Chapter 1

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It was on a hot summer day in mid-time July where the trees are green with just a smidge of brown on its leaves from the ongoing drought in the area and the grass, drying up severely, within its small thin length of just one inches tall.

To which, would cause many people in this kind of weather, including the groundskeepers, to wear thick shades of sunglasses and apply lots of sunscreen on their scorched skin.

But that didn't necessarily mean the blistering sun is going stop anyone from having a good rest of their day after all the hard work is payed off as 24 year old Mordecai and his best friend 23 year old Rigby begin to wrap up their objectives from their boss's orders to rake up some of the piles of leaves that had fallen down from the dying trees, affected by the heat.

That is, until Rigby decided to call it a day, early with a grumble.

"Ugh! This is so tiring! Mordecai, do you think we can take a break now and play some video games? My arms are killing me with all of these leaves in the way! I don't think that I can take much more of it, man. I swear, if I see one more leaf falls down, I'm gonna kick this pile to the curb!" Rigby complained with every fiber of exhaustion in his tone.

Which apparently, couldn't help but to make Mordecai laugh in response at his silly dramatization of expressing the word: laziness in his protest.

Although he didn't blame him either for wanting to call it quits, so soon.

Seeing how raking the leaves seems to be a total complete waste of time since there's not a lot of them falling from the trees to begin with.

But still, they needed to keep going if they want to get payed for the week. 

"Haha. Sure dude. Just give me a second to throw out these last few bunches of leaves into the bags. That way, all we have to do afterwards is to clean up the kitchen. And bam! We're officially done for the day." Mordecai said with enough enthusiasm to help encourage his friend to stay focused for a little while longer.

"Okay, then. I guess I can hold off on the break for another moment or so. But it's gonna cost you a couple of coffee drinks and some donuts if you want to see this guy work anymore, today." Rigby bargained with a classic 'you owe me big time attitude in his voice.

"Pfft. No problem dude, I can totally splurge on some drinks for you. As long as I have my best buddy help me out with the dishes too." Mordecai reminded him with a small chuckle.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Of course, I will. A deal is a deal." Rigby said, his eyes rolled while waving off the conversation with his hand in an agreement, knowing full well that he won't hear the end of it from Mordecai if he ditched out of their jobs, now.

After a few seconds of silence passed by, Rigby tried to make the rest of their work less boring by having a different conversation in mind.

"So, do you really think that the scholarship is going to get you into any good schools?" Rigby asked, referring to a particular art scholarship opportunity in town that will not only get a drafted work of art from the winning participant into a well-known gallery, but it will also allow Mordecai a really good college and a selective training program with some of the most famous artists in the United States.

"It should work, it has to. Otherwise, I can't really make it into the real world. Plus, I'll have a chance to meet up with lots of cool artists and be able to sell my very own collection of artwork on display. Then, at this point, people won't think that my art is lame and I'll have everything that I've ever wanted in life. And who knows, maybe in a couple of years or so, I'll even settle down in a nice place and finally quit this dumb job at the Park" Mordecai said with a small smile and endless possibilities in his mind without even realizing that his friend is reacting to this kind of dream in the opposite direction.

"That's really great man, I'm happy for you. But... if you gone. Then who's gonna help me retry for my high school diploma? Or play video games and drink coffee with me?" Rigby asked with his voice lowered and saddened in its tone.

Because although he's aware that sooner or later he'll have to let Mordecai live his life.

He still can't help but to feel that his heart is slowly sinking heavily towards the ground for no known reasons whatsoever.

Mordecai then looks over at his friend and sighs quietly while trying to make his friend feel better.

"Don't worry dude, I'll always have your back and find the time to hang out with you. I just need to figure out how to maneuver around my future job so that I can come visit you often." Mordecai said in reassurance, with a familiar unsureness in his voice as well.

Seeing how this was affecting Rigby a lot.

After all, they have been close friends since the near age of birth.

So, why wouldn't he get upset?

"I guess, but it just... wouldn't be the same without you around." Rigby said, lowering his head down as Mordecai attempts to reason with this a little more until all of a sudden, they were interrupted by their boss Benson, whose visibly veined reddened face was staring straight at them from his golf cart.

"Hey you two! Quit goofing around and get back to work! You still need to clean those dishes when you're done raking those leaves." Benson yelled out with a familiar volume of anger in his voice, that can easily warn many people, not to get on his nerves.

"Sorry Benson." Both Mordecai and Rigby said at the same time before watching their boss leave the area.

"Man, that guy is a real loner. He should really get himself a girlfriend so that he can stop wasting his time on a bunch of workers and get a real life for once." Rigby complained.

"Don't worry dude. We're about done with these, anyways. Come on, let's put the bags in the garbage dumpster and finish up with the dishes, inside." Mordecai said while stacking some of the bags together with his hands.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Rigby mumbled as the two wrapped up the rest of their jobs for the day before resting on the couch, playing Strong Johns for the night.

With both of them, unconsciously distracted in worrisome thoughts and wondered how this all might turn out for them if Mordecai did in fact win that scholarship.

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