6. Morning

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The afternoon sky turned shades of pink and purple as evening quickly approached, the leaves of trees on the sidewalks of Paris were blowing gently with the warm evening breeze of summertime, and Félix was walking down the sidewalk of the avenue with a new book in hand, of course, the original reason why he went out. But that wasn't the highlight of the day considering that just a few hours prior he had battled his first and second Akuma victim, and it was only the first full day being Flairmidable. Yes, all was taken care of for now, but he felt a sense of regret. The toy wand he had broken earlier that contained the senti-feather was still bothering him a lot, he hated that he had done it. While he still felt remorseful about the loss of the senti-birds, it only gave him more reason to take the Peacock Miraculous from ShadowMoth once and for all. With it in Félox's possession, senti-beings wouldn't be created for the purpose of being killed and could live free and happy and not be utilized as servants. That was the primary goal from the start, wasn't it? He continued strolling down the sidewalk getting closer to the Agreste mansion, the mansion in a shade of light pink from the sunset. Once he arrived at the doorstep, he turned back to take one last look at the sky for a moment, the sun sinking into the horizon forming an ethereal twilight highlighted by the Paris skyline, the sun not to be seen again until morning. He entered the manor which was quiet. Eventually, he got to the guest room where he was staying, set the new book on the dresser, and collapsed on the nearby bed. The combination of a lack of sleep and lingering regret took over as exhaustion overwhelmed him. Minutes felt like hours as the seconds were ticking audibly from the clock on the wall. He slowly closed his eyes as it all suddenly went black for a moment until reality came back to him. He slowly opened his eyes and glanced toward the clock to see that it was now past midnight. He also noticed that he was still wearing his vest suit. "Better fix that," he thought, forcing himself to get up from the bed to get changed into clothes suitable for sleeping. He found his bag that had his clothes and changed. Although now he was hungry, he had not eaten dinner and he didn't want to go to bed with an empty stomach. Félix sneaked quietly out of the room, it was pretty dark so he took his phone flashlight to guide the way. Eventually, he reached the kitchen, hoping to find something. He saw the refrigerator close by and opened it quietly, the refrigerator should have something right? No. Félix raised his eyebrows in worry "What? Do these people just not eat?" he was concerned. The room was still dark, he started opening cabinets only to find random spices. "Mmm, I sure do love a plate of pepper and oregano." Félix sarcastically joked taking the bottles into his hands and pretending to shake them on a dish. Still searching for edible items to consume, he opened the one cabinet left to open and found a pile of snack chips. "It's not a meal, but this will do I guess." He proceeded to open the bag and started feasting. He was eating the chips just thinking about life and savoring the flavor until a voice spoke up. "Well, are you gonna share?" Barkk said making herself present. Félix was startled and jerked away from her at first, then started cracking up at himself for the overreaction. "Don't scare me like that please, I nearly choked." He asked, still chuckling a little. "Oh, sorry Félix," Barkk told him. Félix continued eating from the bag of chips as Barkk just stared at him and the bag with great intensity. "I was serious." Barkk reminded him tonelessly, looking at him and the bag. He handed Barkk a chip and she was delighted. "So do you just eat anything?" He asked the kwami. "Well not everything, but mostly yes! Especially if it has Peanut Butter, that's my fav!" Barkk replied giddily. "So you are like a real dog." Félix commented. Barkk shrugged. "I guess you could say that only I have: magical powers, can talk, and can float around! So I'm better than just a dog!" Barkk said flying from side to side around his head. "Well obviously." Félix noted. Suddenly light filled the room and Barkk hid away as fast as possible. "Félix?" A familiar voice said. He slowly looked to the side to see it was his cousin. "Oh, hey Adrien!" he said trying to act natural. "What are you doing up so late?" Adrien asked him. Félix looked down toward his midnight snack. "I could ask you the same question, although you can see why I'm here." He answered. Adrien noticed the bag of chips in Félix's hands. "Oh, you were eating too? I just thought you were talking to a friend over the phone." Félix started panicking on the inside but kept his undisturbed composure on the outside. "Oh yes! A friend back home in London." He said. Adrien acknowledged. "So you called your friend at 11:30 their time?" Adrien raised question as he grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. "Yes." Félix replied keeping it short. "Oh cool! I sometimes stay up late talking to my friends as well!" Adrien said happily. "It's nice to see you have friends as well." he added. "Well, why wouldn't I have friends?" Félix asked. There was a pause of awkward silence for a few seconds. "I'd rather not say." Adrien said to him, Félix knew what he was referring to but didn't let it be known. "Well, I'm heading back to bed, see you tomorrow, Félix." Adrien said rather hasty as he left the room. "Night, Adrien..." Félix sighed upset. Looking down, he noticed the bag of chips was empty now. It wasn't full, to begin with, but it was enough until morning. "Well, that's that." He thought as he put the bag into the waste bin. After doing a few extra things, he finally went to sleep for the night. A busy day in the books.

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