Chapter One: Malaya

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"Would you like a scone to go with that?" Malaya spoke with a tight-lipped smile, grateful that it was the last order of her shift. The man answered positively, then went on about a few other things, before he was finally satisfied and turned around to find a table.

Malaya turned around as she wiped her forehead with her handkerchief and found herself sighing in relief. Her feet automatically took steps toward the stove and her hands worked to brew the tea that the man asked for. She plated the scone with the clotted cheese and jam, and called the man's name.

While the man enjoyed his tea and scone amongst other stragglers in the café, Malaya and her colleagues tidied up the kitchen and the counter. It was a less busy night but, as expected, Malaya was just as exhausted as she was yesterday. Perhaps if she asked her manager again tonight, he will finally let her work in the kitchen instead of the till.

After closing up and cleaning the café with the others, she decided that it was a good idea to ask again. So she walked to the back, passing the kitchen, and found him in his office the size of a closet. On the wall was a chart of their schedule. Numerous colored post-it notes with written reminders surrounded it. Below it was a cluttered table with a computer in the middle, where a middle-aged man's eyes were glued to.

Malaya cleared her throat and knocked on the wall softly. "Evening, Matt." The man turned his head to the side before spinning his office chair around to face the doorway. He grinned at her, showing his perfectly white teeth, his brown eyes giddy.

"Good evening, Maleigh-a. What can I do for you?" He straightened the collar of his black polo uniform and crossed his arms across his chest. Matt had been her boss since she started working at the café two years ago. He was the one who interviewed and hired everyone in this place. Yet he still couldn't say her name properly.

"Er, I was wondering if you've already decided about me working with the cook?" Malaya intertwined her fingers behind her and fidgeted with them. She gave him a polite smile, which didn't reach her eyes, in hopes of his favour.

"Yes," the manager's grin disappeared as he nodded and let his arms fall to his sides. He spun around to face the computer again, his back turned to Malaya. "I have decided that you will stay at the front to take orders and prepare drinks with Emily and Olivia."


He slightly turned in his chair, sitting sideways and still not facing Malaya. "You don't have previous kitchen experience, Maleigh-a. I can't just put Bob on the till while you take his place in the kitchen. As much as I believe you and the girls will be helpful in the kitchen," he paused and ran his hand through his coiffed, black hair, "The training, the image, the lost time, the quality of food. There's just so much at stake."

Malaya frowned both in confusion about what image and lost time he was saying, and about the comment he had about the girls being helpful in the kitchen. She put it aside and thought of how she might convince him. "I'm in baking school so I'll adjust well in the kitchen. The food quality will not be affected." She nodded at him, her hands gripping the strap of her crossbody bag. Her breathing gradually quickened. Even though she'd only started one semester ago, she's still learning plenty from her course and from her hobby. "As for Bob, he is teachable. I can train him and help him get used to working the counter."

Matt frowned and glanced at her. "And do you think he will be okay with that? I don't think so-"

"I think so. I've talked to him about it and he said he doesn't mind." She breathed deeply, her eyebrows slightly rising as she hoped to be given a chance.

"Are you trying to take over my job here?" He grunted angrily. He rose from his swivel chair and looked at her, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips sneered. "Am I not the one in charge of putting whoever wherever I please?"

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