly don't want anything from them .
I looked around the room . It was huge . Each and every detail screamed elite . Money could literally be seen flowing down with the curtains or shining on the wall that had maroon paint . I first tried the door but it was locked. I then ran towards the balcony only to find it locked as well. Damn it .
After half an hour of examining the room , I drew the conclusion that escape was impossible without outside help . So I just sat on the bed . Waiting for someone to come in and then I would kick their ass and run . At least that's what the plan was.
An hour later a knock sounded on my door and the door opened. Revealing no other than the jerk himself. I looked at him from where I was sitting near the window, I mean really looked at him . He had broad shoulders and his muscles were ready to rip his shirt any moment now. I guess my plan isn't going to work. I can't kick this guy .
" Breakfast is ready . Why don't you come down and have something." He informed me .
I didn't respond and started looking out of the window again.
" I am talking to you sweetheart." He said calmly .
" I am not hungry." I told him which was obviously a lie . I was famished .
" Maybe not but you still need to eat . Your body needs energy." He argued.
" I don't want to ." I told nonchalantly .
" So you won't walk down with me ?" He asked.
I just chose to ignore him . Then all of a sudden strong arms wrapped themselves around me and I was lifted from the couch, bridal style. I screamed .
" Ahh ..stop screaming." He told me while carrying me away from the couch.
" What are you doing? Put me down ." I yelled at him .
" I am just taking you down for breakfast." He replied.
I struggled against him . But his grip was steel strong . This man is so..... different. I mean who takes the trouble to carry someone to breakfast even if they are complete shit towards you . He carried me down to the kitchen through the beautiful house. Everything was extravagant. I could hear voices as we neared the kitchen. But everyone went silent as we entered. They were too busy staring at us to talk .
Cain put me down . I bite my lower lip and looked at everyone present there . Man was I embarrassed. There were three other people. One was the guy I treated yesterday and the other was the one who was at the hospital with him . There was also a girl . A beautiful girl to be precise . She had blue eyes and wavy chocolate brown hairs. Well she reminded me of someone and then I realised that she is Cain's sister. They were all trying hard to suppress their smiles. I have never been so embarassed in my entire life but I have also never been carried like that in my entire life. I looked up to find Cain already making his way to the microwave .
" Hello I am Anne , Cain's sister." The girl came forward and extended her hand . Which I shook.
" I am Mia Chrismen, it's nice meeting you. Have I seen you somewhere?" I greeted and asked .
" Maybe or maybe not ." She said winking. I could tell that she was very secretive.
" Cyd " the guy with black hairs said while giving me a curt nod . I just smiled and nodded back . I didn't know why I was greeting everyone like we were meeting at a friend's party. They were all my kidnappers or saviours as the king said .
" And I am Daniel . It's a pleasure meeting such a gorgeous lady . " He said while smiling. I just smiled back and asked " How are you feeling today?" . He was my patient , so it was natural.
He chuckled and replied " All good, thanks to you."
I smiled listening that , atleast something was good.
Cain came to me and handed me a bowl of cabbage soup , while keeping one for himself. Seeing no other option left I sat beside him on the table and started eating, just as everyone went back to their meal .
" So how are you doing now?" Anne asked me . Maybe she knew about all that has happened since last night.
" I am fine ." I said while giving a small smile .
" You know you are pretty bad at lying and anyone can differentiate between your fake smile and that real one ." Cain said while stirring his soup .
I know I suck at lying. But atleast I was trying to be nice .
" If you are having any trouble you can tell us . No need to lie .You have saved my life and I promise to protect you with mine " Daniel said sincerely.
I don't know why but I found comfort in his words and then I broke down. I couldn't take it anymore.
" Fine , so listen I am not good at all because bizarre things are happening in my life . Someone attacked me last night and now I am sitting with werewolf royalty telling them my problems . Also this guy , your prince, is driving me crazy. " I said in a calm voice.
" I am driving you crazy?" Cain asked while smirking.
" See I don't want to be rude but first you help me , take care of me and then you lock me in a room and then you go that extra mile just to make sure that I eat breakfast. I mean you are being bipolar."I told him gently.
"What?! He locked you in his room?" Anne asked .
" Yes but only for her own safety." Cain said defensively.
From the corner of my eye I could see Cyd shaking his head in disapproval.
" You don't have to worry about my safety and you have certainly no right to lock me up . " I told him in a stern voice.
He stared at me and I stared back . I could see the depths of his ocean blue eyes, seeing them gave a sense of tranquility.
" This is not how it works Cain . You can't just lock a girl without her permission, no matter who you are to her . " Anne explained to him .
" He isn't anything to me." I chimed in .
All this time Cain was staring at me and just as the sentence left my mouth , his fist collided with the table . Cracking the glass and drawing blood from his hand .
" Oh my God, show me your hand . " I said while getting up and taking his still clenched fist in my hands . The dark red liquid was seeping out drop by drop .
He snatched his hand away . I could see the anger in his eyes. I didn't even know what made him angry .
" Prince Cain please calm down. " Cyd said .
" You people should stop telling me how to treat her . I know what my duties and my feelings are towards her . " He said in his prince tone .
Everyone in the room went dead silent and then he took my wrist and started walking towards the stairs . Surprisingly his touch was gentle and his pace was also slow enough for me to match.
" A word ." He said looking towards me .I followed him quietly ,if he wanted to talk then that's what we will do.
We reached the same room in which I stayed for the night. Actually his bedroom. He locked the door behind him . And instead of letting go of my wrist he just turned me around, so my back was hitting the door .
" What are you doing?" I asked , I wasn't scared just shocked. I don't know why he never scared me , even when he was fuming with rage earlier.
" Look in my eyes ." He said . While his one hand was still holding my wirst , the other went to my cheek . He traced it lightly with his fingers before holding my chin and raising it up .
I looked straight in his eyes and he looked back . We were so close , that one more step and we would be kissing . Eww...I have never been this intimate with a man before.
" Do I scare you ?" He asked . His voice was low
" No" I replied.
" Do you think that I am the bad guy here ?" He asked again.
" I don't know but I don't think so either ." I replied.
" Was it wrong of me ?" He whispered in my ear . I shivered from the intimacy of it all . Some won't even consider it intimate but for me this was far too much I have ever done .
" Yes " I replied . I knew that he was referring to the time when he locked me in his room .
" Do you want to leave darling?" He asked while lightly grazing my ear with his lips .
" Yes " I said while gently pushing him away . We both stared into each other's eyes for a moment. I saw some emotion in them , one I couldn't name . But then it all drained away . He stared at me , I could feel him gazing into my soul. Then he just stepped aside and opened the door for me . Without saying a single word .
" Thank you for your help ." I said while giving a small smile . He just gave me a once over and a single nod .
After that I walked down to the main door , he didn't even bother to see me to the door . On my way I said my goodbyes to all his friends.
Then I exited that house , and a car dropped me home. Cyd had suggested that since Cain brought me here , it was only fair that I was seen to home safely.
I took a last glance at that beautiful mansion. Hopefully this would be the last time I see it .

A/N :- Hello everyone !
Do let me know what you people
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