The Main Problem

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"Forest!" I heard someone call. I looked up and then ACE ran up to me with Aaron. The spirit steve looked up too. "Oh. It's you." He said to ACE. Aaron looked at ACE confused. ACE helped me to my feet. The Soul Leader got up too. Then I saw Kane and Cayden run up. "Oh jeez." I said. "Forest! Where did you-" Kane stopped after noticing ACE and the Soul Steve. "Oh shoot! Not you!" Cayden says putting up his sword. Kane also did. They both were eyeing ACE. The Soul Leader was as well. I was wanting to defend ACE but I didn't know who was the bad guy and who were the good guys now. But before I could say anything, Kane jumped at ACE and almost stabbed him. I gasped. ACE then kicked him off. Kane screamed though. I looked at him and couldn't believe it. He had a very bad burn on his chest from where ACE kicked him off. I slowly turned to ACE in shock. He looked at me in some anger. He jumped to his feet. Aaron was watching in shock. But then I saw Soul Leader pawing at the ground with his foot. I gasped. He jumped at ACE but I jumped in front of him and I punched Soul Steve away. I hunched over panting from that punch. I hadn't used all that energy before with knocking someone as far as I could jump so I was tired. Cayden looked at me in shock. The Soul Leader got back up. But then he went for me. I gasped but then someone grabbed me from behind and threw me to the side. I looked back up and ACE was the one who threw me to the side but then Soul Leader grabbed ACE by the hood and pulled it down and also ripped off his goggles. ACE covered his face with his hands. "No! Don't look at me!" He exclaimed. "ACE?" I said. He covered his face from everyone else but showed me. I gasped. He had gray skin, acid all over his face and head and he had a large burn over his right eye and it was now red. "What happened to you?" I asked. He didn't answer. He just turned away covering his face from everyone else. I jumped back up. But then Soul Leader grabbed ACE by the throat which made him uncover his face to which everyone saw his face now. Everyone was just as shocked by his face. I rushed at Soul Leader and pushed him away from ACE pushing him to the ground. But then Soul Leader attacked back grabbing my vines and trying to rip them off but I kicked him away. I wasn't going to let him attack ACE. Soul Leader tried to rush at me but I grabbed his throat and threw him to the ground. I didn't know what was making me so strong. Soul Leader got back up but before he attacked me, ACE grabbed his head and pushed him away. ACE grabbed my shoulder and also gripped it tight so I wouldn't try to get away. I turned around and saw Kane was back up. He was about to go for ACE. I was guessing the two really hated ACE. I wanted to interfere but ACE held my shoulder tight. He wasn't wanting me to try to attack again. But before Kane could attack ACE, Aaron grabbed him and pushed him to the ground. Cayden went for Aaron but he also was knocked to the ground. I was so distracted with Aaron's fight with the two Maroon Steves that I didn't see Soul Leader back up and was about to go for ACE himself. I turned back in barely enough time and saw him punch ACE to the ground. "ACE!" I exclaimed. Soul Leader kicked ACE in the face. I wasn't going to let anything happen to him so I rushed at Soul Leader and pushed him away. But then I took out the clock. But when I did, everything froze. I looked around at everyone. They all were frozen in place. I looked at the clock and noticed it glowing. I pressed the button on top of it and then everything unfroze. That was nice to know I could do that. I turned around and saw ACE grab his goggles and put them back on as well as put up his hood. I was guessing he never wanted to show his face. I thought it looked fine but he was clearly worried. ACE looked at me again. "FOREST! WATCH OUT!" He screamed. I gasped and turned around. Soul Leader was there and then he punched me to the ground. But right when I got up, I felt something hit me in the back. It felt so cold! I definitely just got frost bite. I turned around and there was the thing that was from earlier. It still had its hood on and I couldn't see its face. "Hey!" I exclaimed. Some of us turned to look. The others kept fighting. It turned around and ran the other direction. I didn't bother to chase after it. It was clearly faster than me even though I'm the fastest biome Steve. "Okay enough!" I shouted. Everyone stopped. "What the heck was that?" I heard Soul Leader ask. "Something me, ACE and Aaron have been seeing. Kane and Cayden have also seen it, they call it the Icemare." I said. "The Icemare?" ACE asked turning to Kane and Cayden. "Yeah. That was the thing we saw. What did it just do to you Forest?" Kane asked. "Froze my back." I said. ACE walked over to me. "I can unfreeze that." He said. I allowed him too. He had radiation powers so he could melt it off. "There." He said after melting the ice. "Thanks." I said smiling. "Okay. So clearly you all want to kill me." ACE