|04| Seperation and Agitation

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Chapter 4!


Victoria gasped as she slammed her hand onto the release button for her pod, needing to twist slightly to roll out of the pod as it had crashed down on its side. She moved onto her knees and took a moment to look around, trying to get not only her bearings but to see if there might be any enemies that had been drawn to the crash. She nearly sagged when she saw no one lingering in the trees behind her, nor any sign of birds flying into the sky to indicate someone trying to go through the forest. She only had a moment to collect herself before she turned to look around more, noting she'd crashed near the top of some sort of cliff overlooking land of a similar combination of rock and woods.

"Shit!" she hurried to her feet and ran for the cliff.

It wasn't an enemy or the land that had alarmed her, but the sight of a second pod she knew to be Scotty's perched precariously at the edge of the cliff and she could hear a banging from within as he tried to escape. She reached it just as the front popped off, Scotty scrambling to try and get out as his pod began to slide down.

"Scotty!" Victoria called, reaching out a hand to grab his, helping to swing him around and more firmly onto the ground just as his pod toppled over the side and off the cliff.

"Oh, thank you, Lassie," Scotty panted, gripping her hand tightly in his own as he winced, watching the pod fall. He hoped he would have gotten out of the pod in time on his own, but having her there to ensure it was a relief.

"Did you see it?" Victoria asked, squeezing his hand so he would turn away from the cliff and over to her, "The attack, you saw what they were doing, right?"

"Taking the crew," he nodded. They might have made it past the ones attacking them, heading in a slightly different direction than the rest of the crew, but that hadn't meant they hadn't seen what was happening to the others.

"Oh, thank god," she nearly sagged in relief, "Taking," she nodded, agreeing.

She had been worried that it was just her own wishful thinking, that the crew was being captured instead of killed, but if Scotty saw the same thing and thought the same thing, then there was a greater chance it actually was that. And now all she had to do was hope Kirk made it off the ship...no, she was sure he did, he HAD to...or she didn't know what she'd do. He got off the ship and, chances were, he'd been taken with the rest. They just had to FIND them.

Scotty gave her an understanding look, patting her hand with his other one, "Aye."

She took a breath, nodding as she straightened, looking around, "This has to be Altamid, which means the only place the crew could have been taken is here," she turned to Scotty, "We need to find them."

Scotty's expression grew serious as he nodded, the two of them turning to look at the forest behind them. Victoria sighed, taking her hand from Scotty and unclipping the phaser she still had on her before heading to her pod. She crouched down and pulled out the standard supplies equipped in her pod: a Fleet jacket, a short range comm and another phaser. She stood, tossing Scotty the phaser for more protection, and they headed for the forest.


In another part of the forests of Altamid, Kirk grunted as he slammed his shoulder against his pod until it released him. He looked around quickly to make sure he was secure for the moment, enough where he could turn his back to grab the supplies from his pod. He made quick work of getting his jacket on, sticking the comm. into his pocket, and keeping his phaser in hand. He stepped away and looked around, knowing that Chekov had to be nearby, as was Kalara.

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