Who Do I Trust?

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"What the." I said. ACE set the green steve down on the ground. The green Steve was wearing armor and had a green scarf around his neck similar to the one me and ACE were wearing. I looked up at the trees and saw something rush past them. "Who's there?" I exclaimed. No response. Then I saw something else rush past the trees. "Who's there?" I exclaimed much louder this time. ACE covered my mouth. "You'll end up like the other biome steves if you don't think twice about yelling like that." He said. I rolled my eyes. He took his hand off my mouth and kneeled down in front of the green Steve. He was very injured. He had blood dripping from a large and deep cut on his arm. He also had blood streaming down his face. I knew he had been injured badly. "What happened?" I asked. "Something's up here in this mountain. It was wearing a large brown cloak and it was also covering his face so I can't describe exactly what he looked like. He cut my arm open and also sliced open a part of my forehead." The green Steve said. I thought about how painful that had to have been. "But I did see what his hands looked like. They were dark blue so I thought it might have been a blue steve or something." The green Steve said. I gasped. Why would a blue steve do something like that? "Where did you see it?" I asked. "There was a ruined temple on the other side of those trees and then that thing came out of nowhere." The green Steve said. I stood back up. I looked on through the thick trees. They were blocking my view to see anything behind them. "It threw me out of the forest." The green Steve said. I took a step forward wondering if I should run to look for the thing. It could be what we were looking for earlier. "Forest, whatever you're thinking. You shouldn't do it." I heard ACE say. I looked at them both at first then I ran off to look for the temple. "Forest!" I heard ACE shout after me. I continued running. I thought I heard something as I was running but when I looked, there was nothing. I continued running to find the temple. After running for a while, I finally found the temple. I also realized I lost my scarf. I didn't care as I wanted to find the thing that attacked the Green Steve. I entered the temple. It was definitely in ruins and looked like it was hundreds of years old. I walked around the temple looking for any sign of the creature. But something I didn't notice was a staircase leading down somewhere below the ground. Before I could save myself, I fell down the stairs. I had landed face first so I was in some pain. I lifted my head shaking it. I stood back up realizing I fell into what seemed like an old dungeon. I wanted to forget my embarrassing fall so I shook it from my mind and began looking around the old dungeon. I rubbed my hand against the wall. I tugged on my vines a bit. I also pulled up my jacket over my shoulder after it almost fell off when falling down the stairs and running through the trees. I looked at the center of the dungeon realizing there was water in the center. I looked over at a part of the wall noticing all the water going into a barred up hole which I assumed were the sewers or something. I looked back down at where I was standing and noticed a hole in the middle of the water leading down somewhere. I heard my name being called. I assumed ACE and the Green Steve caught up with me. I was very curious now. I know I was so scared to come out of my hiding place but knowing Void Steve was gone and that I needed to find whoever harmed the green Steve, I wasn't as scared anymore. Instead of running up the stairs to find them, I jumped down the hole. I splashed into another large pool of water below leading into a much deeper version of the dungeon. Although it felt kind of nice to be splashed with water. It already felt nice to feel rain since I was covered in plants anyway. I swam over the edge and grabbed the side pulling myself up onto the surface out of the water. I shook my head shaking some of the water off. I looked through the cells and all of them didn't have anything in them. They all were empty. Thank goodness. But then I heard something. I looked behind me and noticed a shadow figure in the distance. "Hey! Who are you?" I shouted. But then it looked at me and shot lightning at me. I fell to the ground stunned from the attack. I hadn't been injured too bad I thought but I still was stunned. I shook my head bringing myself to. I looked up and saw the shadow figure was gone. I tried to get up but then I exclaimed and fell back down. My leg started hurting. When I looked at my leg, I noticed a bad injury around where my thigh was. I breathed out in pain trying to push through it but I was in so much pain. I sighed and forced myself to get up and push through the pain. I limped but I was back up at least. I looked around the lower part of the dungeon for the shadow I saw. I sighed thinking it might have been my imagination but then I thought I was stupid to think that. How could my imagination shoot lighting at me and injure me? I knew what I saw was real. But then for some reason, my head started hurting again out of