The Plan

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I was flung near a ravine. I almost fell into it but I grabbed hold of the broken rocks pulling myself back up. I looked down in the ravine and saw rushing water with sharp rocks and large logs in it. I looked back up and then noticed Icemare standing there. I stood back up. I looked around and noticed there was barely anything around us. The area we were in was a complete wasteland with nothing but broken rocks, dead plants and this massive ravine I was in front of. The ravine looked like miles long and it was very wide too so anybody could fall down it. Icemare was a lot more angrier than I've ever seen. He grabbed me by my shoulders and almost pushed me off the edge into the ravine but I kicked him in the stomach. He staggered back. I rushed at him and locked in battle with him. He punched me multiple times in the face leading me to bleed from my mouth. But then he unsheathed a dagger and started stabbing me in the hip and side of stomach. I winced multiple times and finally pushed him away. I had been stabbed multiple times and was bleeding rapidly. "Please stop." I said very weakly. Even though I wasn't, it felt like I was dying right there because I was so weak. But then I heard something. I looked over and saw Aaron running towards me with another Green Steve. Icemare also looked over as well. Aaron lunged at Icemare pushing him away. "Stand back Forest." The other Green Steve said. Aaron kicked Icemare away. "Who are you?" I asked the other Green Steve. "My name is just Green Steve but I am one of Sabre's old friends." He said. Since I knew who Sabre was now. I recognized the name and simply nodded. But then Icemare kicked Aaron to the ground. "Aaron! Hold on!" Green Steve shouted. Then he rushed at Icemare. He pushed Icemare away but then when he tried to shoot ice at Green Steve, it flew past him and hit me in the leg. I screamed and collapsed to the ground. The ice froze my ankle so I couldn't get back up as the ice was way too thick. Aaron noticed my distress and rushed to me. But then when I looked back over at Icemare and Green Steve. Icemare had pushed Green Steve closer to the ravine. I gasped. Aaron looked back and saw that too. "Green Steve! Hold on!" He exclaimed. But before he could even move, Icemare pushed Green Steve off the ledge and into the ravine. We both screamed, "No!" There was no way he could get out of there, the water is way too strong and there are many things in there that could prevent his escape. Aaron got up and rushed at Icemare but he teleported away. Aaron looked down into the ravine frantically looking for Green Steve. I saw Aaron dropped his sword so I used it to break the ice around my ankle. I got back up and looked down into the ravine. I didn't see Green Steve anywhere. "We need to get down there now!" Aaron exclaimed. "How? There's water everywhere down there and the currents are too strong." I said. "We need to try!" Aaron exclaimed at me. I sighed. We both jumped down the rocks down near the water. The water was too strong to get into so we obviously couldn't jump down into it. "I don't see any survival falling into that water." I said. Aaron put his hands on his hand shocked and full of emotion. I put my hand on his back. They must have been good friends as well so I could see why he is so upset. I understand that pain with losing someone you care about. I've dealt with my fair share anyway. We both headed back to the Maroon Kingdom. Kane, Cayden, Soul Leader and the Maroon Leader were already there waiting for our return. Aaron had already put a bandage around my stomach and leg to stop the bleeding of my hip and stomach. "Forest! Aaron! Where did you go?" Kane asks us. "It was really my fault. I sensed something and wanted to follow but then I saw ACE again. He's been taken." I said. "Yeah. Then we saw Forest near the ravine out in the dead field. We call it that. He was fighting Icemare and I brought one of my friends with me to find him but he..." Aaron trailed off putting his head down. I sighed. "Jeez. I'm so sorry Aaron." Kane says, "And Forest, I'm sorry for what happened to ACE." I knew Kane was becoming more fond of ACE but then Cayden said, "What do you mean? We've always been wanting to kill ACE!" "Oh you must stop! I realize what ACE has done and we will cross that bridge again when we find him." Kane says. I had a feeling they were going to question ACE more if we get him back. I was really wanting to save ACE but I don't know what to do. I mean, none of us did anyway. "So, now what do we do? If ACE has been taken then what do we do?" Kane asks. "I have no idea. I don't normally come up with a plan that fast especially since we haven't got much information on who the Icemare actually is." I said. "He has a point." Cayden says looking to Kane. He nods. The Maroon Leader thinks for a moment. "I think I know where we can get some info." He says. He lead us all to their library in the kingdom. We all looked through the books looking for anything that could give us any clues about Icemare. I knew that might not even be his actual name. That was a nickname the Maroon Steves made up of him but I guess that is his official name to us now. I then found a book that contained several different past enemies. Including the one who killed all the other biome steves. I shedded a tear remembering I am still the last one and there's no way to bring them all back without Genesis or Dream