Bonus Chapter#3

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Elena walked into her house carrying her shoes she shut the door quietly. "Hi sleeping beauty."

She looked over to see Damien and Grace waiting she just wanted to go to sleep. She should have figured the two would be waiting for her. "Yes."

"So much for no feelings." Damien knew she was not the same girl she had been when she walked out yesterday.

"She looks whipped." Grace just liked teasing her best friend no harm to that.

Damien knew she wasn't going to last long. "I give it a week you."

Grace shook her head she knew how stubborn her best friend she gave it a month at most. "Stubborn a month tops."

She could not stand the two of them right now. She just wanted to go to sleep. "Can you two stop placing bets on me it meant nothing I'm going to sleep."


The three were getting ready to go out Grace knocked on the door to her door. "Elena where are you we have to go."

"I don't feel good."

Grace opened the door walked in and saw Elena on the bathroom floor puking into the toilet.

"You've been off all week." She hadn't thought anything was really wrong but now she was starting to think her best friend might be pregnant.

"Shut up." She didn't want to hear what her best friend was going to say.

"Nope, I'm going to get you a pregnancy test." She needed to take one just in case she was.

"I don't need it." Elena wasn't pregnant there was no chance that she couldn't be.


"So did she take it." Damien knew they needed to find out if Elena was pregnant or not.

"You two can open the door you don't have to stand out there talking about me." If they wanted to come in she was just waiting on the results from the test.

Grace opened the door and the two walked into the bathroom. She knew with what had happened a few weeks ago there was more than a chance. "So?"

"I have to wait 5 minutes it been 2." She was very impatient she just wanted to know if she was pregnant or not.

"Maybe you just have a bug or something?" Grace knew that while she had assumed it was pregnancy there were other options.

"We both know that's doubtful." Elena wished she could say it wasn't but she knew it was a lie.


They stood in silence for the remaining time before the time went off. "You ready."

Elena flipped it upside down she knew she had no choice but to tell him now. "Pregnant. I'm pregnant. I have to tell him?"

Grace didn't care what anyone said if her best friend didn't want to say anything she didn't have to. "Elena you-"

"I have to tell him." She didn't want her baby to go through the same things she did it was only fair to give him the option. "I didn't have parents mine didn't want me if he wants this baby I want to give it the rightful choice of having both parents."

"Ok. "


Damien and Elena were sitting in a car outside of his brother's place he wanted to make sure that she was positive about this. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah i am." She knew that she had to do this he deserved to at least know.

"Go knock on the door."

She took a breath getting out of the car shutting the door and heading to the house. She paused for a moment before she knocked on the door soon Valentino came and opened the door. "Who- Mystery girl?"

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