Chapter Twelve

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When Bucky returned to your room, you were alone.

You were staring blankly at a bare spot on the floor with no emotion expressed over your face, until Bucky came in and you smiled widely at him.

"Sorry, I couldn't find any nice food ... Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. Everything's just fine."

"What did the doctors say?"

"Actually, they said it was all good. They did what they need to do, so I can go home" you said, pushing yourself out of bed.


"Mhm. I can go home" you repeated.


"Can you, um, can you go wait in the car? I'll be out in a sec, I just need to use the bathroom real quick."

"I can wait?"

"No that's fine. I'll only be a minute."

You stepped over to Bucky and kissed his cheek. You paused in front of him, and he leant forward to kiss your lips.

You pulled away smiling, then turned to go to the bathroom.

Bucky left as you requested, to go wait in the car.

While you were in the bathroom, you had some visitors.

Clint and Natasha finally arrived. They entered your room just as you came out the bathroom.

"Oh, hey guys" you forced a smile.

"Oh y/n" Clint sighed with relief and ran over to hug you. "I'm so sorry I didn't pick up the phone. I got your voicemail and I came straight here. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it was nothing. I'm fine."


"Yeah. The doctors said I can go home."

"They did?" Natasha questioned.

"Mhm. They ran some tests. Nothing's wrong. I'm free to go."

"It didn't sound like nothing was wrong when you called us" Natasha said.

"It was really nothing. I was overreacting about a simple cough, but it's mostly gone now, so I don't need to stay."

"Okay... we can take you home then, I just need to check with Dr Bailey."

"Oh you don't need to do that."

"I'm just checking y/n. We'll be back in a minute, then we can go" Clint called as he walked out.

Natasha went with him.

Clint walked up to a doctor.

"Hi. I'm Clint Barton. I'm looking for Dr Bailey, she's my sister's doctor."

"I'm here" someone said behind them. They turned to face her. "Hi Clint."

"Hi Dr Bailey. I was hoping you could give me an update? I've just been to see her but she didn't really tell me much."

"Okay... could you come with me please? I'd prefer to speak somewhere private."

Clint and Natasha followed Dr Bailey to a small room. They sat down at the table. Dr Bailey left briefly, then returned again with Dr Shepard.

Everyone shook hands and all took seats around the table.

"So, what's going on? Is everything okay?" Clint asked.

He was worried. Natasha held his hand comfortingly under the table.

"When y/n came in this morning, we obviously helped her, then we ran some tests. They're routine tests we do for every cancer patient to check on their progress" Bailey explained.

"Okay. Y/n said everything is fine and she can go home, is that true?"

Dr Shepard sighed then opened his mouth to continue. "The tumour in y/n's lung has spread significantly. We can keep helping her through chemotherapy and monitoring at the hospital, but we believe it might no longer be effective."

"What are you saying?"

"Y/n has reached a fatal stage of cancer, and it is unlikely that she will make it through this."

"We're estimating a maximum of 30 days" Dr Bailey added. "But we can't be sure. It could be more or less than that. We're recommending she's admitted to this hospital so we can keep an eye on her and help her through this in any way possible."

"And of course we aim to help you as much as you need it too."

"We'll give you a minute alone."

The two doctors left them alone.

Natasha instantly leaned over and hugged Clint.
Tears were silently falling down his face. Natasha was trying to hold back her own.

"It's gonna be okay" she tried to convince him, though she was struggling to believe it herself.

"She's my baby sister, Nat. I can't lose her."

"I know."

Natasha wasn't sure how to comfort Clint, but she tried her best for the next few minutes. Then they went to find the doctors so that they could all go and talk to you.

They headed to your room and opened the door, but quickly saw it was empty.

"Where'd she go?" Bailey asked.

"Crap" Clint sighed.

"She's gone home" Nat clarified.

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