Chapter 11

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The next morning came around as Rigby woke up first, with his eyes slowly peeking open.

As he turns his head over slightly to see that he was lying very near close to Mordecai, with their foreheads only inches away from each other.

Usually, he would panic about the whole thing and scoot away in fear that he might be invading personal space.

But instead, an inner gut feeling told him that Mordecai would have wanted him to stay close to him.


Why though?

When Mordecai doesn't even know half of what actually ruined his future in high school.

And it's because of me that he's still searching for an art college to begin with.

Rigby thought in a sigh, with his eyes lowered down, sadly.

And his face partially buried in his pillow.

Wishing that this sweetened friendship could last forever.

But it can't because sooner or later, he'll have to face the truth.

And the consequences that come with it.

Such as the possibility of losing the only bright hope he has left in his life.

Rigby at that point decided to lean forward to him, with his lip slightly bit in nervousness.

He wanted to see what it was like to be actually close to him.

To be near him without feeling afraid of the regret that he has been giving himself time and time again.

With their faces at nearly 1/2 inch away from each other.

Until suddenly!

He noticed that Mordecai was waking up and backed up a bit so that he wouldn't notice.

"Mm. Morning. How long were you up?" Mordecai mumbled, rubbing his eyes with a small yawn and a smile on his face.

"N...not but for just a few minutes." Rigby stumbled with a small blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Oh. I get it. You were having staring contest to see how long it took before I even realized that you were watching me the whole time." Mordecai teased.

"T-that's not it. I didn't want to wake you up and...." Rigby rambled on in embarrassment with his blush growing to a full reddened face.

"Pfft. I'm just kidding. Don't get too overworked about it." Mordecai said ruffling his hair, playfully.

"Ugh. Stop teasing me like that. It's really annoying." Rigby grumbled.

"Well it was too funny not to resist." Mordecai said before something else crossed both of their minds.

Maybe something more important at that moment like....

"Oh shoot! What time is it?!" Rigby asked, immediately jumping out of the sleeping bag.

While Mordecai checked for the hour on his phone and panicked in a familiar reaction.

"Ah crap! We're gonna to be late for work!" Mordecai yelled out, frantically.

"Well it's your fault for keeping us awake all night!" Rigby shouted back out in a panic as they shuffle through all of their stuff before hauling it into the trunk of the car.

Not longer later than that, they jump into the car and zoomed straight to the roads, speeding towards the Park.

Hoping to make it to the morning meeting.

Before their boss yells at them his favorite threat of the day.

You're fired.


When they finally got back to the park, they rushed over to a seemly on-going meeting that the group has on the porch steps of the house.

With Benson face irritated once he notice that they finally arrived but not necessarily as angry. 

As if it's nothing more than a routined annoyance that becomes inevitable no matter how much they mess up or avoid their jobs from being completed properly.

"....And...oh look. The slackers finally decided to show up here. Why am I not surprised?" Benson complained out loud while glaring at them right as the two take their seats near the others on the porch. 

"Anyways, let's wrap up this meeting so that I can give you guys the list of stuff you need to do for the day. Muscle man and High five ghost, I need you to mow the park lawn. Skips, do the kitchen pipes and park bathroom pipes. Make sure they are properly tightened so that we don't have any more leaks from the over-clogging problem that we seem to be having going. And Mordecai and Rigby, I will make things very simple for you today. You just clean the house and take out the main trash by the porch, that's all. But next time be here on time so that we can have a better team discussion on how to manage the park grounds." Benson instructed, with his face expressed in scorn.

"Thanks, Benson. Sorry for the inconvenience. We promise to be here next time." Mordecai spoke up for the both of them.

"I'm sure you will. Normally, I would yell at you guys constantly for being unprofessional about your excessive tardiness. But for some reason today, I just don't feel well enough to do that. So please remember to do your tasks and you can be done. Tomorrow, I'll have more planned out stuff to do for our upcoming events at the Park. If you guys need me, I'll be my office as usual." Benson said before walking away, with his dull face not making any expressions to indicate how he was feeling other than simply having the morning blues.

As the others scattered out to do their own work tasks.

Except for Mordecai and Rigby, who were both surprised, and at the same time, relieved that they weren't in a horrible predicament for being late, too many times.

"That... was weird." Rigby spoke up first, his eyes widened.

"Yeeah. Let's just call this our lucky day today. But still, shouldn't we be worried that he'll probably fire us for not showing up on time." Mordecai agreed in a similar expression.

"Nah. He's just gonna yell at us like he always does. Who knows, maybe a pretty lady broke his heart recently and he suddenly got all depressed or something. You know he's always been a sucker for the women in this town." Rigby joked sarcastically.

"Pfft. Quiet, or you're gonna get us both in trouble." Mordecai laughed while elbowing Rigby's arm.

"Haha. So. now you're scared of him? That's real funny. Coming from someone who never admits of being afraid." Rigby teased.

"Oh, you're asking for it." Mordecai said as the two roughly tickle each other.

As if they were kids all over again.

Who were always together to make the best days possible for one other.

"Hahaha." They both laughed on in their silliness until the two suddenly heard an angry voice from afar.

"Hey! Get back to work now or you're both fired! I don't want to have to repeat myself!" Benson yelled over to them at a scary distance away!

As if...he had been watching them.

Mordecai and Rigby then looked at each terrified and nodded their heads in agreement on one word.

"Run" both said before quickly dashing off to the house to jumpstart into their chores of the day.

With Benson watching the two immediately working and chuckled at how scared they actually were with his measly threat.

"Ha. Works every time." Benson said with his arms crossed in a satisfied expression.

Ironically as it turns out, he really did just got broken up with his girlfriend and needed a laugh to get through his day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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