2. London

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The clouds were thick and heavy on this day, and there was no sunshine found anywhere on the streets of London. A teenage boy walked down the street alone on his way to school, he preferred to walk to school and would often take the time to formulate plans in his head. Why would he be formulating plans and what kind of plans? His name was Félix Fathom, and he knew he was not like everyone else, and not in a very good way either. He was a sentibeing, and he knew this for a few years now. It was all he could think about ever since he found out. He knew that a sentibeing could be commanded by another person like a slave at any time, and could be erased from existence with the snap of a finger at any moment. What could prevent all this was him having posession of the Peacock Miraculous, the miraculous that could make/control sentibeings, and with the miraculous in his posession, he would be safe from all this and live a somewhat normal life. But the person who had current possession of the Peacock miraculous was ShadowMoth, and Félix had suspicions of ShadowMoth being his own uncle, Gabriel Agreste. How he could take the miraculous from ShadowMoth was something Félix had been trying to plan out for a long time, but still had no clue how. While Félix was trying to think of a way to defeat ShadowMoth for the hundredth time in a day, another person walked up beside him. "Good Morning Félix!" Said a cheerful voice. "Um, morning Bridgette." Félix reluctantly said to her. Bridgette was a teenage girl the same age as Félix, she was always cheerful and ready to offer a helping hand, while Félix being the complete opposite, he was cold and hated nearly everyone. She was a classmate in nearly all of his classes and was a top student like he was. And she currently has a massive crush on him, he knew about that as it was very obvious, but he did not feel the same. He didn't even consider her as a friend, and rather thought Bridgette was annoying and clingy instead. "Walking to school again huh?" Bridgette said to him trying to make conversation. "I walk to school every day, it's really nothing new." Félix replied. "Do you find it interesting enough to bring it up?" After Félix responded, there was a sigh of defeat from Bridgette. "Oh, well than what would you like to talk about?" She asked him still trying to make conversation. "How about nothing?" Félix told her as they arrived at the school's front steps. "Bye Bridgette." and they began to part their ways for the moment. Bridgette meanwhile, still found him to be one of her friends and her crush, even though this was basically their daily conversations, she accepted him being like this. One of Bridgette's friends walked up beside her. "What do you even see in him?" Her friend asked. "He's so mean." Hearing that, Bridgette quickly responded, "I know he is a good person deep down, he just doesn't express his feelings and emotions enough." She told her friend. "Keep telling yourself that Bridgette, he isn't going to change." her friend commented. "It's only a matter of time before he says something that will really hurt you." Bridgette having the firm belief that Félix was a good person deep down, she didn't care what her friend had to say. "Whatever, I still have my observations of him" Bridgette told her with confidence. "Words have never hurt me anyway-" "yet." Her friend interrupted. The school bell rang before Bridgette could respond. "Well, we'll see about it, goodbye!" As she waved to her friend to go to class.

Meanwhile Félix was in Math class, he was writing down some equations when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. "Psst Félix" said the student behind him. "What?" He asked, annoyed that he had his flow interrupted. The student behind him answered. "Could you pass this note to Cynthia?" As the student handed a note to Félix. Félix reluctantly took the note and wondered what could be inside that was so urgent that it couldn't wait 15 more minutes until class was done. "Here Cynthia." As he tossed the note forward. The student in front of him accepted the note, she opened the note and got a little too excited when she had read it that she said "I'D LOVE TOO!!" a little too loud. "Quiet please" the teacher reminded her. "Sorry Sir!" As she settled back down into her chair and back to math. "Why did I get stuck between two people pursuing their romantic relationship in a math class??" Félix mumbled to himself. He was not very fond of things that had to do with love. He believed that there was more important things than love, and that he just didn't have time for things like dating. So he found romance to be quite useless to him. He was more focused on how he would get the Peacock miraculous anyway.

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