Portugal - Maria Gancha

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Maria Gancha
(This Folklore character is mainly known in the north of Portugal.)

This lady was far from nice, something of a nightmare to some. She lurks in the depths of wells where she snatches unsuspecting children who got too close to the edge, dragging them down with her hooked hands into their cold demise. Some say she even hides in rivers and lakes if you are unfortunate...

Appearance-wise, she seems to be a relatively ordinary woman; Long wet hair that often covered most of her face, and a ragged and drenched dress. All seems normal for someone who lives in bodies of water, such as a well, until you take another look at her hands and you will see her unnatural hooked hands.
This is the general description of her appearance, but some would say she was an old lady with no hair or she even had devilish horns growing from her forehead, just to really get the point across that she was not your friend.

(I know I said I wouldn't choose 'human' monsters but the Maria Gancha myth is pretty cool in my opinion. Who wouldn't be scared of a well-dwelling woman with hooks for hands?)

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