nowhere and so did my stomach. I collapsed to the ground over the pain I was feeling. Then I heard someone shout my name. I looked over and noticed ACE and the Green Steve both fall down the water and into the deeper area below the dungeon. They both got out of the water. Then ACE noticed me. "Forest! Are you okay?" He asked running over to me. He kneeled down and helped me back up. "I'm fine." I said. "Okay. Okay. Forest, why did you run out like that?" ACE asks. "I wanted to look for that thing. I think I was just being stupid though." I said. "Well, I also found your scarf. Here." ACE says. He put the scarf back around my neck. "Hang on. Are you a forest Steve?" The green Steve then asked. "Yes. I'm the last one. I was able to survive the Void and I hid for a long time after escaping." I said. "Whoa. It's been over a year since we've seen a biome Steve." The green Steve says. It had been longer than that. I was hiding for a year and a half but I didn't want to say that. "What were you doing out in the mountains anyway?" I asked. ACE also looked at him in confusion wanting to know. "Well, I was tasked to come here. I'm a fighter and voyager anyway although I couldn't take on whatever that thing was alone. The names Aaron." The green Steve said. "Huh. I'm Forest Steve. Although I think you already know that and this is ACE." I said. "I'm guessing you two came out here as well to explore the mountain like me." Aaron said. "Yes but we were also looking for that thing anyway." I said. ACE nodded. "The thing that attacked me?" Aaron asked. "Probably. ACE, didn't you say that the thing you saw was wearing a dark cloak and had blue glowing eyes?" I asked. "Yes. But the thing that attacked Aaron could be something else but there is a chance they are the same." ACE said. I shrugged. "There has to be some way to find it." I said. "Aaron, you should probably come back with us. I have something that can help your injuries." ACE said. I nodded. "Alright." Aaron said. For some reason, he seemed pleased that he found us. We made it back to ACE's place where he was able to put something on Aaron's arm and forehead which was where his other injury was at to heal it. He also put something around my leg. I walked outside of ACE's place. I could walk and run again but I knew I had to be careful. But then I saw something in the distance. It had its back to me currently. "Hey! Who are you?" I shouted. It turned to me. But then it began running the other way. "Hey!" I began running after it, "Get back here!" It ran off farther into the forest. I stayed close behind to see where it was going. But then it stopped. I stopped too. It turned to me. I finally saw its face. It was a dark blue steve with light blue glowing eyes. "What are you doing?" I asked it. It just stared at me. But then I heard something. I looked over but didn't see anything but when I looked back, the blue Steve was gone. "Where did you go?" I exclaimed. I heard another noise. It sounded like a fight was happening on the other side of the forest. I began running off to find the noise. But then when I peered around the corner, I did see something that I was not expecting. There were two people fighting around the corner of where I was standing. I looked on in shock. But then I noticed something, the two were steves I have never seen before similar to ACE. Snow covered the ground around the bottom of the mountain which was where we were. The steves had red skin but they weren't red steves. It confused me a bit. Their skin was much darker red than a regular red steve. In fact, their color looked maroon. They seemed to be fighting as a practice technique because after they stopped fighting, they high fived. I didn't know what type of steve they were so I started backing away but then I stepped on a stick and it snapped. They both heard me because they looked over at where I was standing. "Who's there?" One of them asked. I froze. I got a look at their appearance for a moment. They both were wearing armor. They both were wearing armor and one even had a massive scar over his eye. I gulped. I knew they were going to come investigate so I tried to run but before I could get far, I was shot in the back and I fell to the ground. I then looked over and noticed something running off. Then I felt someone grab my foot and drag me somewhere else. After being dragged for about five moments, I was thrown somewhere. It was a very aggressive throw so of course it hurt. Then the two people I saw surrounded me staring down at me in shock and some confusion. I shook my head bringing myself to and then sat up. "What the heck are you?" One of the steves asked me. I looked at them both confused. "What am I? What are you two? I've never seen a chromatic Steve that color." I said. I was hoping I didn't offend them. They both looked pretty tough. "Well umm, we are the Maroon Steves." One of them said. I looked at him confused. I was right about their color but I never knew there was another color of the chromatic steves. "Can you tell us who and what you are?" The other Maroon Steve asked me. "I am Forest Steve." I said. "Forest Steve. That's why you looked familiar. But didn't they