76: Day 7

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Setting: Groom's Room

Caesar was now wearing his tuxedo. As he looks at the mirror, he was thinking if Aika saw him like this. Would she love it? Would she compliment it?

But this wedding wasn't theirs to begin with. This wedding was something Caesar wished wouldn't exist.

Lucas: You look dashing Caesar, my son.

Lucas put his hands on Caesar's shoulder.

Lucas: But why is it that you look sad?

He looks at the mirror and forced Caesar's mouth to smile.

Lucas: Smile, because this will be the start of your suffering.

He left him. A few minutes later, Diana went in, dressed for the location. She wasn't happy either.

Diana: Caesar, run away.

But Caesar wasn't listening.

Diana: Caesar! Aika wouldn't love this.

But still he wasn't responding.

Diana: Caesar! What happened to you?

Caesar: Mother, stop. please

Diana: But how about Aika?

Caesar couldn't look at her and started to walk away.

Caesar: There is no us anymore, Mom. I'm sorry.


Setting: Airport in Europe

The Robredo's arrived on the airport along with David. He knew where the wedding was gonna be held. 

As they travel to the location, Aika was nervous.

David: Nervous?

Aika wasn't answering.

David knew she wouldn't talk anymore. He just looked out of the window, thinking of the things that could happen because at that moment he knew what would exactly happen to her and to Caesar.


Setting: Bride's Room

Aya was prepared. She was now wearing a gorgeous wedding gown. But despite the expensive dress, she wasn't happy wearing it.

Lucas came in and saw her frowning.

Lucas: Stop resisting and marry him.

Aya couldn't do a thing. She nodded. 

Lucas: Good.

Lucas left after he checked with Aya.

Just then, someone called her phone. A familiar man asking her.

Man: Ready?

Aya: Yeah, I am.


Setting: Church

The ceremony began.
Caesar was standing at the altar. Waiting for someone who he wished was Aika.

And as she walks down the isle, not a single tear of happiness shed on his eyes.

This was not the wedding he wanted. This was the person he didn't want to marry.

As Aya reached the altar, he holds her hand but not as the way he holds Aika.

It was loose. A hold that would eventually let go.


The ceremony started. And as they were to mention the vows, Caesar couldn't help but hesitate.

Priest: Do you, Caesar, take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?

Caesar: I ... I ....

But as soon as he was about to say "I do", someone from the crowd asked to stop the wedding. It was Aika.

Aika: Stop!

When Caesar heard her voice, he became afraid. Tears came running down from his eyes. He ran towards her as he looks at Lucas giving a nod to David. 

He knew something would happen.






And he knew this would kill him too, eventually.

And as he ran going to her.








A gunshot was heard.


3 years later - Europe - hotel

Caesar just came back from his business trip.

As he opens the door, someone was calling for him.

A little girl rushing towards him and hugging him tight.

Girl: Daddy! 

Caesar smiled. He carried the little girl and kissed her. 

Caesar: Did you miss me? 

The girl nodded.

Girl: Yes and so is mommy!

Caesar smiled as he heard those words. 

Caesar: Yeah, let's go meet mommy shall we?


Author's POV

Cliffhanger lang po sa almusal/midnight snack. :) I'll reserve my last PS on my last chapter. 

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