001, girls who gossip.

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     "I wish I was going somewhere warm

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     "I wish I was going somewhere warm." Roxy groaned. For the first time in years, her parents chose to stay home for spring break.

     "At least we'll be able to hangout. Everyday." Chrissy smiled.

     The two girls were up in Roxy's bedroom, painting their fingernails. Madonna was playing and the girls were singing their hearts out.

     "Plus, Jason told me that him and Andy are planning like a bunch of parties. So that'll be fun."

     Chrissy wasn't lying. The boys threw crazy parties over break. Getting drunk wasn't really the worst thing in the world. She just preferred if she was getting drunk somewhere else in the world.

     "Turn the music off, you girls need to get some sleep. Don't forget that the pep rally is tomorrow!" Roxy's mom yelled from downstairs.

     Roxy turned off the music and her lights, a small glow coming from the strawberry shortcake nightlight plugged into her wall.

     "Can't wait to be loud and happy at seven in the morning. Seems impossible." Roxy slumped into her bed, pulling her pink satin sheets over herself.

     "What do you mean? I love being in annoyingly loud places!" Chrissy said sarcastically.

     "Did you hear that Tammy Thompson is supposed to sing the National Anthem?" Roxy asked.

     Chrissy's mouth opened in shock. "She has the worst singing voice! They could've picked anyone!"

     "It's actually so bad. Oh! Andy bought this new cologne and it smells so bad. Like I feel like i'm gonna puke whenever I'm near him. But I just don't have the heart to tell him."

     Chrissy burst into laughter, covering her mouth to try and stay quiet, in hopes to not upset Mrs. Lewis.

     "I thought the exact same thing! I brought it up to Jason and he said I wrong!" Chrissy laughed.

     "You're joking!" Roxy playfully hit Chrissy on the arm.

     "I think Andy's hat wearing obsession is cutting off the oxygen to his brain." Chrissy turned to Roxy.

     Roxy let out a huge yawn and rubbed her eyes. "I'm gonna go to bed. Love you, Chris."


     Hours after talking about all the school drama and boys, they were finally asleep. The girls had to be up five in the morning, a perfect three hours of sleep.

     Roxy hoped that tonight would be restful with no vivid nightmares of the mall accident. Billy's screams still taunted her.

     Unfortunately, she was unlucky tonight. Roxy's eyes opened and she sat up. She looked over at Chrissy, who was fast asleep and holding a bunny rabbit stuffed animal.

     Roxy smiled and then got out of bed to grab a glass of water and to calm herself down.

     Her father had fallen asleep in his chair in front on the television. She turned the T.V. off and kissed him in the head.

     Roxy grabbed a blueish colored glass and pushed three ice cubes from the silicone mold into the glass. She held her cup underneath the sink and waited for it to fill up.

     The television has turned on again, the voice of a spokesman trying to sell someone a car could be heard.

     "Dad?" Roxy asked, assuming he had woken up.

     She turned of the faucet and walked into the living room, to see her father still asleep.

    "Weird." She muttered to herself and she turned the T.V. off again.

     Roxy started to walk up the stairs when the hallway light started to flicker. She gasped and started breathing rapidly. But her thoughts seemed almost impossible. All the gates were
closed. She was being irrational.

     "What the-" Roxy said under her breath. All the lights were flickering. She heard a humming noise coming from up in her room.

     "Chrissy." Roxy ran up the stairs and tried to open her door, but it was locked.

     "C'mon!" She said, turning the door knob over and over again.

     The lights turned off and the humming had stopped. Roxy was finally able to open the door.
fearing the worst. But Chrissy was just sitting in the bed, completely fine.

     "Did you see the lights?" Roxy blurted, slightly out of breath.

     Chrissy's head snapped to Roxy's direction. "You saw that too?" she stuttered.

     Roxy slowly nodded.

    Chrissy was acting tense and paranoid.

    "Hey, Chris, are you okay?" Roxy placed a hand on her shoulder, which made Chrissy jump.

    "I'm fine." Chrissy cleared her throat and moved away from Roxy.

    "You sure?" Roxy asked, knowing that Chrissy was lying.

   Chrissy nodded and layed back down, closing her eyes.

   Roxy decided to let it go and go back to sleep. She was worried about Chrissy and had no idea about what had just happened, but she had to wake up in two hours and she wanted a small amount of sleep.

   Besides, weird stuff always happened in Hawkins.

authors note!this is just a chapter to kinda give background on roxy and chrissy's relationship next chap will be better i promisei hate this chap sm

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authors note!
this is just a chapter to kinda give background on roxy and chrissy's relationship
next chap will be better i promise
i hate this chap sm.

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