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I had been burned before but never with acid. But compared to The Last Inferno, this was nothing. I heard my name be called again then when I looked over, I saw Kane rush past the tree. "Kane!" I exclaimed. He then rushed back around the tree and saw me. "Oh my goodness. There you are! Why did you run off?" He asked. "I saw the Icemare again. He did something to ACE!" I exclaimed. "Oh god. Are you okay? You're hurt." He said. I looked down at my chest and the burn was still there. It was much more exposed than my other burns as it was fresh. "Oh. It's nothing. I've dealt with worse." I said. Kane scoffed. "Seems like it." He said calling out my other burns. "I told the others to go back to the kingdom for the meantime and I came to find you. Plus, I knew you were wanting to find ACE big time." He turned away. What he was saying was true, I did want to find ACE and didn't want to leave the forest until he was found but now I'm worried the Icemare did something bad to him. "You better come back to the kingdom with us." Kane said. "No! Not until I know where ACE went." I snapped at him. "Forest, I know you want to know where he is. But it's getting late and Icemare could be anywhere out here. And there is a possible chance that ACE..." Kane trailed off. I didn't want to think about that. "He has to be alive." I said turning away from Kane. "Forest. I know you have dealt with your fair share and you want to get ACE back but we've seen what Icemare can do. He's way too strong. Plus, there's only two of us right now." Kane said. I fell silent. I still didn't want to leave. "Forest.  We have to go." He said. "No!" I exclaimed, "I'm not going to leave him. Not yet." I began running away from Kane. "Forest!" I heard him shout. Before I could pick up speed, he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. "First of all, you can't go by yourself. Secondly, I normally wouldn't want to help anyone like ACE but knowing your fear for him, I might as well." He said. He let go of my shoulder and walked in front of me. "Come on." He said. I sighed and followed him. We both headed up the mountain to try and find where Icemare is. "Dang. This place is freezing." Kane said. "You're telling me." I said. But right when we reached the top, there was a silhouette of someone. "Who's there?" Kane said. They didn't respond. But then the person rushed at me and pushed me to the ground almost pushing me off the mountain. I kicked the person and saw what they looked like. It had gray, red and black skin. It also had red glowing eyes too. Kane grabbed the thing to get it off me. I got back up but the thing scratched my arm. It grabbed my neck and tried to throw me off the mountain but Kane grabbed it and interfered by throwing it to the ground. But then, the thing grabbed Kane and punched him several times in the face. I wasn't wanting him to die either so I grabbed the thing and threw him off of Kane. While it was on the ground, I rushed to Kane. I helped him get back up. "How do we get that thing out of here?" He asked me. I looked back at it, it was just getting up. Then I turned my gaze towards the tree completely covered in snow and the edge of the mountain then I had an idea. I got up and rushed in front of the edge, I was also standing in front of the tree. "Forest! What are you doing?" I heard Kane ask. The thing was back up and noticed me there. It then rushed at me. I also heard Kane gasp. "Enough with this!" I screamed jumping out of the way. The thing then rushed past me and got snow in his face after hitting the tree then fell off the mountain by accident. I looked back at where it fell off. It screamed as it fell down the mountain. I walked to the edge of the mountain and looked down. Kane got up and also looked down at where the thing fell. "What was that?" He asked. "I have no idea. That was close though." I said. "Did you seriously dodge that guy? He was so fast!" Kane said shocked. The thing was unusually fast, almost faster than me. Somehow, I was able to dodge his attack even though he was moving as fast as a light. "I don't know. I knew I only had a few seconds to pick up speed but I was lucky." I said. "You were very quick there." He said. "Okay. What do we do now?" I asked. "Well, we either leave or we continue up through the mountain." Kane said. I thought for a moment. After that attack, I didn't want anything to happen to Kane. I was worried for ACE but that thing was very strong and almost killed us both. I didn't know where it came from though. "I don't know what to do." I said. "We better head back to the kingdom. I promise we will look for ACE tomorrow." Kane said putting his hand on my shoulder. I first hesitated but finally decided to go back to the kingdom. We both left the mountain and headed back to the kingdom to get some rest. I could barely sleep though. I kept thinking about ACE. I was so worried about him. I didn't want anything bad happening to him. I only got a few hours of sleep that night and woke up very early. The sun was just coming up so it was very early. I went outside and went over to the entrance. But then I started sensing something. Nothing like before though, it seemed like a different sense. I began walking off to find it. But as I was, I kept hearing some random voice in my head. I couldn't make out what they were saying though. I began walking away from the kingdom but then I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned and there was Soul Leader. "Forest. Where are you going?" He asked me. "I keep hearing some voice. I'm also just getting way too worried." I said. "Okay. We can go get the others and go find ACE now if you want to." He said. "No. I feel I have the need to go alone." I said. "Alone? There's no way we are letting you go alone!" Soul Leader said angrily. I slapped his hand so he would let go of my shoulder. "I'm sorry Soul Leader but I need to go." I said. I began running off. "Forest!" I heard him shout behind me. I didn't stop. After running for a while, I then noticed something in the distance. When I walked a bit closer, I made out who it was. It was ACE! "ACE!" I exclaimed. But then he shushed me. I was confused. I rushed towards him. "ACE where did you go?" I asked. "Sorry about that. I really just couldn't deal with being called a monster." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Because..." He trailed off. I looked at him confused. "I accidentally killed my friend." He said. I gasped. "Back a couple months ago, it was after I became who I am now. I had a friend who was an Orange Steve. The scarf you're wearing now was his. But after I saved him once, he started to provoke me and anytime I would ignore him. He would just call me a monster for no reason. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I beat him to death. Afterwards, I felt so guilty and hate being called a monster by anyone when they see my face. It's why I always wear this mask and goggles. I'm too paranoid." He said. I couldn't believe it. He turned away for a second. "I can't bear to see anyone i care about hurt. That counts for you Forest." He said. I sighed and touched his shoulder. "It's going to be okay ACE. I promise." I said. He looked at me and even though his mask was covering his mouth, I thought he was smiling. But then I heard something, I looked over but then I saw Icemare again. I gasped.  "ACE run!" I shouted. He looked over and saw him too. But before we could do anything else, Icemare rushed at ACE grabbing him by the jacket and then teleported him. "No!" I screamed. Icemare turned to me. "You can't save him now." He said. He then grabbed me and teleported me.

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