7. Peace

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       Shout out to @parishabansal ❤️
Her comments made my day 😊
And a big thanks to all my readers . You people give me the strength to keep going !!

Mia's POV

I went home and took a long shower . Maybe it was best if I forget about all the events that have happened since yesterday . I will just go to the hospital, I thought to myself . That's the only way to take my mind off things . Just as I got ready to leave, my doorbell rang . Signalling someone's arrival  . I opened to reveal a very worried Ryan .
"Hey how..." I started with a smile .
" Where were you? " He asked , getting inside .
Oh crap ! Maybe he came home to find it locked. It's almost noon after all . 
" I - I went to the hospital of course ." I lied . Which wasn't a good one , seeing his reaction  .
" Don't lie to me ." He said gently .
I wasn't sure if I wanted to involve him in all this or not . Cause he didn't even know about werewolves . He will think I have gone mad .
" Why don't you sit ? " I said and went to the couch , he followed and sat down.
" I called Emilia to ask if you were with her but she told me that you didn't make an appearance at the hospital since morning . Mia please tell me if something is wrong . " He said with those sincere eyes .
" I am your friend and I know that you are never late for work , no matter what . I won't pressurise  you to tell me but just know that I am here ." He added .
Someone please murder my work ethics . I looked in his eyes and I felt compelled to tell him . He would be worried all day if I didn't .
" Umm...so ...someone might have broken into my house yesterday . " I told him and instantly got a reaction .
" What?! " He shouted .
" Calm down and listen to me first . " I told him. He nodded for me to continue .
" So when I was dealing with that burglar , a guy came and helped me but I passed out . So he took me to a safer place." I told him .
"Who's the guy ? Do I know him? And what safe place? And when ? " He fired all his questions in a single breath.
" No you don't know the guy , heck even I don't know him ." I lied again.
" Did he harm you ? " He asked again.
" No no no .... He didn't even touch me. " As I said this my mind instantly drifted to the last conversation we had in his room , when his hard body was just an inch away from pressing into my soft curves . And my cheeks instantly turned pink .
" You are hiding something , aren't ya ? " Ryan asked looking at my now warm cheeks skepticly .
" No I am not but it's just that I don't want to talk more about that ordeal , please Ryan ." I said with a sad face , which I knew was my ace .
" Oh shit the light went off again. It's so dark . " Ryan said out of the blue.
" What ?" I asked , confused.
" Your smile kitty , it light's up the whole room ." He said while flashing me one of his own .
I wanted to smile so hard but I bit it back and said " Light won't come back easily , you have to pay the electricity bill first. "
I teased him and his smile only widened.
" What is the cost , my lady ? I hope it is something this poor merchant can afford. " He said dramatically.
" You poor , yeah sure " I said chuckling. Just for the record, Ryan runs a shipping business and an art gallery , and he is pretty rich. Not as much as those guys  , wait I am not supposed to think about them .
" The cost is two extra cheese pizzas and a movie night. " I told him equally dramatically.
" Too expensive but anything for you my lady . "
We both shared a good laugh after that and that's how my night went watching movies , like there were no werewolves after me and I wasn't attacked a day back .
But I don't know why this calm felt like the peace before the storm.


Hola !
I am back with the juicy , spicy and yet sweet story of Mia and Cain !

Please please please read , comment, vote and share with your friends.

Lots of love ❤️


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