Dinner (3)

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Setting: Restaurant Parking Space

Driver: We're here sir.

Caesar closed the book that he was reading and proceeded to walk to the restaurant.

As he walked in, a lot of people noticed him.

(People Chattering)

Person 1: Isn't that the CEO of...

Person 2: Yeah, he's really handsome.. OMG. And I've heard he's smart and very rich too.

Person 3: Do you think he's married?

Person 4: No, he's still a bachelor. Imagine being his girlfriend. He must be the true prince charming.

Person 3: Should we introduce ourselves?

The girls squealed loudly as he passed by and elders talking about arranging their daughters to meet him.

Secretary Jay: As usual, you attract people too much.

Caesar: Hmmm. How annoying. (Annoyed by the looks of his eyes)

Caesar proceeded to walked to the front desk and noticed someone talking.

Man 1: Hey, look at that girl. She's beautiful. I wonder if we can bring her home tonight (pointing at Astrid)

Man 2: Boss, you can bring home any girl here tonight. I mean who wouldn't want to go home with Jake Taylor.

Man 1: I mean yeah, we could always pay her up once we're done. Let's introduce ourselves. (Perverted Smile)

Caesar let out a small sigh.

Waiter: sir, let me show you your table.

Caesar: No, let's wait for a while. (smiling)


Setting: Table where Cedrick, his sister and the Robredos are sitting.

Astrid: So how's your vacation so far here in New York?

Tricia: Its fun, we visited NYU and got the chance to see Taylor Swift.

Jill: We also tried lots of food.

Aika: And we went to shopping districts as well. We had a lot of fun taking photos.

Astrid: Yeah, I checked last night one of your instagram photos. Sorry for being a stalker but the photo where Maam Leni wanted to take a picture but said to hide the trash bin was hilarious. Good job Trish in hiding the bin. (Laughing)

Cedrick: Yeah and the grad photo where the four of you were present. Stunning.

Astrid: Hmmm. Are you referring to one or all of them? (Teasing his brother)

Cedrick: Of course, all of them!!!! (Defensive)

The table was filled with laughter until...

Man 1: Hello miss. I saw you from afar and couldn't resist to say hello. (Offering her hand to Astrid)

Astrid looked at the man and snobbed him. Continued to start a conversation with the Robredos.

Man 2: Hey, you rude bitch. Sir Jake is talking to you (Wanted to grab Astrid's hand)

Cedrick swiftly stopped the man's attempt.

Cedrick: Don't touch her. (Glaring)

Tricia: Love.. (Holding Cedricks other hand)

Man 1: Easy. We just want to introduce ourselves to the....

Astrid: Not interested (Cut off the man)

Man 1: You might change your mind though if you knew my name.

Astrid: Jake Taylor, son of the CEO of Taylor Enterprise, owning one of the largest fabric company in the states. A boy who fools around cause he thinks he can get away with everything using his father's money and name. As I said before, I'm not interested.

Jake: You're rude talking to a high class elite. Wait, looking closely I know you. You're Astrid, one of the outstanding lawyer of JP Morgan. And you must be Cedrick, the young CEO of Roche.

Cedrick: If you realize it by know, then buzz off. My sister and everyone else around here is not interested in accommodating you. (Stern voice, glaring at the two men)

Jake: Oh please, even though you talk high and mighty. Everything that both of you have achieved wasn't really yours from the start. It really is a gift to be a sibling of that guy. If it wasn't for him, you two would be......

Jake not noticing that Caesar already went behind him.

Caesar: What? Would be what??? (Emitting a dangerous aura while smiling)

Stunned by what he heard, jake backed off a bit and when he saw Caesar was there. He looked terrified.

Caesar: You should always finish your sentences Sir Jake.

Jake: Ahhhh.. Sir. I was just ...

Caesar reached out to Jake's ear and whispered.

Caesar: Careful.. One wrong word and I might send your head off flying to your father. (Smiling but emitting scary aura and gaze)


Writer's POV: 🫣🫣🫣 Scary Caesar

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