Out Of Hiding

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I came out of the hiding place me and the other Forest Steves made after we were transported here by the Mysterious Being who turned out to be an Indigo Steve. I swung a bag over my shoulder just in case I needed it. I was very nervous about coming back out worried that that thing will come back and destroy me. I'm a Forest Steve. I know, shocking that I'm still alive isn't it? Well, I'm alive because I escaped the attack on the Desert Village but I lost all my friends. The thing killed all my friends. After escaping, I ran all the way here and hid in this area for over a year and a half. I was shocked I was able to hide myself for that long. But while escaping the Desert Village, the thing attacking hit me with lightning once and my left arm was very injured. When I made it here, I wrapped my arm up with a long vine I found as well as covering it with flowers to keep it in place and heal it faster. My arm was healed up by now but there was a pretty bad scar there as it really didn't heal properly. When I left the cave, I looked around cautiously. I gulped worried I might be destroyed by whatever that thing was. I walked around rubbing my hand against a few of the trees around the area. It was a bit hard to focus because my right eye was half blind from being burnt the time our village was destroyed by The Last Inferno who was gone now. I sighed. I began thinking back to the time we met Colle- A Red Steve elite who was the first to discover us- He was the first chromatic Steve to discover us and well, we were very close to him as friends and were curious about everything he knew about. Except, our village was destroyed a while back and we decided to move in with the Desert Steves sometime after. I shook the thought of the Desert Steve Kingdom being destroyed as well as our village. I was wanting to know if I could find Colle or Genesis. Although, I didn't know if they were even still here. I am hoping they are. I sighed and finally decided to leave the forest. I walked around for a while and then came up to the lake that was nearby but then I noticed something huge. I ran in front of the huge thing but when I did, I stared in shock at what it was. It looked like a ruined portal. It was. The portal was completely abandoned, it had vines dangling from it, rusted stone and of course wasn't intact. That's when I noticed something on the ground. I looked down and noticed a clock on the ground. I kneeled down and picked it up. There was a note on it. I read it and it said, "Anyone who finds this should be aware that this is not a regular clock. It's all that's left of me, and it's full of great power. It may appear to be a typical clock at first glance, but you will quickly discover that it contains far more power than you believe." I looked at the clock again in shock. It was ticking loudly. I sighed and lowered it. I decided to keep it with me for now. I looked back at the ruined portal. It towered above me making me feel small compared to it. Although, I knew Brimir could beat its size. I walked away from the portal back into the forest past the lake to try and find my way out of there. I was staring at the clock the entire time I was walking wondering who wrote the note and who left the clock there. I was also of course wondering what powers it contains. A breeze of wind brushed past me. I shivered. I felt so alone too. I had an immediate flashback to what happened back at the Desert Village. I collapsed to the ground starting to cry. I missed all the Desert Steves and my fellow Forest Steves. I also missed the other biome steves. I assumed that they were destroyed too if we were as well. I didn't want to think about it anymore so I shook it from my mind and continued to look around. My head hurt though. But then I saw something move out from the corner of my eye. I looked over. I ran over quickly to the place I saw it but it was now gone. I thought it was just my imagination. But before I could walk away, something hit me in the head from behind. I fell to the ground but I also saw something standing above me. I couldn't tell what it looked like though as I blacked out right before I could see what it looked like. I finally woke up. I was now in some dark area. After finally coming to my senses, I noticed I was tied up with rope. I tried to struggle out of it but it was too tight. I looked up and noticed I was in some dark room. I looked around and saw several things around me. Stuff like potions, swords and other tools. I shook and tried to break free again but the ropes were way too tight for me to break free. I tried to swallow my fear but I was still terrified. I looked around the room more looking for anything I could grab and break the ropes somehow but there was nothing close enough to me that I could grab. But then I heard a door open. I looked over and saw something enter the room and walked over to a work table in here. "What the heck?" I whispered so silently, I could barely hear my own voice. The thing seemed to be wearing a dark grey cloak, a red scarf around his neck and also seemed to have a mask on because I saw a strap that was around his head going over the cloak. It was also humming something while doing what it was doing over at the table. But then I heard it sing something about someone provoking him and him beating them up until they bled. What was he singing about? He continued to sing about killing someone and how he feels terrible after doing it. I tried again to break the ropes and get out of there because I was scared he would attack me. But before I could try again, I heard him sing, "You're going to die. I'm going to kill you." I gasped. But then he turned around and looked at me. Now I was absolutely terrified. I gulped. He was staring at me closely. I got full view of what he looked like now. He was wearing a mask. It covered up his whole face and I could only faintly see his eyes. He had grey gloves on, a green shirt underneath his cloak, blue pants and brown