Lives At Risk

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After we all were prepared, we all headed to the mountain. Once we made it to the top, we all looked around. "I think we should split up. Icemare could be anywhere." I said. "Okay. If anyone finds anything, call for the others." Maroon Leader says. We all agreed and split up. I was wanting to find ACE more than anything now. Knowing Icemare wanted to experiment on powerful steves, who knew what could happen to him? Plus, Aaron was worried too. ACE also seems to be the only one out of all of us to be able to even get close enough to attack Icemare. When I encountered Icemare yesterday when we went out to look for ACE, he did have some rips on his cloak and the acid on his hand could've confirmed that ACE was able to attack him. Soul Leader did tell me before how he tried to attack Icemare but couldn't get even close enough to even wound him. "I did try before but anytime I tried to attack or if my people tried to attack, he would push us back each time." He said before. We need to get ACE back. But that's when I heard something. I looked over and then saw two blue lights in the shadows underneath a set of trees. "Who's there?" I asked. But then it jumped out and I saw it was Icemare. He had a knife in hand and was ready to stab me. "Oh god!" I shouted. But then I heard someone shout, "Forest!" Then someone ran in front of me pushing me away and Icemare hit them instead. I heard someone yelp. When I looked up, I couldn't believe it. It was Cayden! He had been stabbed! I screamed. The others must've heard me because Kane then came running out from behind a tree. When he saw Cayden, he gasped. The others then arrived. "Cayden!" I shouted. Icemare ripped the knife out of his chest and Cayden collapsed to the ground. After he fell, I saw he had been pierced in the heart. I knew he wasn't going to live. "What have you done?" Kane says angrily. He throws a torch at Icemare's face. He screamed and staggered back. I rushed at Icemare and grabbed his shoulders pushing him to the ground. "Where is ACE?" I exclaimed. "I'll never tell you." Icemare says. Soul Leader came rushing at Icemare and grabbed him by the throat. "Tell us where he is." He said. Icemare could finally see again. "You expect me to tell you?" He said. Soul Leader stared at him dead in the face. But then, Icemare punched him in the face knocking him to the ground. I rushed at Icemare but he turned around just in time and grabbed me by the head. "I understand you're the last biome steve. But I think it might be time for your species to truly go extinct." He said. I gasped. But before he could attack me, Aaron grabbed him by the back of the throat and threw him into a tree. "You're not killing Forest!" He exclaimed. The others heard what he said. Icemare kicked Aaron away. Kane caught him before he tumbled off the mountain. I saw he was very upset about Cayden's death. I couldn't believe he had died. But then I saw Icemare throw a sword at Soul Leader. But before it hit him, Marion Leader jumped in front of him and the sword hit him instead. "No!" I shouted. Soul Leader kneeled down behind Maroon Leader. Thank god. He was still alive. It only hit him in the arm but he still needed medical attention. Icemare took off running but then he turned back to me. "Their lives are on your conscience, Forest!" He shouted at me. He turned back and ran off. I rushed to Maroon Leader. Kane dragged Cayden next to us as well. He had sadly died from the blood loss. Soul Leader held Maroon Leaders head up. I kneeled down in front of him. "What are we supposed to do now?" Kane asks. "We know how strong he is now. We just don't know how to stop him." Soul Leader said. "I need to go after him." I said. "What? He just tried to kill you Forest and Maroon Leader and he killed Cayden." Aaron said. "I know he almost killed me and I am aware of how strong he is. But we still don't know if ACE is still alive back there but if he is, we need to get him back." I said. I stood up. "Forest, you're the last of your species. If you die, you realize there's no bringing you back." I heard Aaron say. "I know." I turned back to face them, "But I'm willing to die saving you all and ACE." I said. I turned away and began walking off. I followed the footprints Icemare left behind in the snow. I knew the direction he ran. I was really wanting to kill him after what he did. After walking for a few minutes, I noticed something in the distance. I started running to get closer to it. Then I saw what it was. It was another abandoned temple. I saw the entrance of it and went inside it. It was definitely abandoned and looked to be decades years old. It was covered in snow, moss and many other things. I tugged on my vines in a bit of fear. I saw a staircase leading down somewhere. I walked down it trying not to trip on a step and fall down them again. I made it to the bottom of the staircase and then started hearing some voices. It was coming from a certain room. I walked over to where I heard it. I pressed my ear against the wall and started hearing voices on the other side. I then noticed a door. I entered and decided to hide behind a wall just in case. I peeked behind it but I couldn't believe who I saw. It was Icemare and ACE. ACE was tied to the wall and Icemare was standing over him. "You can't do this!" ACE shouted. I noticed ACE had ripped clothes, part of his mask was broken and he had a stab wound in his chest. I gasped when I saw that. "You're the radiation Steve and it sure will be fun experimenting on you." Icemare said. I gasped. I stared angrily. I finally couldn't take it. I jumped out from behind the wall despite not having any weapons. "Hey! You let him go now!" I shouted. Icemare turned around. ACE stared at me shocked. Icemare stared at me with a bit of amusement. "I see you decided to come here. But you won't be able to get your little friend back. You're weak and not strong at all." He said. "I don't care what you say." I said. I pawed at the ground with my foot and rushed at Icemare throwing him into a wall. I kneeled down in front of ACE. "Forest. Why did you come here?" He asked me. I didn't respond. I used a piece of glass on the ground and broke the rope that was keeping ACE tied to the wall. I helped him to his feet. "Thanks but Forest why did you come here? It's too dangerous." He said. "I wasn't going to let you die." I said. But then ACE gasped. I turned around and saw Icemare. He tried to jump at me but then acid hit his face. I knew ACE had thrown the acid. Icemare screamed and staggered back. ACE grabbed my arm and we both rushed out of there. "ACE! Stop!" I shouted. I pulled back on his arm and stopped him. "What is it?" He asked. I forced my arm away from him. "The others came with me. Kane, Cayden, Soul Leader, Aaron and the Maroon Leader. They all knew I wanted to find you so they decided to come with me. Cayden is dead though. Icemare killed him." I sighed, "They only wanted to help find you because I wanted to find you and so did Aaron." I said. ACE stared at me in shock. He sighed. "I guess you were at a pretty tough spot before. But why would you want to come save me?" He asked me. I looked at him in a bit of shock. "I couldn't let you die back there." I said. He sighed. "We need to stop Icemare." He said. "I know but what can we do about him now?" I asked. "We need to get the others and think of a real plan." He said. I showed him the clock I have. "This apparently can heal people and can stop time." I said. He looked at it closer himself. "Hmm. Interesting." He said. But before we could continue moving, something hit me in the back and grabbed me pulling me away. "Forest!" ACE shouted. I turned and saw Icemare. He had grabbed me. "Not all your lives will be saved ACE!" He shouted. I gasped. But then we teleported.

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