Chapter 7

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After Mordecai and Rigby figured out where they wanted to go next, they decided to head to a nearby kart racing track to try out a few races or so with each other.

When they got there, the two had bought a couple of 15 minute worth of tickets before entering inside the lanes section and quickly jumped into different colored cars where Rigby got red kart while Mordecai got in a blue kart.

And since no one else was attending the area at the time, the amount of session time will only be just the two of them for a whooping total of 30 minutes all to themselves.

"Now Rigby are you sure that you can bring in you A game this time, or you just prepared for another losing streak." Mordecai teased with his tongue sticking out playfully.

"Says you. I'm the one who is going to beat you with this lucky kart. It's you who won't be able to stand a chance against me." Rigby said confidently, despite the fact that Mordecai usually wins at these things almost every time.

"I doubt it. But if you insist than let's wager on that statement. Whoever loses first, has to buy the winner sub sandwiches." Mordecai declared with the same determined facial expression as Rigby.

"Hm. Hm. you're so on." Rigby said with a familiar nodding sound as the two usually do when they would constantly compete over the little things.

"Hm. Hm. It's go time" Mordecai sounded back with his nod while they wait for the light to turn green until it was okay leave the safety starting lane.

And the second that the light had blinked green, their foots instantly punched at their gas pedals as the two zoomed off to race around in circles.

For the next 10 or so rounds, the two were having a blast while trying to find ways to distract one another so that they can keep each other from winning any of the finish lines hat they have passed.

Once the 30 minutes was coming towards an end, their carts slowly came to a final stop as they make their way to the used kart row and parked in a straight line.

When they got off their carts, they try to calculate the number of rounds that the each of them had assumed to have crossed first.

With the help of the operator, who couldn't care less about their antics.

To which it would have seem to be that Mordecai had once again won the bet by completing 3 more rounds worth to Rigby's pouty dismay.

"Oooooh! In your face!" Mordecai bragged on with his typical winner's move.

"Whatever man. Let's just go eat some sandwich already, I'm hungry anyways." Rigby grumbled while lightly pushing past Mordecai like an angry 10 year old who couldn't have their way.

"Haha. Sure" Mordecai laughed from his grouchiness as he and Rigby exit out of the area and drove on over to a sandwich shop that was just right across the street.


When they got there, Mordecai and Rigby then parked the golf cart and went inside the place,

Which was pretty packed but also surprisingly didn't have much of a line since most of the customers must have already ordered their food and was simply eating inside instead of taking it to-go.

"Hey Mordecai can you go ahead and wait in line for us? I have to wash all this sticky oil on my hands." Rigby said with a 'yuck' expression on his face, referring to the gasoline that was used to fuel up the karts.

"That's fine, I'll hold a spot for us." Mordecai said while Rigby went inside the restroom to rinse his hands off with lots of soap to get the smell out.

Which could have taken about 5 minutes since he was adamant about getting rid of all the oil.

But by the time that he had gotten back, he noticed quickly that Mordecai was out of the line with two wrapped up sandwiches in his hands.

"Huh?!" Rigby said, surprised that Mordecai had already paid for their sandwiches.

"Here. I got you a meatball sub. I figured it was your favorite." Mordecai with a small grin as he hands him the meatball and marinara sandwich while he unravels his pastrami cheese sandwich and starts eating some of it from the wrapper.

"Wait, why did you buy our sandwiches? I thought I lost." Rigby said, confused that Mordecai would suddenly offer to go outside of their bet losses.

To which even though out of his character, it was still a nice gesture that he normally doesn't show that often.

"You did. But...I still felt bad about how I acted earlier at the arcade and wanted to make it up to you. The last couple of days have been kind of crazy, you know. With the whole scholarship opportunity and the stressful work at the park. And I thought that we could both use a breather so I didn't want you to feel like that you always have to put your end of our silly bets, every time. Mordecai said rubbing his neck, nervously.

"Yeah, I hear you. But still, I should be the one buying something since I lost that race in the first place. How about I pay for some desserts at least when we're done with lunch." Rigby offered while they exit the shop and walk over to their golf cart to eat since the tables inside were so full.

"Sure. As long as you're cool with it." Mordecai said before sitting down on the drivers seat of the vehicle

"Oh yeah, totally. I think that the cafe up ahead on route 42 road should be a good spot to check out." Rigby said while getting on the passenger seat and ate some of his sandwich as well.

Leaving the two to having a nice, quiet relaxing moment before throwing away their wrappers in the trash and head on over to the highway up ahead of them to the cafe place.

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