all die?" The scarred one asked. "I'm the last survivor. I'm guessing you guys read a book about us." I said. "No. We had a few scouts who watched the Biome Steves over the years. We never interfered with your lives especially after the other chromatic steves found you." He said. "Wait. You were the first chromatic steves to discover us? I thought it was Colle." I said. "No. You misunderstood us. Can you be a little more specific?" The other asked the scarred one. "Well, it's been years anyway since we've seen them." The scarred one said. "Whoa. Don't get into an argument." I said standing up and separating them from each other. "Okay sorry. But anyway, as I was saying. Colle was the first to discover you. We found out about you around the time he found you." One of them said. "Oh. That makes sense." I said, "But why were you fighting?" They both looked at each other. "It was just a practice fight. We fight to practice our skills and we can heal ourselves easily if an accident occurs." The scarred Maroon Steve says. "Yeah, because that always happens. Especially from you." The other says. "What? Oh come on! You gave me this scar anyway." The scarred one says. "No I didn't. Did the cut remove part of your memory? You got that scar from that thing in the forest." The other says. "Wait wait wait. What thing in the forest?" I asked. "The Icemare obviously." He said. "The Icemare?" I asked. "Yes. Or at least that's what we call him." He said, "We've been seeing him for the longest time in this forest. He lives up in the mountain from what we know." He pointed up at the mountain for demonstration. "While we don't know what he is or who he is. We call him the Icemare as he has been in this forest for the longest time and we've seen him the most times up in that mountain." He said. I looked at him shocked. "Yes. That is true. The Icemare has been hunting us. Nobody knows where they went." The scarred one says gesturing to the distance on the left. "Is that the way to your kingdom?" I asked. "Yes. We can show you if you want." The other says. "Okay but let me go get ACE and Aaron." I said beginning to turn away. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa." I heard one of them repeatedly say. I turned around and looked at him confused. "Did you just say ACE?" One of them asked. "Yes. Why?" I asked. "Oh god." The scarred one says putting his head down. "What's wrong?" I asked. "ACE is not allowed in our kingdom. He's lived out here in this forest for months now. He was once a green steve but after an explosion that everybody thought killed him, he turned into," he paused for some dramatic effect. "ACE!" He said dramatically. I rolled my eyes. The other face palmed. "Can you not be so dramatic about that?" He asked. "Hey! I'm just trying to show Forest." The scarred one said. "Anyway, Forest. ACE is dangerous and not exactly the best person you should be friends with." The other one said walking closer to me. The scarred Maroon Steve nodded sadly. "Why isn't he a good person?" I asked. "He was always trying to attack other people and just never was a very good person. He kidnaps people and normally those people disappear. I'm surprised you survived him." One of them said. The scarred one nodded. I turned towards the forest still wanting to go and get them but I turned back to the two Maroon Steves and sighed. "Alright." I said. "Come on." One of them said. I nodded and began following him. The other followed as well. "So, are you guys friends?" I asked. They both looked at each other and then at me. "Not exactly. We're just partners in these searches of the forest and the mountain." One of them said. "Oh. Is that why you argue?" I asked. The scarred Maroon Steve chuckled. "Yeah. I guess so." He said. I pulled my jacket up on my shoulder. But then I gasped realizing something. How was I able to run back there? Then I remembered something. I took out the clock I found earlier and looked at it closely. "What powers does this truly have?" I thought. I realized my leg didn't hurt anymore. It had healed that quickly. I was thinking that maybe the clock had healed my injuries somehow. I rolled my eyes thinking that was stupid to think and put away the clock. I turned to the Maroon Steves and they were looking at me confused. I think they saw me take out the clock. "What was that?" One of them asked. I didn't get to respond because the scarred one looked at him confused. "That was a clock you idiot." He said. "I know that! I was asking why do you have it?" The other said. I first looked at them both in a bit of annoyance after they argued a bit. "I found it near a lake that was near a large portal. I found it right near there." I said. "Ahh. That place. We found out about that place after Sabre left. We never saw the clock though." One of them said. I kept hearing the name Sabre. I first heard it from Aaron. He was gossiping about Sabre earlier while ACE was fixing up his wounds. "Who's Sabre?" I asked. I forgot to ask him earlier. "Sabre was the savior of this world. He was the one who released the darkness again but he did in fact stop it." The other said. "Of course he did." The scarred one said. The other