Chapter 5

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Safa's POV

I stop briefly as I make my way out of the company, to get my phone from my purse. It'd been on silent mode during the time I was in the building. I put it on vibrate mode as I continue walking out of the building towards the underground garage.

I think the interview went well.

My mind race over to my answer to the last question Mr. Trace had asked me during the interview.

I remember trying to recall what I'd heard the other candidates say. I mean, I know that would be considered "cheating" in the human sense of that word.

But I'm not your typical human.

And I had to reason, if he wanted me to tell him what makes me stand out from the other candidates, then I would have to know what the other candidates had said that marked their uniqueness, right? So, I told him what I believe any Santza female would say. Besides, none of the other candidates said this:

"I am very fast at meeting deadlines" - which, in my mind, means that I can teleport. "And I make things happen" - which, in my mind, means that I am telekinetic. Mr. Trace had seemed satisfied with my answer, because I remember he nodded after my response.

But his face showed no emotion though.

I push the memory out of my mind as I get to my car and begin scanning my missed calls. I roll my eyes in irritation as I notice that Ashton had tried to call me again. I decide to ignore him and decide to call Anna instead, when his call comes through. I sigh in annoyance and try to take some deep breaths before finally pushing the button to answer.

"Safiya. What's going on with you? I've been trying to reach you since yesterday."

I roll my eyes for the thousandth time that day as I try to make what I'm about to say make sense to him. Again.

But just as I am about to respond, a thought comes to mind. Safiya. I just realized that Ashton is the only person who calls me Safiya and not Safa. But Ian Trace had called me Safiya, too. I don't know but something about that realization seems familiar to me. Then I hear Ashton's voice again and I try to focus on what he is saying to me.

"Safiya. Are you there? Safiya."

Gosh, he needs to stop!

"Yes. I'm here, Ashton." I sigh as I move a strand of hair away from my face.

I need some tea.

"You know I am not always with my phone when I'm in the lake, Ashton. You know this. And yet, you decided to call me." I say in irritation, hoping that he would at least get it right this time and just respect what I do.

"Baby, I honestly don't understand why you really need to - you know what, we can talk about that at lunch. I was calling to move our lunch to 11:30 instead." As soon as his words are out, I check the time on my phone, putting my phone on bluetooth. I quickly connect the phone to my car as I begin to pull out of the garage.

"I guess I better be on my way now then. Good thing I am done with my interview."

"Oh, you did say you were having an interview today. Okay, I'll see you soon. Love you."

I close my eyes and open them briefly as I say the words I have never meant, "Love you, too."


Ian's POV

"You are staying for another week?" I ask my dad on the phone while on my way to grab some lunch. I don't plan on returning to the office for the rest of the day. I rake my left hand through my hair as I wait for my dad to answer. He seems to be enjoying this vacation too much. I don't blame him, though. The man is retired.

"Yes, son. Blame your mother. She has a hold on me." And then I laugh at the mention of my mother. He is always passing blame on her when I catch him in the act. From the other end of the line, I can hear my mom's happy voice.

"Dad. I'll take your excuses." I begin to say and then add, "let me talk to mom, please." I wait as he hands the phone over to her.

"How's my baby doing?" My mom's joyful voice floods the line. She's the only woman who manages to put a smile on my face.

"I'm doing great, mother. How are you enjoying Finland?"

I hear her sigh before responding, "Son, I don't wanna come back. That's for sure."

Then I laugh again, "So dad's right, you're the one keeping him there."

"Maybe" She says and then laughs.

"How's your day going?" She asks.

"Great. I did some interviews today and I would like your female intuition expertise, mom"

"Okay. I'm listening." She answers. That's one thing I appreciate about her. She is always listening. My dad listens, too, but he is more on the harsh side. Who would blame him? At least I know where some of my harshness comes from.

"So, three out of the seven candidates stand out to me. One male and two females. But, honestly, I've scratched out the male candidate because I want a female Personal Assistant."

"Okay. Any particular reason why?" She asks, and I can hear her munching on something. A smile forms on my face.

"Because you women have been gifted with intuition. And I'm going to take advantage of that." I say to her and she laughs.

"I knew you were smart right from the time I set my eyes on you, my son." She says and then asks, "So tell me about these two ladies. What are they like?"

"Well, Jennifer is a pretty and classy brunette. She's smart, too..." I finish telling her about Jennifer and then pause for it to register.

"Hn mm. And the other one?" She prompts and I sigh as a certain image comes to mind.


I close my eyes briefly and then begin telling her about Safiya.

"...and... she's beautiful."

"So, were you conducting interviews in search of a wife or in search of a Personal Assistant?" My mom asks. I am confused by her question and suddenly it dawns on me that I was probably describing Safiya's professional qualities to her but while also emphasizing her physical qualities.

I sigh again as I rake my left hand through my hair.

"Of course I need a Personal Assistant, mom." Then her next question stops me in my tracks.

"So, what makes one stand out from the other?"

I swallow a lump in my throat as I think for a moment before responding to her question.

"Safiya listens. She listens and gives a well-thought out response."

"Well, I think you know exactly who your Personal Assistant is going to be."

The conversation with my mom was refreshing. She always knows the exact words to use, what questions to ask me. Another smile forms on my face as I mentally make a note of telling Angela to call Safiya before 5pm tomorrow. 

A minute later, I am at the restaurant. 

And so I quickly park my Tesla Model S Plaid and make my way into the restaurant. As I scan the large indoor area, my heart skips a beat as my eyes rest on her. 

It only takes a minute before the identity dawns on me - the identity of the woman whose gaze now meets mine.

**NOTE** If you made it this far, thank you! The story continues :D Please don't forget to VOTE and LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK guys! <3 more chapters coming soon.

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