005, call it fate.

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    Andy didn't remember last night

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Andy didn't remember last night. Or, he only remembered small fragments. He knew he got there at about eight thirty and immediately cracked open a can of whatever Jason could get his hands on.

He was sitting in a chair, spaced out and staring at a wall, trying to remember the night before. He knew he drove to Benny's by himself, and that Roxy was going to Eddie's to pick up what he needed, and then she got there about an hour after. Andy knew that Roxy drank half a beer, made out with him, but no sex. That was her one rule, no sex if they're intoxicated.

Andy hated that rule. He was almost never sober when it wasn't school, and Roxy hated when they did stuff at the school, so he rarely got her to himself. Of course, they had fucked. Andy had to initiate it all. Which he thought was weird considering he had heard about Roxy from other boys. That was what caught his attention after all.

Tommy H. had told Andy about the forest situation during the freshman retreat, and that one kid Billy told him about Halloween, and all the nights after. Andy heard about her and Steve from rumors. He also heard about the two of them breaking up.

Andy heard all the other rumors about Roxy too. Every guy did. He was in his prime time; senior year, basketball team had just won, and he was dating the hottest girl in Hawkins. But, of course, there was no denying the obvious.

Roxy Lewis was a whore. A slut. Everyone basically knew that she prostituted herself. But the Roxy that gifted herself to Andy was a whole new girl.

She was determined to find a real relationship. And she had found that with Andy. Sure, he was douche, and he fucked up a lot, but Andy was her boyfriend. And she loved him.

Andy was spaced out, the sound of the television playing in the background. He had a paper cup filled with water in his hand, which he hoped would help with his massive headache.

"Oh shit." Patrick said, turning the television volume up.

Andy turned his attention to the news reporter.

"What's this? I thought we were watching ThunderCats." Jason said.

"Hawkins student got murdered." said Patrick.

"What?" Jason said, in disbelief.

"Hey maybe Chrissy didn't stand you up after all." Andy joked.

"Or maybe Roxy didn't bail on you either." another one of the basketball team members said.

"Roxy didn't show last night?" Andy asked. He voice started to shake. "She was supposed to go to Munson's to get us our shit."

"Yeah, it was a real let down."

Police sirens rang out and patrol cars pulled up to Benny's.

Everyone got sent outside, except for Jason, who was being questioned.

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