looked at him angrily and turned back to me and continued, "He left this world after the fourth hero defeated The First Curse. It was all to remove the curse put upon this universe." He gestured to the sky. I knew what he was referring to. Even though I never left that area around that time, I knew that there was a curse spread across the universe. I saw many chains in the sky and it turned from blue to red. I was so scared when I saw it. When I saw it was gone, I still was scared about coming out of there so I hid for a bit longer. I didn't want to admit to them my fear of that so I just nodded. "So why do you have the clock?" The scarred one asked. I looked at him. "I don't know. I just found it and chose to take it with me." I said. "Okay. Interesting. So what does it do?" The other asks. "I have no idea. It right now just ticks." I said. "Hmm. Oh well. Maybe we can get the leader to look at it." The scarred one says. "Yeah." The other says. "Are we almost there?" I asked. "Yeah. Just up that hill." The scarred one says. We walked up the hill and made it to the kingdom. I saw a bunch of Maroon Steves down there and lots of them were wearing armor. I'm guessing these steves were warrior steves who prepare for battle all the time. After we began walking through the kingdom, I saw several of the Maroon Steves looking at me confused and in a bit of suspicion. I was very different compared to them. It scared me a bit. I think the scarred Maroon Steve noticed my scare because he said, "Don't worry about them. We'll explain everything to them later." I nodded. We then made it to the kingdom throne room. I saw a Maroon Steve sitting on the throne in there so I assumed he was the leader. The leader noticed the three of us. "Ahh. Welcome back you two. Who's your friend here?" He asks. "This is Forest Steve. He's the last biome Steve." The scarred one says. The other nodded. "Huh. We haven't seen a Biome Steve in over a year. Surprised there is one left." The leader says getting up. I put my head down starting to miss the other biome Steves again. "Where were you two anyway?" The leader asks the Maroon Steves who found me. "Sorry. We were out practicing our fighting skills." The scarred one says. "Kane, you always say that. We really were looking for that Soul Steve we've been seeing." The other says. So the scarred ones name is Kane. "What Soul Steve?" I asked. "We were looking for this strange Steve we call a Soul Steve because he seems to have soul parts all over his body and he wears a crown and the rest of his skin in black. We've been seeing him several times and we want to know who he is." Kane says. "You didn't tell me your names." I said. "Yeah. My real name is Kane and his name is Cayden." Kane says gesturing to the other Maroon Steve. I nodded. "Have you found any traces of Soul Steve?" The leader asks. Kane shakes his head. "No sign of him." He says. "Hmm. Didn't you say the most recent spotting was near the kingdom?" The leader asks. "Yeah but i have no idea where it went after." Kane said. "Were you ever keeping watch?" Cayden asked him. "Yeah obviously. Like you were ever as well." Kane said. Oh boy. Here they go again. They got in a short argument once again. The Maroon Leader got back up and seperated the two. "Break it up! Why do you always get into arguments? You've always been working together and yet you don't ever get along." He said. Both Kane and Cayden turned away from each other still angry at each other. They just can never get along. "Leader, we wanted you to look at something I found earlier." I said. "Okay, what is it?" He asks. I handed him the clock. He looked at it closely. "Hmm. It's a very old clock as I see. Where did you find it?" He asked me. "At a field near a lake and a huge portal." I said. "Oh. Well, maybe someone dropped it while exploring back there." He says. The Leader gave me back the clock. But then I heard a voice in my head, "Watch your back." I gasped. Then I turned around and saw a silhouette in the entrance. "Hey! Who are you?" I shouted. The thing then turns and ran off. I chased after it. I made sure I was using my power to run faster. We ran out of the kingdom in the chase then I got the chance to jump on the thing and pin it to the ground. "Stay down!" I exclaimed. "Get off me!" The person says. They kicked me off them. I looked back up. But then I gasped at what I saw. The person was how Kane described. It was the Soul Steve. It had black skin, soul parts all over his body and wore a crown on his head but another thing I noticed was white armor over his body with a soul part on his chest. He also had blue eyes. "What the heck were you doing?" He asked. "You're Soul Steve right?" I asked. "Yes. I am a Soul Steve. The Soul Leader." He said. "What were you doing?" I asked. "Trying to look for those Maroon Steves. They tried to attack me that one time and I wanted to get my revenge." He then said. I gasped. "What did they do to you?" I asked. "They always chase after me when I didn't do anything to them and they attacked me one time when they did." He said. Oh great. Now I don't know who to trust at all.

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