Chapter 9

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I woke up and got ready for work. Getting into Mr Owolabi's office, he was there already. Papers scattered all over his desk. His clothes looked messy so does his hair. On his couch, a blanket was spread on it roughly. Wait did he sleep here last night? Good morning sir i said to him. Good morning mheerat. He noticed my gaze on the couch. Yes I slept here he said as if reading the thoughts in my head. Business associates called in yesterday that they would be scheduling a meeting by Wednesday so I had to get the documents ready. Plus a lot was left undone. So I stayed over night to complete it. He walked into the bathroom to take a shower while I got all the necessary documents that will be needed for later. He came back outside with a towel tied around his waist and one around his neck. His broad chest and biceps couldn't be unseen, his abs, his back, the way his muscles constricted according to every movement he made.

What a work of art

He walked in to his closet which I never knew there was a closet in his office. He came out later after some time fully dressed. Wow this guy surly knows how to prepare for things. I went back to my desk after I was done sorting out the files in his office.

It was break time, I went down stairs to have my meal. On my way to the cafeteria, nazee and leo stopped me. We become friends shortly after I started working here. Nazee and Leo works in the HR department. The moment I met them, it felt like we clicked. Having them as my friends is so amazing. Sup girly, how's today going? Nazee asked me. My day is going fine. How about you guys? Hope that strict manager of yours isn't troubling you guys.Huh are you kidding me? That guy is like a pest. If he doesn't trouble you in a day then he's possessed. I don't know how someone could be so obnoxious. He's a though case to handle leo said.

Sorry you guys. Just bare with him ok. Sure. So babe gist. How is it like working with the CEO. That guy is so cute. I can't keep my eyes away from him anytime I see him. How can someone be so handmade like that. Nazee kept on whining about how Mr Owolabi is handsome. She's not wrong tho. I've seen it myself. It feels normal working with him I said to her trying to hide my blush.

Babe we will be having a small hangout later tonight with the rest of our colleagues. We'd like for you to come Leo said. Hmmmmm well I don't have any plans for tonight and it's been a while since I hung out with friends so no problem. I'll go with you guys.great we'll come pick you up by 8pm. Alright I'll be ready by then. We had lunch then headed back to work. Since lunch time was over.

For the rest of the day, I worked on keeping tracks of our new product, all the departments and documents for each meeting. I got off work around 6pm. I made a light dinner since I might eat little at the hangout tonight. Noodles is my to go meal. Whenever I was in a rush or I don't feel like cooking something too serious, a quick 5mins noodle is the trick. I took a shower, and got dressed in a simple navy blue gown with silver jeweleries.

I heard a honk from outside. Nazee and Leo must be here. I took my bag exiting the building. Hey girl you look good Leo complimented me. Tnxs Leo. Oh my God nazee you look amazing. I couldn't hide my love for her outfit. A black floral gown with embellished crystals all over. How can I not admire such a dress.

We got to the location of the party. A fellow colleague of our's hameed was hosting it. We got into the house. I recognized some of our colleagues at work. He's got a nice home. Hameed approached us "hey guys welcome. Am glad you guys came. Enjoy the party. Thanks hameed we all said to him. We headed to the food table to get some snacks and drinks.

Varieties of small chops were all over the table. Samosa, spring roll, glazed donuts, peppered meat, cupcakes. There were so many options to choose from. Since I have a sweet tooth, I took one of each. I eat alot but it never shows so I don't have to worry about getting fat. The rest of the party went on with us dancing, playing games, singing and chatting.

"What a fun night. I should do this more often"

We thanked hameed for having us and drove back home. Leo dropped me off before nazee. Bye guys see you at work tomorrow. I got out of my dress, cleaned my makeup and landed on the bed. I took out my phone from my purse and went on social media. It's been a while since I posted something. So I posted some of the pictures i took at the party.


I spent the night at the office yesterday. I don't want to do that again today. So I made sure I got everything done before I left. After a long day at work, I relieved myself by making dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs for tonight. I got into my PJs and laid on bed. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I noticed earlier today how mheerat couldn't take her eyes off me when I came out of the shower. When I turned to look at her. Her face was flushed. She felt so shy she couldn't hold my gaze.

"Great! I got the expression I was hoping for from her"


I woke up feeling like getting my skin a treat. I wore something simple and headed to the spa. Getting there, the receptionist told me she made a double booking. She booked two clients one which is me at the same time. The other lady was in a rush so I allowed her to have hers first since I wasn't in a hurry.

By the time I was done with my session it was dark already. I walked up to my apartment. I noticed a figure in the dark. Who could be standing at the foot of my door in the dark as at this hour. Hello who's there show yourself I said to whoever was there. Mr owolabi walked into the light smiling. Oh my God you scared me sir. I thought it was some kind of hoodlum trying to rob from me. Hahahahaha his laugh made my heart beat faster. His laugh alone felt like music to my ears.

Come in sir I said to him unlocking my doors. What can I offer you? Tea, coffee, cocoa? Coffee will be nice.ok sir a cup of coffee coming right up.
Why do you always call me sir? Instead just call afeez. But sir.... Sorry I mean afeez it's not proper to call my boss by his name. Well it's only appropriate during work hours. Not like I like been called sir. But please call me afeez. Ok afeez. So what brings you here?

Well I am coming from one of our clients house. His wife invited me over for dinner. The house isn't far from here so I decided to drop by and see how you're doing. Thanks for checking up on me afeez I said to him handing over a cup of coffee to him. So afeez tell me about your journey becoming a fashion icon.

Well after highschool, I furthered my studies abroad. I studied about fashion. After my studies I came back to Nigeria. I decided to settle in the city of Lagos. I started small as an intern In a fashion industry. I also worked at a dinner so I could earn enough money to start up my own business. When I got enough money and experience, I started with a small company. With hard work and prayers I own the biggest fashion industry in the country today.

Wow am super motivated now by your story. Thanks for sharing it with me. We gisted for a while before afeez went back home. Good night afeez...

"Goodnight mheerat"

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