Chapter 8

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When the two got there, they entered into a cafe called Proof Bakery, which was a small place filled with sweets and coffees.

That also happens to be selling some of the best cakes in town.

As Mordecai and Rigby walked up to the front register to order their food.

"Hi there. What can I get for you two?" The lady barista asked, politely.

"Two coffees and...." Rigby was going to say until he paused and turned to Mordecai for any ideas on what he wanted.

"Surprise me. I'm up for anything." Mordecai simply answered.

"Okay then. 2 triple chocolate cake slices as well, please." Rigby finished the order while the barista puts in the system.

"Alright. That'll be 17.50." The lady said as Rigby pulls out a 20 dollar bill and gives it to her to put in the register drawer.

After calculating it for change, she gave him $2.50 back before handing them two cake boxes and 2 standard sized coffees.

"Thank you. Have a good day." The lady said before waving goodbye at them as they head outside to the patio tables to eat them.

Once they sat down, the cake boxes were open and a whole glob of chocolate was literally melting off the top of the cake in seconds.

"Geez, dude. You weren't kidding about getting chocolate. And honestly, it's kind of funny how that just seems to be your only favorite flavor." Mordecai said with a chuckle.

"Chocolate cake is the best man." Rigby's said before digging into his piece of cake.

"Yeah, it is." Mordecai said while getting a couple of teaspoons in with his fork, so that he can savor it some and glances over to see Rigby doing just the opposite.

"Ah dude. You're such a mess. Didn't anybody teach you how to eat properly?" Mordecai asked, laughing at his friend devouring his piece of cake.

"Shut up. I'll eat how I want to eat." Rigby said, his mouth half full from the cake piece.

"Psh. Sometimes, I wonder how we are even friends in the first place." Mordecai joked.

"Stop talking!" Rigby yelled.

"Haha." Mordecai simply laughed until he sees that Rigby was getting too sloppy and frowns in annoyance.

"But seriously, Rigby. You need to slow down a bit, you're getting some of it on your cheek." Mordecai noted.

"No, I'm not." Rigby said in a very stubborn tone with his cheeks still half full of food.

"Ugh, here. Stop making a fuss for a second and hold still." Mordecai said as he leaned over from the table and used his thumb to get a chunk of cake off of his cheek.

Causing Rigby's face to immediately redden in blush from his hand gesture.

He can feel his heart beating very fast like a horse at race track.

"There. See that wasn't hard now was it?" Mordecai asked, shaking his head at his silliness before looking at him again and noticed his blushing, that apparently increased and turned into a complete red face tomato.

"Hey, are you alright? Your face is getting really warm." Mordecai asked, getting worried while checking his temperature from his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Y...yeah. I'm good." Rigby said before shooing his hand away as Mordecai, whose mind was on another subject, glanced over in another direction.

He was still thinking about Rigby's slurred words since the night of the party and the more that he wondered about the meaning behind it all, the more uneasy he was feeling.

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