Steve. I looked through the book turning pages very fast. But then I finally found Icemare. He was in the book! But that's when I realized something. His name wasn't Icemare. In fact, he didn't actually have a name. He's... Not even a Steve anymore. The book said that he has the features of one which confuses others on who he truly is. It said he has powers like no other and his intentions to kill are obvious. He wants to kill everyone and... Hang on. It also said he wants to kill himself to end the pain of his form. He was once a regular Blue Steve but he was left to die by some other steves who hated him and he froze which lead him to become who he is now. It was now official. He was a Blue Steve but now he's not a Steve. When he was left to die, something must have happened to him which caused him to become whoever he is now. It scared me. I then realized that I found a book about him and called for the others. When we were all together, I showed them everything and they were all shocked. "So he was once a blue steve?" Aaron asks. "Yes. Somehow he isn't a Steve anymore though. He's some monster." I said. I realized that he is a monster on the outside wanting to kill everything but on the inside, I see his real self wanting to break free so bad and hates seeing himself kill people. That may not even be true plus we don't know who exactly he was before. "Does it have his weaknesses?" Kane asks. I looked through the page. "I don't see anything on here other than..." I trailed off after finding something. It says throwing fire or anything that is extremely hot at his face can distract him and will cause him extreme pain. Throwing the burning object anywhere else won't work. I guess that explains how he was able to hold the acid he got from ACE I'm assuming in his hand and then burned me. I looked at where the acid burned me. I was starting to miss ACE. I was very worried for him. "Maybe if we get ACE back, he could use his acid to burn him." I said. I looked back at the book and then noticed something else. He will take other steves with extreme power to use them for experiments? Hang on. That could explain why... Oh no! "Uh oh." I said. "What's wrong?" Cayden asks. "It says here he uses steves with extreme power for experiments." I said worriedly. "Oh no. That's not good. He could be using ACE for something." Soul Leader says. But then for some reason, I felt some wind. It was some strong wind. After a while it finally stopped. "Where did that wind come from?" Kane asks. "Did someone leave a window open?" Cayden asks. But then I looked down. The wind turned the pages of the book. Then I saw a clock picture. It was on the last page. I then remembered something. I looked at the clock that I got. "What's that clock there?" Kane asks. I put the clock on the book next to the picture. They were exactly the same. "Whoa." Aaron says. I picked up the clock. "So. Apparently this thing has powers. There was a note on it when I found it saying it had powers." I said. "Did you figure them out?" Soul Leader asked. "Well, it healed my wounds from what I have seen. I had hurt my arm and my leg and when I found Kane and Cayden, my wounds were healed up completely when they should've taken a long time. And it stops time as well." I said. "Dang. That could come in handy later." Kane says. "Oh. Forest I forgot to ask. Why do you have a bandage around your stomach and your hip?" Cayden asks. "I was stabbed multiple times earlier." I said. "Oh jeez." Soul Leader says. "So what's the plan?" Kane asks. "Like, we know his weaknesses and our goals currently." Cayden says. I slammed both my hands on the table to grab everyone's attention. "We go to the mountains and get ACE back then we kill Icemare. We better take some other things that can burn him until we get ACE back." I said. "Alright. But we need to hurry. If ACE is still there and Icemare wants to experiment on him, he might not come back alive. I'd rather not want to save him but I doubt we will stop Forest from wanting to save him." Cayden says. I first looked at him upset and then nodded sadly. I looked at the clock closely thinking maybe we could use it for something. Later on, we all were getting prepared. We were almost ready to go to the mountain to find ACE and get him back as well as defeat Icemare. We all decided to grab torches to throw at Icemare just in case he attacks us before we get ACE back. Well if he's still alive which is what I'm mostly worried about. I looked over and Aaron was sitting near the door with a sad look on his face. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked at me. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried." He says. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "I already knew Green Steve who died in the ravine and I also knew who ACE was before you. He was, well..." He trailed off. "What?" I asked. "He was my best friend before. He even saved me once before but one day, an explosion happened at the Green Kingdom and I thought he had been killed. I wasn't expecting he was still alive. That's why I'm worried. I don't want him getting hurt either." Aaron said. I knew he was a green Steve because Cayden and Kane told me that before but I understood why Aaron was so worried. They were friends which explains why ACE was so concerned for Aaron earlier. "We will find him. I know we will." I said. Aaron looked at me and nodded. I thought I saw him smile a bit.

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