Friendly compliments and new favours

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First edit: 07/07/22
Recent edit: 18/12/22

Y/n's POV

"Alright guys remember, we've been practising this for ages now so we got this! Also, don't forget to stay after school for the end of the championship, while we wait for it in the afternoon I have some fun things prepared as well as food for everyone!" The whole band cheers and claps at the announcement, "Also if someone is not able to make it tonight please let me know asap so that I can change things if necessary" I tell them.

"Wow look at you go, band captain," Robin says as she lightly hits me.

"Thanks, I can't believe this is one of the last things I'll do as the band captain for the school, is kind of nostalgic you know?" I ask her.

"Not really, but I do understand what you mean" She points out and I just laugh.

"Alright everyone let's take a break, the students should start arriving soon so make sure to get something to drink and go to the bathroom before starting," I tell them, everyone starts moving around and leaving.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back," Robin says and I nod at her taking a seat on the bench.

"So this is the tough life of the captain of the school band huh Harrington" I turn to look at the doors and see Eddie walking in.

"Wow, Eddie the banished going to a school event? I must be dreaming" I tell him laughing.

"Then you sure are because there's no way I'm attending this stupid pep rally," He says walking over to me and taking a seat on the bench.

"I guessed that much, what are you doing here then?" I ask him.

"Well I know that unlike me you do not have the luck to escape shit like this so I thought, I should be a good friend and keep you company until you have to deal with all the annoying ball game dudes," He says turning to look at me smiling and I chuckle at his comment.

"Well are you oh so kind, what would I do without you?" I sarcastically ask.

"I ask myself that question every day, I think you might have gone into the dark side" He replies playing along

"Yeah that's not even a possibility, I mean have you seen me?"

"Of course, I have which is exactly why I'm saying it could be a possibility, imagine this, one of those ball-headed morons would have probably asked you out, and next thing you know, boom! You're going to parties, and I don't know following your little boyfriend around" He says and I just shake my head.

"Yeah no way, just because I'm related to king Steve doesn't mean I'm anything like him" I point out. To most people's surprise, I am nothing like Steve, sure we have our similarities, but when it comes to personality we are nothing alike, there are only so many things we have in common, the two biggest ones being that we both like movies and babysitting.

"I know that, I'm not saying you could've gone to the dark side because of that, but because you're pretty" I immediately turn to look at Eddie surprised, my eyes wide open as I feel my cheeks warm up.

"What? You think I'm pretty?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says.


"Of course, you're the prettiest girl in this shit hole," he tells me smiling.

"I think I'll have to give that title to Nancy or Robin," I reply.

"No way, I don't put up listening to assholes talking about how much they like you or think you're hot and shit like that for you to look me in my face and say otherwise. You're beautiful, especially because you, unlike most people here, are a good person, take a compliment for once," He says chuckling, I make eye contact with him and chuckle as well.

The game of love (Eddie Munson x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now