said to Kane, Cayden and Soul Leader. Aaron walked over to me and ACE. "What you did to our kingdom, nobody will ever forget." Kane said to ACE angrily. ACE scoffs. "Oh please. That was nothing." He said. "Nothing? Huh? You killed ten of our Maroon Steves!" Cayden exclaims. I gasped and looked at ACE. He put his hands over his goggles. Aaron was also looking at ACE in shock. "I'd rather you not say anything about that." ACE said to Cayden. "You aren't doing the same thing to Forest and that Green Steve." Kane said angrily. "And what did he do to you Soul Leader?" I asked. Soul Leader put his hand over his eye. "I don't care about any other life form other than myself and the other Soul Steves." He said. ACE was both angry and sad when I looked back at him. "I wasn't planning to do the same thing to them. I never was planning to do that same thing to anyone else." ACE said. "Oh please. You're not even a Chromatic Steve. You're a monster." Cayden said. ACE gasped but then he teleported away. "ACE!" I exclaimed. But he was already gone. "Great." Kane said. I looked at all three of them in anger. "How could you?" I said angrily. "He killed ten of our people Forest. You don't even know his history." Kane said. "Uhh. We don't either." Cayden said. Kane looked at him annoyed. "Did you really have to say that?" He asked. "Shush. Anyway, Forest, he attacked our kingdom months ago in the way he is now. He killed ten of our people and injured thirteen others. It's why all the Maroon Steves hate him. Everyone wants him to be killed so we can avenge our people who died." Cayden said. I looked at Aaron. He put his head down. "He really did all that?" I asked. "Yes." Kane said putting his head down. Aaron touched my shoulder. "We better go find him." He said. I didn't want ACE to get hurt even after what he did. He wants to protect me anyway. I nodded at Aaron. "We'll come with you." Cayden says. I was worried that the soon we find ACE, they will attack him. "Fine. But please don't attack him yet." I said. "Soul Leader, you coming too?" He sighed. "Might as well. I mean I have no where else to go right now. But don't think by the end of this, I'm not going to kill each and every one of you." He said. I didn't say anything else. We all left to go find ACE. We all made it to the forest. "ACE! Where are you?" I shouted. It was starting to get dark as well. I noticed Soul Leader was glowing so we could still see. "Where could he be?" Aaron asked. "I don't know." I said. Cayden walked closer to me. "You two seem kind of close. You and ACE." He said. "Well I mean, he does want to protect me." I said. We continued looking for ACE. I think Kane noticed my worried face because he chuckled and then said, "Feeling worried are we?" Cayden elbowed him and gave him a 'Quit it.' Look. "Yeah. You seem a bit worried." Aaron says to me. "I am." I said. "Is everything okay?" Cayden asks. "It's nothing. I don't want to talk about it." I said. Kane looked at Cayden confused but they all brushed it off and we kept walking. After about a couple minutes, I started sensing something. "Does anyone else sense that?" I asked. "Yeah. What is that?" Aaron asked. I looked down at the ground and noticed something. There was some acid on the ground. "He must have gone this way." I said pointing ahead of us. We began walking where I was pointing. "ACE!" Aaron shouted. "Where are you?" I shouted. I tugged on my scarf. I forgot I still had it around my neck. We all looked around for ACE. Soul Leader was still being our light as it was getting very dark out. I didn't want to leave the forest until ACE was found though. I didn't want anything happening to him. I continued to think about the consequences that might happen if ACE is taken back to the Maroon Kingdom so I thought we shouldn't. But then a loud noise deprived me from my thoughts. We all looked around. But then I saw something in the distance. It ran behind the tree. "Okay! That's it!" I exclaimed. I ran after it. "Forest!" I heard Cayden shout. I continued running. But then I saw something rush past me. "Icemare! I know you're there!" I exclaimed. But then I felt something hit me in the arm. I looked at my arm and noticed acid. I gasped. "ACE!" I shouted. No response. I tried to shout his name again but then something grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me to the ground. I looked up and gasped. Icemare was back and was looming over me. Some of his cloak was ripped and looked like he was in some fight. I gasped again. "Who were you shouting for?" He asked me. "What did you do to ACE?" I asked. "ACE?" He asks standing up, "Oh yeah! Him. Well, you don't need to worry about him." He laughed a bit. I gasped. "Where is ACE?" I asked angrily as I was standing back up. But then he revealed acid on his own hand. I gasped. "No." I said. "Forest!" I heard someone shout. Icemare looked back, looked at me but then he hit me in the chest with the hand he had the acid on burning me. I screamed but when I looked again, he was gone.

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