1. Nightfall

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It was a beautiful day in Paris, almost no clouds in the sky this afternoon, just a calm breeze at most. Adrien Agreste, who was a very famous model in Paris, just got out of school for the day a few moments ago, and wanted to enjoy this marvelous day. Afterall, today was a rare day that his father let him have no extra afterschool activities for the afternoon. "So Adrien, how does it feel to have a day off?" Said Plagg. Plagg was a Kwami that granted him the powers of destruction, and could easily be used to defeat Akumatized villains in a battle and Plagg has been close to Adrien. "It feels good! I honestly can't remember the last time my father gave me the afternoon off." He said to the Kwami. Adrien was not only a famous model but he also took fencing lessons and Chinese language lessons, which he was very good at. Doing all three of those things at once, including being one of Paris's protectors was very exhausting. "Can we stop at the nearest place with cheese please? I'm nearly out" Asked Plagg, trying to put on a look of puppy dog eyes (he wasn't very good at them). Adrien chuckled and replied. "Sure, we can go get you some cheese." and they went to the nearest cheese destination.

After Adrien got some more camembert for his Kwami, he then decided to go and transform into Chat Noir, his superhero form, and check around Paris for any suspicious activity. For the most part there was nothing happening, so after awhile of no suspicious activities, he went to his and Ladybug's special spot and sat down waiting for her so the day would be a little more interesting when she arrived. "I wonder where M'lady is?" He thought to himself. Usually she would come around this time of evening, as they both always sat together to watch the sun set behind the Eiffel Tower and talk about their daily activities (without revealing their identities of course). He dialed up Ladybug on his staff phone, but there was no answer. "Weird." he thought to himself a bit concerned. "She hasn't been around all day, what's keeping her?" He was trying his best to not be impatient and be understanding, but he was still concerned nevertheless. As he waited for her to show up, he looked up toward Paris sky, it was a gorgeous purple this evening, truly a spectacular sight to see infact. Then, he noticed something from the corner of his eye, it looked like a person but he wasn't sure of what he saw, he also thought he heard the unknown figure say something, but he couldn't make it out what he heard. Immediately after seeing and hearing what he thought was a person, he heard someone crying. He made his way to the house where he heard this crying, and shortly found out this was Marinette's house and she was on her balcony. "Why would she be crying? She looked so happy in school today.." He thought to himself. He landed on the balcony of Marinette's house right next to her. "Hey Marinette, is everything alright?" Marinette didn't answer right away but she shortly did. "N-No Chat, it's the complete opposite of alright, I lost it.." she answered quietly. Chat Noir quickly questioned her again. "What did you lose that was so important?" Marinette trying to stop crying and made direct eye contact with Chat Noir before telling him something he would never forget. "It was the Ladybug miraculous." She responded. "You probably don't believe me, but I was Ladybug." Chat Noir couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. Why would Ladybug tell her identity with almost no hesitation? "Okay and supposedly you are the real Ladybug, why are you telling me this? The real Ladybug would never reveal her identity to me." Chat remarked. Marinette answered him immediately. "Listen here Chat Noir, the ONLY reason I'm telling you this is because ShadowMoth himself knows who we are and took my miraculous." He really couldn't believe what he was hearing, could Marinette really be Ladybug? And what did she mean by took? "So you're Ladybug?" He asked. "Yes I am, well- was.." she told him trying to keep her composure as best as possible in front of him. "I guess I'm not Ladybug anymore since I no longer have the miraculous.." Chat Noir finally realized that the love of his life was actually Marinette, but he realized that this was not the time for romance. Still puzzled about what she meant by "ShadowMoth knows who we are and took my miraculous." He asked her about that next. "How did he take it? I mean you have kept everything a secret so well!" Marinette sat down in the chair on the balcony. "Apparently not good enough, he must have saw me transform or something." She told him trying to hold back a river flow of tears "And then ShadowMoth himself came and attacked me with no warning.. I couldn't transform fast enough before he took my earrings." She said absolutely devastated. "But thankfully he doesn't have any other miraculous, I am guardian after all." she said relieved that ShadowMoth was unable to take them. "But, there is also something I should tell you about.." Marinette continued. "As he was leaving- He said that "Chat Noir will be next" and I think that means he knows your identity too.." Chat Noir was taken aback by what he just heard, he just couldn't believe what he was hearing. "But how does he know about me??" Chat questioned her very startled and confused. "I've done everything in my power to keep my identity a secret, there's no way!?" Marinette looked toward him. "That's just it, he found a way. He revealed our identities before we could his.." she said. At this point Marinette couldn't hold back her tears any longer, she had reached her breaking point. "Hey.. It's alright.." Chat said trying to comfort her while trying not to get emotional himself. "We will find a way, we always have found a way, I'm sure we can do this." Marinette knew he was right, they always found a way, but it was different this time. "B-But he knows who I am. I won't be able to fight along side you anymore until ShadowMoth is defeated.." Chat Noir was surprised by what she spoke. "What do you mean?" He asked her. "W-What I mean is, he knows I'm guardian of the miraculous, b-before this even happened.." She spoke trying not to hyperventilate. "So even if I c-continued trying to help fight w-with you with another miraculous, he will just come b-back here and fight me to get them a-all, and if he g-got them that would cause the end of the w-world and-" Chat took her hand and placed it in his in hopes of that slightly calming her down. "Like I told you, we will find a way, and we will fix this, even if you can't fight alongside me, I know we can." Marinette felt comforted by his words, but she didn't know what to say. Chat Noir stayed with her until she had calmed down enough that he could leave and go to his home. "Goodnight Marinette, I will do the best I can to fix this." He told her as he was making his way out. "I trust you.." she told him. Chat Noir gave a slight smile towards her after hearing those words. "I trust you too" he replied followed by a blow kiss, then he left her home for the night.

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