The Finale

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After we teleported, I fell into water. I quickly swam back up. I noticed the place I was in was familiar. It was the same temple I found before when me and ACE went to the mountain to explore.  There were two temples on the mountain and Icemare seemed to live in both of them. I looked up and noticed Icemare standing over me. I was still in the water. He then reached down and grabbed my arm yanking me out of the water. I was still hanging over the edge since he grabbed me and just lifted me up. But then he unsheathed a sword. "I think it is time for you to die." He said. But then all of a sudden, I heard another voice from Icemare say, "Kill Me." I gasped remembering that there was a blue steve inside Icemare trying to break free. I stared at him angrily and kicked him in the face before he could stab me. He stood back up and rushed back at me. I dodged and took out the clock. He noticed it and gasped. "Freeze or I'll freeze you." I said. He froze. He knew that I could stop time with this. I had a feeling he probably did since I was telling ACE about it before he grabbed me. "You found Time Steve's clock. The clock that made so powerful and how he sent Sabre back in time to save everybody." He then said. So that's who owned the clock. Time Steve. I don't know who he is but I'm assuming he was created after the other biome steves were killed. I held up the clock in a threatening way to try and scare him. He didn't seem to scared by it. But then Icemare ran at me and hit my arm causing me to lose the clock and it fell in the water. But before it fell down the hole and would've been lost forever, someone else jumped into the water and grabbed it. I gasped after realizing who it was. It was Soul Leader. He tossed me the clock and I caught it. He rushed to my side. "Stay away from him!" He shouted at Icemare. He rushed at him and knocked him down the hole in the water. We both jumped down after him. We then saw Icemare run down a staircase deeper into the dungeon. We followed him but when we made it down there. There was a huge lava chamber in the floor. I felt the heat of the lava making me scared and reminiscing back to The Last Inferno destroying the Forest Steve village. Icemare stood in front of us. But then Soul Leader went for Icemare. "Soul Leader!" I shouted. But then Icemare stabbed him in the chest with a dagger. "No!" I shouted. Soul Leader didn't make a sound. He just froze. Icemare ripped the sword out of his chest and threw him to the ground. I kneeled down in front of him. He was still alive. Thank goodness. Icemare began walking towards me and him holding his sword up but before he could attack, acid came flying at him and into his face. He screamed and staggered back but he caught himself before he fell into the lava. I looked back up and saw ACE with Kane and Aaron. Icemare then threw a sword at me. I gasped and dodged it before it hit me. ACE jumped down and tried to push Icemare into the lava but he was kicked away. I stood back up. Aaron grabbed Soul Leader and dragged him away so he wouldn't get any more hurt than he was. ACE got back up. Icemare chased us back into the room above the lava chamber. We all spread out around the area. But then, Icemare took out a bow and an arrow, loaded them and aimed it at me. I gasped. But before he shot, ACE jumped in front of me and it hit him instead. "No!" I shouted. I kneeled down. ACE had only been hit in the side but he still was injured. Aaron grabbed Icemare and made him drop the bow then he was kicked away. I got up too and rushed at Icemare. I then punched him back down the staircase into where the lava chamber was. I rushed down after him. He was back up. We both then locked in battle. I knew this was it. He had injured Maroon Leader, Soul Leader and ACE. I knew I had to kill him right here and now. But then I was punched in the head and he kicked me into the wall. My mind went crazy. I started seeing memories of when my old friends were still alive and my family. But the last one I had wasn't a memory. It showed Genesis and he then said, "Forest. Get up." I finally broke out of the trance and got myself back up then rushed at Icemare who wasn't expecting the attack because he thought he had knocked me out. He grabbed me by the head and smashed it against the wall but this somehow didn't deter me and I kicked him away from me. Icemare was shocked I didn't pass out from that. I looked at the lava chamber and then got an idea. I grabbed him by the cloak and threw him towards the lava chamber and he fell down it. He quickly grabbed the edge. I went over to the edge. Icemare was pleading for mercy and wanting me to pull him back up. I didn't want to as he had done way too much already. I kneeled down. "You've done way too much already Icemare. Plus, your old self is trapped. This is where I free him." I said. "No!" Icemare exclaimed. I didn't say anything else. I grabbed his hands and threw him down into the lava chamber. I knew that definitely killed him. I first looked around the area rather frantically and then collapsed to the ground. I was exhausted now. I saw the others surround me before I blacked out. When I did wake up, the others surrounded me. ACE, Kane, Aaron, Soul Leader and the Maroon Leader. "Forest. Are you okay?" ACE asked. "I'm fine." I said sitting up. ACE helped me sit up. "We found you near the lava chamber. What happened to you?" Maroon Leader asked me. "I defeated Icemare but I passed out after." I said. "So Icemare is gone?" Kane asks. "Yes." I said. I stood up and walked over to the wall. "Forest, are you okay?" I heard Aaron ask. "I'm fine. I just need to figure out what I'm going to do especially after Icemare is now gone." I said. "What are you going to do?" I heard Kane ask. I began thinking. I could stay here in the Maroon Kingdom with my friends or I could take on a journey down my own path but that would separate me from my friends. But then I realized, I could come back here anytime I wanted to. I sighed. "I think I need to take a journey down my own path for a while. I won't be gone forever though. I will come back eventually." I said. They all looked at each other. "Are you sure you want to do that?" ACE asked. "Yes. It's something I need to do anyway." I said. ACE sighed. "Okay. Whatever you need to do that will help you." He said. I sighed and walked over to hug ACE. "Thank you." I said. I let go after a moment. "Oh uh. Do you want this scarf back?" I asked him. "Actually, I want you to keep that. You're the closest friend I had ever since well..." He trailed off. I touched his shoulder. "There's something I want you to do ACE. I want you to try and be less paranoid about showing your face. You have people you can trust now." I said turning to the others. They all nodded. ACE first turned to them and sighed. "I'll try Forest. I promise." He said. I smiled. "You know ACE won't hurt anyone now guys. You trust him now right?" I asked. Kane chuckled. "Of course." He said. The others agreed too. I sighed. "I guess I better go now." I said. "Alright. Bye Forest." Kane says. I waved goodbye and then left. Not knowing where to go, I just walked aimlessly. I then decided to go look through the biome steves kingdoms and villages. I knew exactly where they were. I first went through my old village that was burned by the Last Inferno. I sighed sadly and started tearing up at the sight of it. It was all in ruins and barely anything was left. Thinking back to how me and a few other biome steves were left after it happened. The Last Inferno burned our entire village and I was lucky to have been one of the last alive. I shook my head bringing me out of those thoughts. I then headed to the Desert Kingdom. It was also mostly in ruins. I was here and I escaped the Void attack when Void Steve came around and attacked us all. I was the only survivor. After walking through the kingdom for a while, I left for the Winter Village. I knew a different route to it. I eventually made it there but right when I did, I saw something hit the ground on the other side of the village. I rushed over to it. But when I did, it had disappeared. Then I noticed something up in the distance. There was a glow coming from the cave that the Obsidian Citadel was at. I went over to it. Plus, I wanted to go see what it looked like now as well. But right when I made it, I saw someone there. I went down into the cave. "Was that you?" I asked the person. It was a Yellow Steve. He was wearing armor and had a sword on his back. "Yes. It was me." He said, "Your kind saved my friend Forest." I gasped. I knew exactly who it was. One of my kind did save his friend but didn't save him. How is he alive though? But then I noticed something, he wasn't alive. He was some form of spirit. "You'll be needed again one day Forest. Not immediately. But one day." He said.

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