5. Trust

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The first battle for both Flairmidable and Cat Walker has begun and both of them ran their way to the akumatized villain named "Jeweler". Cat Walker tried attacking from behind with his staff, but Jeweler had noticed him just before he could attack and took his staff and flung him across the street and into a building. Flairmidable tried taking the gemstone gun away from Jeweler with his hands but was quickly taken down after Jeweler had kicked him down. Jeweler was just about to take a shot at Flairmidable to turn him into a gemstone, but Cat Walker came just in time to deflect the shot away from him by grabbing her weapon. Flairmidable got up off the ground and signaled Cat Walker to follow him quickly and he did just that, and they went around a corner of a nearby building. "We could use a Ladybug lucky charm right about now," Flairmidable told Cat Walker. "Unfortunately, we do not have that." Cat Walker replied disappointed. "And why not?" Flairmidable demanded to know. Cat Walker waited a few seconds before finally deciding to tell him. "Ladybug lost her miraculous. ShadowMoth carries it." Flairmidable's eyes widened. "You're joking right?" he asked disgruntled hoping it wasn't true. "Unfortunately it's not a joke, but rather a harsh reality. If ShadowMoth is able to obtain my miraculous he will have won." Cat Walker added. "So our primary goal is to defend Paris and acquire the Miraculous back at the same time." Flairmidable thought about it for a moment, if there was no ladybug miraculous to restore all the destruction in Paris; Paris could be in absolute ruins in no time at all. "ShawdowMoth must be one evil man." He said to Cat Walker. "He is" Cat Walker agreed. but little did Cat Walker know that Flairmidable knew exactly who he was talking about. Now,, of course there was still an akumatized villain running around the city that still needed to be dealt with, but there was no plan. Both of them looked around and brainstormed but came up short. "What is your ability by the way?" Cat Walker questioned Flairmidable. "This ball I have can retrieve any object I touch with it when I say the command." It was almost like a light bulb appeared over his head when Cat Walker found out. "If it's achievable Flair, I want you to get her weapon and when I tell you to, say that word." Cat Walker asked of him. A confident smile formed on Flairmidable's face. "I can do that easily." and immediately he began his course. "Now don't get too confident!" Cat Walked yelled out. "Just watch!" Flairmidable shouted. He ran right toward Jeweler, and she began shooting her shots at him and he dodged every shot. Cat Walker watched him on the edge of his seat as he waited for the perfect moment to strike. Finally, Flairmidable was able to get close enough to Jeweler that he touched the weapon with his ball and quickly retreated toward Cat Walker. Jeweler still had her weapon and was shooting and turning innocent people into gemstones until: "Fetch." The ball Flairmidable had zoomed around the corner of a building and snatched the gun she had once possessed and gave it to Flairmidable. The tables have turned with Flairmidable coming around the corner holding the weapon pointed at Jeweler as Cat walker attacked the stunned Jeweler from behind and noticed the necklace she had. "This must be the Akuma," He thought as there was nothing else obvious. He took it off her neck and threw it to the ground breaking it. Out of the necklace came the evil butterfly. "Not so fast," He thought as he saw the butterfly flying away. "Cataclysm!" he squeezed the butterfly with his hand and it turned into dust. Almost immediately after the butterfly was killed, the gemstones turned into people once again, and Jeweler became a normal citizen again. While the people were fine, some buildings and cars were slightly damaged. Not remembering anything and sitting in the middle of the street, the woman looked around confused as to what just took place. "What happened?" She asked the pair of superheroes. "You were Akumatized ma'am." Cat Walker replied. The woman was stunned when he heard him say that. "I never thought that would happen to me. I guess I let my emotions win and get the best of me." she sighed. "I'm very sorry." Cat Walker could feel the sense the feeling of regret from her and stepped forward to be next to her. "It's alright, sometimes we can't control how we feel. I'm not sure what transpired that resulted to this, but there is always a solution." He said trying to reassure her. Cat Walker lent his hand to help the woman get up on her feet. "Well, I suppose you're right. Thank you so much." By this time the Parisian news crews were at the scene with cameras streaming the event live. A news reporter couldn't help but ask the superheroes: "What are your names?" Both Flairmidable and Cat Walker stared into the camera. "I'm Flairmidable." He said confidently but not arrogantly. "And my name is Cat Walker." The other said with a gentleman-like vibe. The reporters wanted more answers but couldn't get them because both heroes had noticed their miraculous' had started flashing, meaning time in their costumes was nearly up, they left the scene as quickly as they could.

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