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Hiiiiiii, here is the next chapter, i wanted to make myself clear that i don't have a specific time to update new chapters. Since i am very lazy, i kind of force myself to update only if i have translated a new chapter otherwise if I post all chapters i have already translated you might not get new ones any time soon. For now I am trying my best to update a chapter daily but it might change in the future! Enjoy.


["Are you spying on me?"] asked a sweet voice.

"Ugh!" Kamol didn't answer, but laughed in his throat.

["Clearly you're a psychopath"] Kim responded immediately.

"But you like a psycho like me don't you, Kim?" said Kamol in a mocking tone causing Kim to shut up.

Kamol chuckled softly in his throat as he could imagine what Kim's face looked like right now.

["Whoa... who likes you? Crazy!"] shouted Kim in disbelief.

"If you didn't like me why did you demand so much from me that night? Come on, you know very well how well you and I get along, Kim" replied Kamol.

["!!!You're crazy!!!"] shouted Kim before ending the call, causing Kamol to laugh lightly. He wasn't mad at Kim because he had cut off the call so abruptly. He called him just to tease his wife a little, although he should really go take a shower with his wife to rest after a long day of work, but that would be soon.




"Crazy psycho" Kim muttered. He continued muttering after Kamol hung up. Kim felt his face burning, just from hearing Kamol's voice, kim felt a hot flush all over his body.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" complained Kim to himself before going to the bathroom to take a shower to calm down.



Kim woke up in the morning, took a shower and checked to see if there was still a trace of the marks; after learning that the marks had faded a bit, he decided to go to the office.Kim put on a long-sleeved shirt to cover the marks on his wrists, along with a tie; after he was ready, Kim drove to his accounting office.

"P'Kim, you're back," May's voice greeted cheerfully when she saw Kim enter the office.

"If I hadn't, I wouldn't be here" kim replied with a smile.

"Unnie May just complained to Jin that Kim is a bad person who didn't let anyone visit him" Jin said in a joking tone.

"I didn't want you to get sick, from the days I didn't come, is there work I didn't get mailed? Send it to my office" Kim ordered before switching to his own office, after a while, Jin followed him, Kim spent the day working to make up for the period he was not present.




Knock Knock

May knocked on the door before entering Kim's office.

"It's almost noon, you can take a break, Kim" May said with a smile.

"Another half an hour please, tell Jin to go to lunch" said Kim showing concern for his secretary, because it was already noon and his secretary had to go to lunch.

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