|08| The Alleged Destruction Of Yorktown

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Chapter 8!


There were no words to describe how relieved and elated the crew was when they got the Franklin into space and off the planet. But the relief only lasted a short while, because seeing the stars so clearly once again meant that they were all reminded of their mission and why they had fought so hard and risked so much to get off the planet. Yorktown, they had to get to the base as quickly as they could. They owed it to all the innocent people on the base, and to every person that had been lost to Krall to stop the brute.

There was no chance they'd make it there before Krall did, the Franklin was a rust bucket and they were sure Krall had been building his other ship for a while, it would be in better shape, better maintained than the Franklin had been even with Jaylah's care. But that wouldn't stop them trying to get there in time to try and slow Krall down or give Yorktown enough warning. Everyone got right to their designated roles, Sulu and Chekov piloting towards the base as fast as possible, Victoria on the comm. with Scotty to ensure the engines were going well, Uhura manning the feeds for whatever frequencies or signals the ship could pick up, Kirk and Spock quietly talking about a plan of action.

"Captain," Uhura called out, tense, "I'm picking up distress signals from every frequency coming from Yorktown. Krall's already started his attack."

Kirk bit out a curse under his breath and turned to Victoria, "What kind of weapons do we have?"

"Pulsed phase cannons and spatial torpedoes," she said quickly. That had been something she had looked into while she and Scotty had helped Jaylah with her ship, she needed to know what other weapons there were to defend themselves with if their enemies followed them or tried to find them. It wouldn't do much, it wasn't on the same quality or strength as the Enterprise, but it was something.

"Great," Kirk nodded, grim, understanding that as well, but knowing that it was better than having nothing at all, "Lock and load."

"It does not matter," Jaylah called out from where she was strapped down in the back, "You cannot defeat the bees."

"Maybe," Kirk agreed, and it was clear to all that that was the entire point of his order, because if they couldn't attack, if they could at least be a distraction and draw even some of Krall's 'bees' away from the attack, it would give Yorktown a fighting chance to either muster a defense or evacuate, "But we can lure them away," he looked at the crew on the Bridge, "How do we get Yorktown time to get people to safety?"

"No," Sulu shook his head, tense and fearful, his family was on that base after all, they had gone there just for him, to spend time with him and now they were in danger, and so were many others. He wanted so badly to believe they could do that, just arrive and stop the attack, but he knew enough of the ship just from piloting it to know he should NOT get his hopes up, he had to be realistic, for his family, or it would kill him if that too-built-up hope was shattered, "We are a horse and buggy compared to those things. We're barely holding together as it is, Captain."

"Captain," Spock stepped up, "The flight patterns of bees are determined by individual decisions. Krall's swarm formations are too complex not to rely on some form of unified cyberpathic coordination. I surmise that if we..."

"Spock!" Kirk cut in, "Skip to the end."

"What he's saying is that if we disorient the swarm we can kick its ass!" Uhura translated, more familiar with Spock's thinking and phrasing than they were.

"Precisely," Spock nodded.

"How do we disorient them though?" Victoria spoke the next most important question.

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