3. Changes

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"Deep breaths Marinette." She thought to herself. Once school was completed for the day and the year, Marinette had texted Alya to meet her at her house for a "talk" with no real detail as to what they were going to talk about. Walking toward her residence, Marinette, with so many thoughts and concerns, wondered how Alya would react. With every passing second, she got more and more anxious, time felt like an eternity. Marinette made it to her house and found Alya standing outside the door. "Hey girl!" She said with a slight smile on her face. "You said you wanted to talk, right?" Marinette with her head hanging low at first now looked up toward Alya. "Yes." She informed her. "I can't talk out here." She quickly grabbed Alya's arm and went upstairs to Marinette's room. They both settled side by side on the bed. "Is something wrong Marinette? I don't think I've seen you like this before." Alya says to her best friend. "Something... happened last night..." Marinette told her. "Something that will change our lives forever." Alya's eyes broadened. "Is this about you being Ladybug?" Alya questioned her. Marinette on the brink of tears like the night before looked at Alya. "I lost the Miraculous last night." Marinette told her quietly. "Shadowmoth was here last night and I couldn't transform in time." It went silent in the room for an abrupt moment, Alya then put her hand on Marinette's shoulder. "It's alright. You never saw him coming, Don't feel like this is your fault, I'm here for you." Marinette was feeling slightly reassured by Alya's gentle words went for a hug. "I feel like I failed Alya, I do!" She began crying out. Alya quickly tried to stop Marinette's cry. "No don't think that! Besides, I'm sure Chat Noir has it all covered!" Alya started trying to calm her. "Yeah... I didn't tell you that did I?" Marinette said. "Chat Noir's identity is known by ShadowMoth. And he is going to have to give his miraculous to a new holder that he can trust." Alya, now even more stunned than before, tried to calm her again. "Chat Noir is an extraordinary person with a good heart. I am optimistic that he will make the right decision. I mean you realize that, right?" Alya asked. Marinette agreed. "Yes, I guess you're right." It was still early in the day, hardly 1 PM and there was still one task that Marinette had yet to mention. "Alya, I need your help with something. And this is a huge favor." Marinette informed her. "I need you to help me distribute the Miraculous." Alya was taken aback. "Wait what? What do you mean distribute?" She asked. "It's exactly what it means. I need to give away the Miraculous to people that I've trusted with a Miraculous right now." Marinette replied. Alya still not sure what Marinette was scheming, asked another question. "Why are you doing this, don't you think that's a little... You know-" Marinette interrupted Alya. "Risky. Yes I know, but ShadowMoth knows I'm guardian now, and he will pay another visit to snatch the Miraculous I have now at any moment. I just know he will." Marinette stepped toward her guardian box that she had made herself for the Kwamis. "I need you to distribute half of them and I'll distribute the other half myself." Marinette told Alya. "I need Rena Furtive!" A large grin came across Alya's expression as now it was now to shine. Alya bowed. "Your wish is my command Marinette." She joked. "Okay it's time to get serious now," Alya said. "Trixx, let's pounce!" And she suddenly became Rena Furitive. After a brief conversation and a few gasps from Alya about who each holder was, Marinette handed six small boxes to Rena. "These are the Miraculous of the: Snake, Pig, Bee, Tiger, Dragon, Goat, and Monkey." Marinette explained. "And the rest on the table I will give out myself, discreetly of course. I am still undecided on a few." She told Rena. "That's alright, you will have plenty of time to think about that." Rena chuckled. "Are each of the notes in each box?" Marinette asked. "Of course they are, we put them together and placed them in each box." Rena answered. "I'll get started now. Catch you later-" Alya had almost leaped from the window to begin her task when- "WAIT" Marinette stopped her. "Yeah?" Said Rena now having full attention on Marinette. "Not a single word about this on the LadyBlog." She told Rena. "I don't want anyone else to know about this." Rena put her hand over her heart and raised her other hand. "I promise I won't say a word. I wasn't going to anyway." Marinette softly smiled. "Thank you so much, Alya, you are the best!" Rena jumped out the window with boxes in hand, ready to deliver them to each destination. Now that Ayla had left, now it was time for Marinette to deliver some of the Miraculous. She went out the door and began delivering each Miraculous, making sure that each holder got them before leaving, one by one she was getting the job done. Marinette was down to only one Miraculous left; The Miraculous of the Dog. She looked down and wondered who she could trust with the Miraculous. "I would offer the Miraculous to Sabrina again, but I'm afraid she will betray me for Chloe." She thought to herself. Options were now running low and there were only so few people left. Then suddenly, a light bulb turned on in her head! "Adrien!" She giddily thought. "He doesn't have one yet and I can certainly trust him with it!" She began jogging toward the Agreste mansion, hoping that she would be able to deliver the Miraculous to him.

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