4. Impressions

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The morning sun had risen again and now it had been two days since Ladybug had lost her miraculous. At the same time, it had been two days since the last Akuma attack and Adrien found that very weird. "Don't you think it's suspicious that ShadowMoth hasn't done anything since he took Ladybug's miraculous?" Adrien asked his Kwami. "Yeah, it's weird." Plagg agreed. "He has something big up his sleeve." Adrien concerned. "I should also introduce myself to Ladybug, or rather- Marinette." He made his way toward the window of his bedroom. "Cat Walker is the name we agreed on, right?" Plagg asked floating nearby. "Yes, we did agree on that name," Adrien confirmed. "Plagg claws out!" He commanded, and just like that, he was no longer Chat Noir when he transformed, but now he was Cat Walker. "I look quite sophisticated like this." Cat Walker declared looking in the nearby mirror before momentarily leaping his way out of the window of his room to go to Marinette's house.

Marinette was busy at her desk in her room designing a new handbag that she would make soon, the desk was messy with sketches, pens, and paper everywhere, and yet she was able to manage through the clutter of her desk. She had made two designs and loved them both. Marinette perked up and asked. "Hey, Tikki-" She stopped before she could finish her question, and slouched back in her chair slowly. "I wish you were still here Tikki," Marinette whispered to herself. Now feeling unmotivated, she was about to pick up her sketches and toss them when there was a knock on the door to her balcony. "That's weird," She thought to herself. "Who could that even be? And on my roof too??" Marinette curiously but cautiously wandered to the exit of her room and stepped out to her balcony. She was surprised to discover that an unfamiliar superhero was on her balcony. "Who are you?" She asked him. "My name is Cat Walker, it's a pleasure to meet you. " He said politely. "I've come to tell you that I've come to temporarily replace Chat Noir" Marinette had forgotten about ShadowMoth possibly figuring out Chat Noir's identity and would need a replacement. "Oh... Well, it's nice to meet you Cat Walker, but may I ask why you're visiting me?" Marietta questioned. Cat Walker nodded his head. "It's because Chat Noir informed me you were the Guardian and figured he would let me know." Marinette visibly became upset. "Why would he tell anyone that!?" she demanded to know. "Well, if you the guardian were in any danger to ShadowMoth, I know that this would be the place to come first." He answered keeping his polite composure. "I don't know if I'm comfortable with someone I don't know knowing that" Marinette commented, "But I'm sure if Chat Noir chose you as his backup then you must be trustworthy." A warm smile formed on Cat Walker's face. "You can trust that Chat Noir made the right decision." He told her. There was a silence for a brief moment before Marinette broke the quietness. "So Cat Walker, what are some of your interests if you have any?" Marietta asked wanting to get to know him better. "I normally would tell what my occupations are, but that would endanger my secret identity." He responded to her. Marinette was taken aback for a second but realized that he was correct. "Right actually, that was very professional of you." Cat Walker nodded. "I take my new position as the new cat miraculous holder very seriously." Marinette breathed a sigh of relief "That's relieving to know" She expressed to him. "To be honest, I was nervous about who Chat Noir would pick as his replacement." She added. "But this short talk makes me have peace of mind that he picked someone with the right qualities." Cat Walker was thrilled that she had confidence in him but he was sure he kept his composure calm and polite. "I have yet to fight my first battle, I have plenty of trust to earn." he remarked. "And I'm sure you will do very well!" Marinette told him building his confidence. "Now you can't fight alone" Marinette noted. "I'll find who I want to send out to battle alongside you soon." Cat Walker acknowledged her statement. "I'm positive that you will find the right person for the job, you are the guardian after all." Marinette grinned. "Kind of like how Chat Noir chose you right?" she giggled. "Well, maybe," He said with a slight yet nervous smile. "I better head off to check out the city, someone needs to patrol it." Cat Walker remarked. He took a step forward and took Marinette's hand and gently kissed it. "Till we meet again." he spoke softly. He then hopped off the balcony onto the neighboring building and to the next one on his way to the first patrol as Cat Walker. Marinette watched as he hopped from the building to the building going off in the distance. "Good luck Cat Walker." she said with a little blush on her face. Once he was no longer in sight, she headed back down to her room and went back to her design. Not long after, her phone started ringing. Marinette put down the pencil she had in her hand and picked up the phone. "Bridgette??" she curiously exclaimed to herself as she answered the phone. "Hello?" Marinette answered. "Hi! Long time no speak, huh Marinette? Bridgette said on the other side of the line. "Yeah! Have you been Bridgette?" Marinette asked. "I've been doing well." Bridgette replied "You?" Marinette took a brief moment before replying, not wanting to mention anything about what happened to her as Ladybug. "I've been doing well myself! She answered. "Great to hear" Bridgette answered back. "I can't be on the phone long" Bridgette continued. "But I called to tell you that I'm coming to Paris in a few days!" Marinette got excited. "Really!? That's awesome!" Marinette excitedly replied. "Do you know which day? She asked. "Expect me in Paris in three days, cousin." Bridgette responded. "Alright!" Marinette acknowledged. "See you soon Bridgette!" "See you soon," Bridgette said, hanging up the phone. As Bridgette was putting her phone back on the charger after the call, she wondered to herself. "Maybe while I'm visiting Marinette in Paris, there is a possibility that I would bump into Félix since he's there too?" She pondered on this thought before concluding that it would be highly unlikely.

Miraculous: Tales Of Flairmidable And Cat Walker (AU)Where stories live. Discover now