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Valentina was sitting with her aunt in the hospital crying. She had a rough 24 hours. She went to school like any normal day and she came back home to the worst thing in her life. Her mother on the floor with blood pouring from her head there was a message on the wall. HOW LONG DID YOU THINK YOU COULD HIDE? Which had scared her half to death she didn't understand what the message had meant or what her mother had done to deserve to die. And now she was terrified that they would come after her next.

She was in tears she rushed to call the police in hopes that she could save her mother. That she would not lose the women that had given birth to her and done so much. She got her mother's phone called her aunt and finally revealed the location of where they were. She thought that her aunt had known but as it turned out was proven wrong.

Alessia had known that someone was after her sister but she knew that Valentina was safe for now. But she knew that if she wanted to continue to keep her safe that meant that she had to get her back to her home."Baby, we have to go?"
"Where?" She couldn't just leave her mother just died they had to bury her. She felt like this she was abandoning her by just leaving. "My mother just died and now you're trying to tell me that we must leave."

"We're going to your birth country." She had to get her to Italy where she would be safer and have more protection. And fewer people would be out to kill her.

She looked at her aunt her eyebrows furrowed she was a little confused by what she meant. "I was born here"

"No, you weren't mia amore we have to get you to Italy." And she didn't have time to waste she had to get her out of the country.

"What aren't you telling me?" She was not getting on the plane without the truth. She already didn't want to go and this was just the icing on the cake. If she had to leave her mother behind without the proper burial that she deserved then she needed some form of the truth. And she needed it now. "I'm not leaving until you tell me"

Alessia hadn't wanted to tell her this but it looked like she had no choice. She was going to wait until they got to Italy when she could devise a plan to get the brothers to get along with each other but that didn't seem like it could happen at the moment. "Your mother has three sons she was married but she has an affair with your father and he also had 3 sons and all of them hated each other. Is that what you wanted to know."

"I don't like the lies." She didn't like being lied to she didn't like that her aunt was keeping things from her. She deserved to know. "I don't like secrets."

"I know but I also know that there will be a lot of them to come." She didn't want to feel her niece with the hope that she was walking into this perfect family. When it was far from it. And she wasn't going to be able, to be honest right a way. Because the plan that Alessia was thinking of required her niece to lie to her brothers. "I can't tell you everything right now but i just need you to trust me."

Damien Romano was in his office working on something his 5-year-old daughter sitting in her section with her mother hardly around she had the need to always be by her father. Not that she could blame her mother for her it, she knew that she was banned from Italy. And as much as Damien missed his wife he did try to see her whenever he could.  But he understood why his brother Valentino and Alyssa's husband Marco could agree on one thing. They didn't want Alessia here cause they both thought that she had something to do with Alyssa running away. Or they both thought that she knew where Alyssa had been hiding.

The phone rang he picked it up setting the papers down. He helped his nephews to make sure everything was alright with their parts in the Italian Mafia. Being the final vote cause the two could never get along. But he was happy that they could put their differences behind them when they occasionally had to work together. "This better be important." Despite that, he was the younger brother of the Romano brothers that didn't stop him from instilling fear in whoever he met.

They knew that their boss would want to know the location of where his wife was country wise at least. "Sir the Romano family Jet has left America."

"Where is it heading?" He hadn't seen his wife in a while he had gotten a call earlier saying that his wife had taken the Jet to another city in America which had confused him to say the least.
"Italy." He also knew that it was valuable so that the Mrs. Didn't try to make a surprise visit especially to find things that she didn't need to.

"Well it looks like my wife is coming home is she alone." That was the question was she just coming just to come. Trying to sneak back in without word getting to the Romano or Moretti families.

"No sir there is a girl with her she seems to be about 16." And he new that Damien would want to know this could it could possibly be his lost niece.

"Any records on her?" If she was 16 that was how old his broher's daughter would be around now.

"I can send you the footage and if I'm correct she's your brother's long-lost, daughter." That would explain why Alesisa was coming back because she had succeded in finding Valentina after all these years. "That would explain how Alessia is bringing her back to Italy it's where she should have always grown up."

"With my brother dead and the Moretti don lost in the wind things are tenser than usual." He knew that his Nephews was holding it down for the most part. It would be better if the two could get along longer than a few hours. Even when Valentino and Marco were feuding they still managed to get along.

"Should we prepare a car for the Mrs?" He wasn't sure if Damien wanted her to know that he knew she as back in town or not.

"Yes bring them here." He wasn't sure what was her endgame but he knew that he wanted to know what the plan was.

"Yes Sir." He understood that his boss wanted to be prepared.

"Thank you that will be all." He hung up taking a breath he was happy that his wife was coming home he hoped that they could finally put everything to rest and that this war that was going on between the two families could finally be put to rest.

Alessandra looked to her father she wanted to see her mom more than every once in awhile. "Is mom coming home?"

"Yes she is." He would wait to tell his sons and let his wife succeed in surprising them with her return. "But you know it's a long flight but she should be here by tomorrow morning."

His phone beeped alerting him that a guard at the front gate was contacting him. He pressed the button letting the guard speak.  'Elena is here'

'send her up.'

A few minutes later Elena walked into the office. She was not in the best mood but she had things that he needed to do.  "Your guards are starting to really get on my nerves. I should have them all killed" 

"And how well did that work for you the last time you wanted someone killed and took the measures to do it." He knew that she had a thing for keeping her hands clean and letting others do her dirty work. So no one ever knew that sh head anything to do with it.

She scoffed rolling her eyes when she wanted someone killed they were killed when she didn't; they weren't. "I never wanted your brother killed despite what anyone thinks. You know that."

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