A Second What If

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3 years have passed - a lot of things happened. A lot of things were recovered but most of it was lost.

Caesar just returned to the Philippines after a business trip. Ready to see the one he loved the most. The only woman he could ever loved.

He went to a flower shop to buy the most expensive flowers.

Staff: Sir, this is very grand.

Caesar: Of course, only the best for my wife.

He smiled. He missed her. He missed her so much. He was away too long.

Going to the place he promised to meet her. He bought her favorite food.

Everything was ready. Set for the girl he loved and will always love.

His phone rang - it was notification for a reminder. An important one

--- Anniversary ---

He smiled.

Caesar: How dumb, why did I set this. How could I forget.







I could never forget.

He was ready to surprise her. Ready to see her again.

He went to the place where she was. He stood in front of her.

Caesar: Aika, darling, did you miss me? I'm sorry I was away for long.









I'm here now my love.









He smiled and said those words as he kneeled down to a grave stone, with the name.

Aika Robredo written on it.

Caesar: Happy Anniversary Darling.

He laid down the flowers and food she loved. He caressed the stone as if he was caressing the woman he longed for.

His tears fell down as he remembered 3 years ago as if it was yesterday.


Setting: Wedding Day

Caesar was standing beside the altar, waiting for her. Waiting for Aika to walk on the isle.

He was scared yet excited at the same time.

As soon as he saw her, his heart was full of joy. He cried seeing the woman she loved was now and can now be with him.

The ceremony went on - pledging a forever promise to be with each other. Kissing her as his new wife.

He was happy.





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