Chapter 11

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As I make my way out of work and head straight to my car in the underground garage, I can't help but wonder why my mom had tried to call me earlier. I had decided to send her a quick message that I'd call her later when I got off work.

As soon as I get in my car, I start it up and connect my phone to it by bluetooth before dialling her number. Sometimes I forget that my parents have been out of the country for almost a month now.

I pull out of the garage as her voice fills the space in my car.

"Safa, dear. How are you? I take it you are off work now?"

"Hi, mother -" I take a quick glance at the dashboard. 4:10pm.

"I'm fine. Yes I just got off work." I say to her as I pull to a stop at a Red light. I already know what she's about to ask. I sigh as I wait for it.

"Okay, good. And how's my future son-in-law, Ashton, doing?"

As soon as she asks that, I remember that I have to call Ashton back to tell him about my new job.

"He is fine, mother. We had lunch the day before yesterday. He is doing quite well these days." I say to her, unsure of even what I myself meant by that. I hope she doesn't ask me anything else about him.

"Okay, good." She says, and I draw in a slow breadth. I make a right turn to South Wabash street when her voice comes through again.

"Anyway, I was calling to let you know we will be leaving South Africa tonight. We should be back in Chicago tomorrow night if all goes as planned."

"If all goes as planned?"

I mentally search my mind as to what she might have meant by that. My parents have a way of making things happen, especially my mom. It's no surprise that they both have the telekinetic, teleportation, and time-stopping powers. But I'm glad they don't have to use it all the time. Truth be told, they really never have to use their powers.

My parents have earned their time on Earth.

"That's great, mother." I say weakly and add a smile to it.

"Not to you, I know." My mother says confidently. She can tell when I'm not genuine. And maybe that's how I inherited that part of me, I don't know. Santza creatures don't pass on their powers to their children.

"Well, I haven't seen you and father in a while so I guess I'm kind of expectant." I say dryly as I pull into my apartment complex.

"Does that count?" I ask her as I disconnect my phone from my car and hold it close to my right ear while fiddling with my keys for my apartment key.

Then I hear the resounding sound of laughter and I'm reminded that my mom has one of the strangest laughs ever.


I ask as I get into my apartment.

"Yes, my child."

"You do know you have one of the strangest laughs, right? It's a little creepy sometimes."

Then I wait as she responds.

"I know. I know. My child. There are a lot of things you are yet to find out. We'll see you soon. Stop by the house on Friday."

I roll my eyes at the thought of that. I'm not exactly keen on seeing them. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents. But what is a child to do when her parents arranged a man for her for a husband and she is to abide by that? How is that child to feel?

"I will. See you guys soon. Bye."

As soon as the call ends, I slump on my big couch. I remain there for a moment, contemplating on whether to call Ashton now and just get it over with or just get dinner and call him before I go to sleep.

Under the Lesser Light: A Friends To Lovers BWWM PARANORMAL-ROMANCE✓Where stories live. Discover now