7. Coordination

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Flairmidable and Cat Walker were in the middle of a battle with Stormy Weather. The battle had to be played like a chess match, make the strategic moves correctly and they would win, it was as simple as that. Stormy Weather looked down at them in anticipation, the question in mind, "What are the heroes gonna do?". Flairmidable and Cat Walker continued staring at Stormy Weather floating in the sky on a cloud not making a single move, almost as if they were communicating telepathically. Suddenly, as quick as both could go, they pounced at Stormy Weather. Cat Walker extends his staff and gets into position to swing it and Flairmidable throws his ball again. Stormy Weather, even though the heroes had made sudden moves, was not surprised by their actions and blasted them away with her umbrella. Both of their bodies slammed into the hard cobblestone street after getting blown away by the wind yet again. How much more could they take? Getting blasted into buildings, cars, and streets. It hurt, but they kept their focus on Stormy Weather. Cat Walker glanced over and noticed that Flairmidable was getting visibly frustrated at the moment, could you blame him for that though? "Don't let your emotions get the best of you, just take a moment and calm down to breath!" Cat Walker recommended to him. "That's easy for you to say" Flairmidable sighed in frustration. Cat Walker continued pushing his point. "Let's just take a moment to assemble our thoughts and move toward a strategy. While doing so, you can take a moment to alleviate your adverse feelings." Cat Walker signaled Flairmidable to follow him to a momentary safe space. Flairmidable waited hesitantly, looking back and above at Stormy Weather who has not focused on them anymore, but rather on causing as much havoc as possible around the city. It wouldn't be too much longer before the city was demolished if she was not stopped. Flairmidable determined that it would be best to listen to Cat Walker.

Soon, Flairmidable found Cat Walker. He was inside a vacant building nearby. While it was cool, humid, and dark inside, it was surprisingly clean and illuminated by the natural light outside. Cat Walker was on the 2nd level of the building, with some paper and a pen in his hands that was left behind by the prior owners. He was also utilizing his staff as a lantern since the natural light was scarcely existent due to the dark weather outside. "There you are!" Cat Walker spoke out. "I assumed you lost track of me." As Cat Walker he took some of the paper and pointed it to Flairmidable. "What's this?" He asked."Just some ideas and plans on how to win against Stormy Weather of course!" Cat Walker eagerly said to him. "Oh, interesting," Flairmidable said amused and wondering how Cat Walker could draw up plans so fast. "So what do you think if we attacked from contrasting directions?" He asked. Flairmidable shook his head in disagreement. "That would be too easy, don't you think?" He pointed at the plan disapprovingly. Cat Walker took another look at the plan again and had second thoughts. "Well, perhaps you're right, Flair." Cat Walker admitted while crumbling the paper into a ball and tossing it off to the side. "Next plan?" Flairmidable asked. "Oh, right!" Cat Walker exclaimed. He grabbed his second piece of paper with the plan and showed it to Flairmidable. "So you see, you would attempt to toss your ball at her umbrella, and meanwhile I would just wait off to the side, but instead of you getting up and attacking again, you play possum-" Flairmidable cut him off. "Woah woah woah..." He stopped him while nervously waving his hands in a stop motion. "Are you insane? Are you crazy? I'm not trying to lose this Miraculous on the second day." Cat Walker understood Flairmidable's feelings but pressed on. "But you didn't let me finish, Flair! You interrupted before the good part!" Cat Walker said hastily trying to persuade him that this was a good idea. "So once your "Playing possum" Stormy Weather will want to take your miraculous herself. And when she's about to take it off, she will be so distracted by getting your Miraculous, that she won't see me come up and try to cataclysm her umbrella!" Cat Walker illustrated. "So what are your feelings?" He asked him. Flairmidable pondered among the idea for a second before coming to an opinion. "Don't you think you should be the one "playing possum"?" Flairmidable questioned him. "After all, Stormy Weather wants your miraculous more than mine." He brought up. Cat Walker thought about it. He understood that this was an extremely perilous idea but if it worked it would be so worth it. "You're most likely correct about that." Cat Walker told him reluctantly. "An idea so ludicrous it might work" Flairmidable joked. "An idea that we will need to put action into as soon as possible," Cat Walker said walking toward the window, the rain moderately tapping and falling on the window. "Let's do this." Cat Walker looked back at Flairmidable and nodded. He nodded his head too in firm agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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