Important: All credits for the skins

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All skins on the cover are Below:

ACE is by SlimeHacker007

Aaron is based off the Tobias skin by ReadyCrafter

Kane is based off the Leader of the Crimson Royal Guard skin by SlimeHacker007

Soul Leader is based off the Soul Valley Leader skin by SlimeHacker007

The Icemare is by WitherCraft727

One day I may rewrite this book to make it a little better than it was. I didn't have too many ideas for it so I rushed it and accidentally missed a few topics from earlier on in the story. Besides, rewriting stories is always okay as sometimes you may want to fix up old stories from your past. Some writers get rejected sometimes and have to rewrite their stories to get theirs published. One day I may do the same. Have a good day/night guys! :)

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