|10| The Beginning Of The End

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Chapter 10!


"He's..." Scotty began to say as he and Jaylah watched the security footage on the monitors of the control room, watching as Krall and Kirk continued to fight, punching and kicking at each other.

"Don't say anything!" Victoria cut in, still moving through the protocols, so close to being finished. She could hear the fighting going on over the audio, if he said anything about the fight or how Kirk was doing, she'd look up and be distracted and now that the weapon had been activated, they could NOT risk that.

Scotty DID, however, let out a whoop of joy when Kirk managed to land a particularly hard punch that sent Krall to the ground.

"You can't stop it," Krall growled, "You will die."

"I'm in!" Victoria shouted, pulling Scotty and Jaylah's attention back to her as they rushed over to see what controls there were to shut down the regulator, their eyes frantically searching.

"Better to die saving lives than to live with taking them," Kirk told Krall, "That's what I was born into Scotty!" he called out, and Scotty glanced up to see Kirk climbing the ladder into the hatch where the weapon had drifted up.

Scotty glanced back at the schematics, spotting something, "Captain, I think we can redirect it," he quickly sat down when Victoria stood to give him more access, her part done now, "There's a sealed construction hatch that will let you vent the weapon into space."

Victoria nodded, following along with his plan, "We can override the locks from here," she told Kirk, "But you're going to need to activate the hatch there."

"So I just hit a button," Kirk responded and Victoria watched on the monitor as he floated up the side of the chamber, keeping to the side and trying to avoid the bioweapon floating far too close by.

"It's a silver lever," she corrected, "Under a white panel..." she watched intently as he moved around the chamber till...

"Got it!"

"There's four," she added.

"Aye," Scotty called, "Once you've primed the hatch you'll have to exit the chamber immediately. If the hatch is open when the processor cycles and you're in it..."

"I will kill you," Victoria cut in, knowing Kirk didn't need it spelled out to understand he'd end up sucked into space along with the weapon.

"What happens if the hatch isn't open?" Kirk asked, managing to find the first lever and pull it.

"Then the weapon disperses into the base," Victoria told him, "Through the fan."

Kirk grimaced on the monitor, getting that HE would end up sucked through the fan as well.

"And we all die," Scotty had to add as Kirk found the second lever.

"Damn it, Jim!" Bones' voice called out over the comm nearly causing Victoria to jump, she'd forgotten that the comm. had been open the entire time, "You won't make it out in time!"

"He might," Victoria said, watching him trigger the third lever, "He's gotten three of four."

But, of course, as would be his luck, the fourth would not seem to give.

"The vent!" Jaylah called out in a warning, seeing a beeping light on the schematics, an activation code she recognized, signaling it was going to begin its opening sequence, "Get out of there James Kirk!"

"Damn it!" Kirk cursed as he really struggled with the lever, "The last hatch won't open! Tory!"

Victoria moved back to Scotty's side, trying to see if there was anything they could do to delay the activation.

[3] Audentes Fortuna Iuvat ➳ Star Trek: Beyond (2016) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now