shoes. "I see that you're awake now." He said to me. I was terrified by him. "Who are you?" I asked. He first looked away then turned back to me saying, "ACE is my name." He says, "Also known as Radiation Steve." I gasped. I tried to break out of the ropes again. He stared at me and chuckled. "They're too tight for you to break free from." He says mocking me. I sighed giving up finally. "ACE, please let me go." I said, "Why did you even kidnap me?" He first stared at me for a long moment and then asked, "You're a Forest Steve aren't you?" "Yes. How did you know?" I asked. "What a shock. They all died over a year and a half ago. All the biome steves did. You're the last one." He said. I put my head down. So, I was the last one. "Maybe Genesis could bring us back." I said. But then ACE said, "You must have been hiding out for a long time. I'm sorry to say this but Genesis is dead." He said. I gasped. I teared up. I was hoping he was still alive. "How?" I asked my voice cracking. "Void Steve killed him. The same thing that destroyed all the biome steves. How did you escape?" He asked. "I was able to run away before he destroyed me but I saw the remaining forest steves get destroyed and saw the desert steves get destroyed." I said sadly. ACE put his head down. "You were lucky and you didn't see all the other things that happened here." He said. "What were you singing about?" I asked. He gasped but then changed the subject by saying, "Void Steve was killed though so you don't have to worry about him destroying you." I sighed and just dismissed the question I asked. "That's good. Can you please untie me now?" I asked. He sighed and grabbed a sword. I was scared he was going to murder me at first but then he cut the ropes. I stood up. "Why did you tie me up?" I asked. "Sorry about that. I wouldn't have tied you up but I didn't want you to leave from here." He said. "Why?" I asked. "So I could talk to you about something. I saw something in the mountains when I went to investigate. It was this dark cloaked creature with blue glowing eyes. I couldn't fully tell what he looked like though because it was so hard to figure it out. Other steves have reported seeing it too." He said. "Well, have any other steves figured it out yet?" I asked. "No." He said. "We've been trying to but no luck." He said running his hand across the table. "Well, is there any way to go and find it?" I asked. "Well, we could both head up to the mountain and try to find it." He said. I nodded wanting to as I was curious. "Okay." He says. I looked down at the table and saw a second red scarf similar to the one around ACE's neck. ACE probably saw me looking at it because he said, "That scarf belonged to my former best friend." I looked at him. "What happened to him?" I asked. He sighed. "Never mind. But you can wear it if you want." He says. I looked at it then decided to wear it. I wrapped the red scarf around my neck and tightened it so it wouldn't fall off. ACE packed some stuff and then we both set off for the mountain. Me and ACE didn't talk at all for a while as we were walking there. I rubbed the scar on my arm because it was a bit sore even after a while. I looked at the scarf ACE let me have. I wondered who was his best friend who had this before. I brushed it off though thinking if I asked him, he would get angry. "So, how exactly were you able to escape the Void?" I heard ACE ask. I looked at him. He was glaring at me wanting an answer. I sighed. "When the void began attacking the Desert Kingdom. I tried to get the other Forest Steves out of there but they were immediately destroyed before I could get them away. I was injured in the process but I was able to get out of the Desert Kingdom alive. I ran all the way to the forest where me and the other Forest Steves made a hideout and I was hidden there for a long time." I said. "That must've been hard to do. You're very brave." ACE says. "Not exactly. It was really only in that time." I said. ACE chuckled a bit. "You still seem brave for a Forest Steve. Especially a young one." He said. I was in fact a young Forest Steve. Before our first home was destroyed, I had just been created a week before it happened and I was one of the only survivors. ACE and I finally reached the mountain and we climbed up it. I was able to get up to the top easily because I could jump pretty high and run very fast. I helped ACE get back up after he almost fell. The mountain was cold and freezing. I shivered. It was very cold. I was okay with freezing weather but not too fond with it. I'm not a Winter Steve. ACE had a cloak on so he wasn't shivering as much as me. "You alright?" He asked me. "I'm fine. Just cold." I said. ACE reaches into his backpack and pulls out a jacket then put it on me. "Oh. Thanks." I said. "No problem." He says. I wasn't as cold anymore because of the jacket. Me and ACE looked around the area. Then I remembered something from earlier. I took out the clock I found earlier. It was still ticking. I was still wondering who left it there and what powers it had. I put it away not wanting to talk about it to ACE and continued looking around. I yawned. I tugged on the vines attached to my body a bit. I did that sometimes. I rubbed the burn on my cheek. That was what made me half blind. I wasn't focusing too much as I was lost in my thoughts. Then I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around but it was just ACE. "You alright Forest?" He asks. "I'm fine. Sorry, I just got lost in my thoughts." I said. ACE let go of my shoulder. "Haven't found anything just yet. Let's continue looking." He said. I nodded. We both looked for about ten minutes but still nothing. But then all of a sudden, I heard a scream. ACE gasped and ran over to me. We heard something behind some of the trees. It sounded like a fight was happening. But then, ACE gasped. He grabbed me and moved me away from the trees but then all of a sudden, a green steve was thrown out of the forest and ACE caught him in his arms.

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